Disclaimer: Please, if I owned Harry Potter, do you honestly think I would be writing Fan Fiction?

Chapter 16—Epilogue

As we all can see, Lily Evans and James Potter had that happily ever after ending.

They got married soon after they left Hogwarts and three years later, they had Harry James Potter. A year in a half later, they were murdered by Lord Voldemort, leaving Harry an orphan and sent to live with his Muggle aunt and uncle.

However, what happened to Victoria, Remus, Sirius and Brigette?


Victoria Michaels married her seventh year boyfriend, Ryan Armstrong. She became a famous Quidditch player for the Tornadoes and later on, had twin girls named Violet and Melanie. Tragically, Death Eaters killed Victoria and Ryan Armstrong two years after the birth of their daughters. The twins were then sent to live in France with Victoria's younger sister, Natalia.

Sirius Black, as we all know, was wrongly accused of killing Peter Pettigrew and sent to life in Azkaban. However, he escaped thirteen years later to meet his godson and to kill Pettigrew.

Sirius was killed two years later, battling his cousin, Bellatrix Lestrange.

Remus Lupin never married and remained close to Harry Potter. He served as a spy for Dumbledore when he lived with other werewolves. It is not clear if he is currently dating Nymphadora Tonks.

Last but not least:

Brigette Cleremont never forgave Lily Evans for 'stealing' James Potter. Brigette never got over James either. She never married or had any children and lived in a tiny apartment in Muggle London—never returning to France.

The day the Potters were killed was the last time that anybody saw her alive. It is rumored that she performed the Avada Kedavra curse on herself.


Six friends. Six lives.

Five are gone forever.


Yes, yes, I know. I heard you guys. WE WANT A SEQUEL, WE WANT A SEQUEL, but sorry, there won't be a sequel. This is the best I could offer.

Hey, be lucky I even wrote this up! I was going to leave you guys hanging at that 'it isn't over yet Evans.' Luckily, I was merciful. Hehe.


P.S. I am on a temporary hiatus on 'Miss Cinderella,' but I will motivate myself to write it now!