AN Sorry it took so long haha but happy summer to everybody!


"Umm Mya the thing about the wizarding world is, that often times… well a lot of the time people rank each other by heritage. You've got your Pureblood wizards, those are the wizards that have had families of wizards for centuries. Then you've got Halfblooded; they're the ones that have parents that are usually one a pureblood and the other a muggle. Then there are those people that come from non-wizarding families; you were one of them, up until recently when we found out you were adopted. Now a really horrible name for a witch or wizard coming from a muggle family is a Mudblood… It means dirty blood…" Now that he had to explain it to her, Draco felt even worse about how he had treated her.

"Oh… so what am I then?" Mya asked confused at this new information.

"You're a pureblood Mya, through and through, in fact you're about as pureblood as they come… you're even related to one of the founders, that in its own is incredible."

A comfortable silence fell between the two as Mya took in this new information. After a few minutes of silence Mya spoke, "I don't want to remember." She said simply.

"What?" Draco was confused, how could she not want to remember her childhood, her family, her life, who she was.

"It doesn't matter who I was, it matters who I am." She said simply as a single tear rolled down her cheek.

"Mya, who we were determines who we are…" Draco stated just as simply.

"Draco, I know enough to know that I don't want to remember that, I don't want to be that person, I want to be better then that person, I want to be me. I don't know but I have a feeling I never got a chance to be me back then, and I want that to change."

"But… what about your friends?" A nagging feeling left Draco to think that she would go back to Harry and Ron.

Mya still sitting on the hospital bed turned and looked at Draco, "I'm looking at him."

Draco smiled at this, "Well we'll have to figure some things out then. We're in our 7th year, which means that we're done school after this, which means we have to choose a career. Do you have any idea what you want to do?"

Mya contemplated for a moment, "I think I want to… I want to write. Write stories or articles, maybe for a newspaper."

Draco smiled again, "I knew it would have something to do with books." He laughed.

She smiled at his laugh, it wasn't rough but smooth and it sounded as if he didn't laugh much, " What do you want to do Drake?"

He smiled at the nickname, "I want to be a potions master, perhaps open a store. I guess like a magical chemist (AN in England that pharmacists are called chemists)."

She laughed, "You'd be good at that."

Draco smirked, "Yeah, I know." But the smirk soon turned into a smile; "Hey do you think they'll release you from here soon?"

"I hope so." Hermione said, "I've always hated hospitals."

Draco got up from his chair; "Well I'll go ask Madam Pomfrey, see if I can woo her into letting you free."

Hermione laughed once again, "You make it seem like I'm in prison."

"Well I'm betting the food tastes about the same in both places." Draco smirked and left to go find Madame Pomfrey.


Draco was going to go to Madame Pomfrey's office but at last minute turned and began walking down a long corridor. He continued walking until he came to a statue. A single word uttered from his lips and the statue moved displaying a staircase. He walked up the stairs until he came to a single door. Knocking once before entering he walked into an office decorated with thousands of books, pictures, and gadgets.

"Good evening Mr. Malfoy." Dumbledore looked up from the pile of paper sitting in front of him as he sat at his desk.

"She doesn't want to remember." He stated simply as he sat in the lush red chair in front of the desk.

"Understandable, what she's been told is not part of a life anyone would like to remember." Dumbledore explained with a knowing look in his eye.

"She's everything Professor." A simple sentence and what Draco had been feeling, thinking over the past months rushed out.

Dumbledore smiled, "Mr. Malfoy, we cannot help who we love, if we could perhaps we would choose not to love at all. I know you that you want what is best for her. But perhaps the best for her would be to choose the path she wants. If she does not want to be the person she was, that is her choice, but it is not necessarily permanent, she may choose at a later time that she wants to be who Hermione Granger was, not just Mya Blanche. But I think the best thing for her at this moment would be if you took her back to the Heads Dormitory and let her adapt to her new life."

Understanding coursed through Draco and he nodded, "Thank you Professor, I'll be back later." He turned to leave but turned back remembering something, "Professor, do you think you could get the elves to send up some of the Yule feast to our dorm, I've a feeling Mya won't want to attend the feast."

Dumbledore smiled and nodded and Draco turned, as he got to the door Dumbledore uttered four simple words that would change Draco's life forever, "She loves you too."

Draco stopped for a few seconds, then turned the door handle and opened the door, perhaps also opening a new door in his life.

Somewhere between happy, and total fucking wreck
Feet sometimes on solid ground, sometimes at the edge
To spend your waking moments, simply killing time
Is to give up on your hopes and dreams, to give up on your...

Life for you, (who we are) has been less than kind
So take a number, (who we are) stand in line
We've all been sorry, (who we are) we've all been hurt
But how we survive, (who we are) is what makes us who we are

An obvious disinterest, a barely managed smile
A deep nod in agreement, a status quo exile
I shirk my obligations, I miss all your deadlines
I excel at quitting early, and fucking up my life

Life for you, (who we are) has been less than kind
So take a number, (who we are) stand in line
We've all been sorry, (who we are) we've all been hurt
But how we survive, (who we are) is what makes us who we are

All smiles and sunshine, a perfect world on a perfect day
Everything always works out, I have never felt so fucking great
All smiles and sunshine, a perfect world on a perfect day
Everything always works out, I have never felt so great

(Life isn't like this)
(Life isn't like this)
(Life isn't like this)
(Life isn't like this)
(Life isn't like this) Life isn't like this
(Life isn't like this) Life isn't like this
(Life isn't like this) Are we verging on an answer,
or fucking up our...

Life for you, (who we are) has been less than kind
So take a number, (who we are) stand in line
We've all been sorry, (who we are) we've all been hurt
But how we survive, (who we are) is what makes us who we are

(Who we are)
It's what makes us who we are
(Who we are)
Makes us who we are
(Who we are)
It's what makes us who we are
(Who we are)


AN- Well I hope you liked it, I'm sorry it took so long, but better late then never. As you might have guessed I'm somewhat wrapping the story up. There will be one more chapter and you guessed it, of course there will be a sequel. But I'll need some ideas as to what to put in said sequel so feel free to email me some ideas.


The ever popular Mpingani