Hi everybody! This story is about what happens when the KH peoples go to the mall with ME! I just wrote this because I had a dream one night about this. Anyway the KH people in this fic will be Sora, Riku, Kairi, Cloud, Aerith, Sephiroth, Axel, and Ansem. Plus me! Don't worry, more KH people will be at the mall to, just in the next chapter and more!

Also I am to lazy to describe myself so look on my profile page. I am also writing this because I think about KH2 24/7 and if you want good sites about it just ask me. The Inc. I made up aren't real. Beware of bad grammar and OOCness! Also I forgot to mention everybody is wearing their Kingdom Hearts 2 outfits.

Plus I have to introduce a few people who will appear in later chapters

Sephy (Sephy Sei, me!)

Ashley (a friend from school)

Keisha (a friend from school)

Eve (person at my school who I HATE so much!)

Please R&R!

Mall Madness

Chapter 1

Chaos and Cat fights

The KH cast (ones I listed above) were all hanging out at Sora's house. Then we all heard a


Which was obviously the door bell so I went to get it because everyone there kept on starring at my Keyblade (just like the Kingdom Key only the whole handle is black, the blade is red with black lines spiraling around it, and the Mickey keychain is red). So a letter slid out from under the door and was just lying right in front of me. So I picked up the letter which was just a plain white envelope with the word WINNER in big red letters and I then walked over to the couch and sat next to Sora and he asked. "What is it Sephy?"

"What does it look like Sora?" I said to him then sighed "Well ya gonna open it or what!"

I exclaimed to him and thrust the letter in front of him. Then the whole KH cast gathered around Sora and me staring at the letter. Before Sora was about to open the letter Axel was jumping up and down crazily

"WHAT IS IT? WHAT IS IT?" Axel shouted with a hyper tone

Then I grabbed my Keyblade from the coffee table which everyone was previously starring at and yelled

"SHUT UP AXEL!" then I hit him on top of the head with my keyblade

"Ow" Axel said while rubbing his head and was then unconscious lying on the floor. So Sora opened the letter and read aloud

"Congrats Sora! You are the winner of our shopping spree for sending in the most limes! So you and all your friendsget to go to the mall and buy whatever you want so congrats!

From, FWINC" (Free Winners Inc.)

For a few seconds everyone was looking at the letter appalled and gapping until Sora shouted something which we were all familiar with

"Who wants ta go shopping!"

"ME ME ME ME!" all the girls and Sephiroth shouted (I didn't however)

While the girls and Sephiroth were talking about what they would get at the mall me, Axel, and Ansem were trying to tip-toe upstairs.

"You hate shopping Sephy?" Axel asked me appalled

"Yes, I'm a tomboy remember?"

I asked him while pointing to the hooded sweater I was wearing which had Aeropostale in red letters which was sort of silver mixed with white.

"Wow, I thought it was illegal for a girl to hate shopping" Ansem said

"No it's not. My mom just makes me okay!" I yelped

"Whatever" Ansem said as we were sitting on the top step

Then the three of us heard a familiar voice which sounded sort of displeased mixed with angry, but we knew it was only one person.



"Hey Kairi, do you know how rude it is to make people faint? Even if that person you made faint controls darkness, or have you turned over to darkness yourself?" I asked her slyly then was thinking 'Why did I say that?' to myself

"SHUT UP!" Kairi shrieked

Then everyone ran to the bottom of the stairs and stopped to look at me and Kairi cat-fighting at the bottom of them and once again, everyone starred.

"I HATE YOU!" I shouted to Kairi

"WELL I HATE YOU MORE!" Kairi shouted to me

"YOU GET HER SEPHY!" Sephiroth shouted at a random moment during the fight and everyone, including me and Kairi stopped fighting for a quick second to gape out mouths at him and did anime sweatdrops

"What?" Sephiroth said then the cat fighting continued

'Wow Sephy's a good fighter' Axel thought while he was sitting at the top of the stairs looking down at the cat fight

Once again after me and Kairi cat fighting rather violently for twenty minutes another person shouted at random, but this person was Aerith.


And everyone starred at her then me and Kairi who imediately stopped fighting with lots of bruises.

