Hello! Thank you for reading some or all of this story! I would like to thank my reviewers for their messages. I really appreciated it!

Now I feel like I should do some explaining…

Relationships are like flowers. You must care for them if they are to grow and bloom. Dia is Kurt's flower (besides his real flower garden). He tries to "water" this relationship until it finally blooms (and his real flower garden blooms at the same time). All flowers die at some point. Eventually the flowers wilt and so does the relationship. But some flowers show up again. You'll just have to see if this is also the case for Kurt and Dia's relationship. ;)

Kurt ends up passing his physical and emotional boundaries by passing the white archway (physical) and by telling his past to Kurt (emotional).

Kurt had strong feelings for Dia at the beginning, but Dia could care less. Throughout the story she struggles with her feelings. He was a "hated friend" she couldn't hate. As one hardcore Harvest Moon gamer I remember what the pastor said in Harvest Moon 64 (easily the best HM game to date). He said, "Love and hate are two similar feelings, but I could do without hatred." Does she love him? Is that love one for a best friend or a lover? I leave you those questions.

The note at the end was from one of the earlier chapters, if you don't remember.

Chapter 36 was an allegory for love. In some lyrics to an old song (which I can't remember the title right now x.x) it said that "love is a game of give and take." I consider the hydrological cycle is a demonstration of love between the sky and the earth (I little out there, no?). The sky takes the water, the sky gives the water, the earth receives the water, and the earth gives the water back to the sky. In a relationship, if one takes too much and gives too little, the relationship might fail. Lyla's and Parsley's relationship failed, Lyla gave too much, Parsley took and didn't give back.

And finally…A leaky roof is…what? That's right kids! It's a problem. Think of Dia and the mansion as the same. Both have problems (structurally for the mansion, and emotionally for Dia) and they cannot fix them on their own. Sometimes in our lives we are unable to solve our problems and we need someone to fix it for us. This "someone" is Kurt. We can try to fix people's problems, but ultimately it is what they decide to do or how much they can actually take. Kurt fixes the roof and Dia, but at the end, the roof leaked on Kurt signifying that the problem he just fixed resurfaces in both Dia and the mansion.

I hope that helped in any way. Oh, and I will write sequel, it just depends on when I will have time to do it. Currently I'm focusing my time on "Underlying Currents" and I do not plan to juggle two stories at once. I do hope you understand, but I think I will start the sequel as early as the beginning of next fall (not so early though, huh?). "Underlying Currents" will have 40 and up chapters and judging by the time it took me to write this story, I will not have "Underlying Currents" done before next fall or even winter. However, I may find plenty of time to start on the sequel in the summer. We'll see what happens.

And there's my long rant and I appreciate anyone who read a part of it.

Thus this story is finally…