"Hey Kairi"

"Yah Sephy"

"When was the last time you trimmed your nails?" I asked her

"Two years ago. Why?"

"Because they're very sharp" I said annoyed

"I know, I lost my nail trimmers"

"Oh" I said

Then Sora interupted our conversation

"Can we PLEASE go to the mall now?" he said in a little kids voice

"We can go now Sora" Riku told him

"It's about time" Cloud said

"Yah but, one problem" I said to Riku

"What Sephy?" he asked me as Axel climbed down the stairs

"Whose car are we taking?" I asked him

"Don't you have a car?" he asked me sarcastically

"No, i'm only fourteen. I thought you knew that?" I told him

"I thought you were sixteen" Riku replied

"No I'm not Riku" I told him

Then Ansem somehow woke up and asked "What happened?"

"It's a LONG story" I told him

Then everyone looked at Riku and he finally said

"Fine, we'll take my car"

Then we all filed outside to Riku's car and of course, he sat in the driver's seat, Sora in the passenger's seat. In the row behind them sat Axel and Ansem by the windows with me in the middle, behind us were Cloud and Kairi with window seats and Aerith in the middle and sephiroth sat behind them.

In Riku's car

"Hey Riku" Sora said

"What is it now Sora?"

"Can I ask you something?"

"Sure, what is it?"

"Are we there yet?" Sora asked Riku


"Are we there yet?"


"Are we there yet?"


"Are we there yet?"




"D(beep) IT!"

"Hey! Watch your language Sora!" Kairi shouted while giving him an evil glare

"Sorry Kairi" Sora said while grinning sheepishly "B(beep)" Sora mumbled to himself

In the very back of Riku's car

Sephiroth was thinking to himself

'I wonder what I'll buy at the mall' while starring out the window 'maybe a new Barney the dinosaur waffle maker'

Now back to everyone else

"THERE IT IS!" Kairi shouted while pointing out her window to a GIANT Macy's store


"I DON'T WANNA DIE!" Ansem shouted

"You'll die if you don't SHUT UP!" Cloud shouted

In the Parking Lot

"Hey Sephy"

In the Parking Lot

"Yah Axel"

"Why didn't you scream in the car?"

"Because I didn't wanna look like an idiot in front of my friends"

"Oh. Wait! I'm your friend?" Axel asked questioningly

"Of course you are. You're the one who helped me find the element I control remember?"

"Yeah I remember"


I was a double agent in my black robe working for both sides of the resistance (the bad and the good, mainly the good). Me and Axel were in Castle Oblivion doing something in the library until Axel asked me something.

"Hey Sephy"

"Yeah" I said looking up at him while I was sitting

"I gotta ask you something"


"What element do you control?"

"What do you mean Axel?"

"You have to be able to control an element to be in the Organization"

"Oh yeah. I forgot!"

"So what is it?"

"I don't know what it is"

"Hey Sephy!"

"What now Axel? I'm trying to think!"

"I have an idea of how I can find your element"

"How Axel?"

"By throwing this at you" he said as he picked up a BIG leather chair

"Are you sure about this?"

"Of course I am. Ready?"

"Yeah" I stood up and backed about twelve feet from him

Then he threw the chair and I thrust my hands up at the chair as it was hurtling towards me and waves came out of my hand, like invisible waves and the chair froze in mid air. Not frozen with ice, but frozen in time.

"You can control time!"

"I guess so Axel" then I lowered my arms which lowered the chair down onto the floor

Back to the present

"Yeah that was so cool Sephy! Wait, why is your name Sephy?" Axel asked me

"Do you REALLY want to know Axel?" I said then gave him a serious look

"Uh...never mind"

"So what are you going to buy Sora?" Kairi asked Aerith while we were walking to the entrance

"I don't really know Kairi. Maybe a new outfit or somethin"

"Yah me to Aerith" Kairi said

So now me and the KH people have entered the mall. Gazing up at the HIGH ceiling and all the different shops.

What will happen at the mall? Find out in the next chapter Hypnotism. Plus in the next chapter you will meet the people I listed above before the beginning of this chapter. Also if you have any ideas for this story they are most certainly welcome. Please Review!