Disclaimer: I sadly own nothing, damn.

AN Okay well pretty self explanetory. Contains abuse and rape so read with caution. Yup thats about it. I hope you like my story ya da ya da ya da. Please Review, I need and ego boost lol.

Hermione laid on the bed, her father on top of her. She was slipping between the conscious and the unconscious, the only thing she could here were her father's groans as continued raping her. Pain surrounded her body as the darkness came over her. It happened every night, every night for the whole summer. The abuse started the first night she had gotten back from Hogwarts, to saw she was confused was an understatement, but after a week she realized that this was not going to stop soon.


"Dad? What are you doing in my room, and at 2:00 in the morning? Is something wrong? Is Mom okay?" Hermione asked her father as he walked towards her bedroom; the opening of her door had woken her up. It was then that she saw the look in his eye, it looked almost evil, and Hermione was about to scream when she felt a hand cover her mouth.

"Don't tell anybody sweetie or I'll kill you and your mother, I'm deadly seriously." Hermione's father whispered into her ear, all Hermione could do was nod in fear.

Every night from then on Hermione was raped and beat by her father. She had to pretend that she enjoyed it otherwise the beating would be twice as bad. His threat had stayed with her, she never told a single soul, she knew that he was telling the truth when he said that he would kill both her and her mother if she told anyone. Her father had changed into a monster and there was no going back.


Hermione woke at 7:00 in the morning to the beeping of her alarm o'clock. The events of the previous night came flooding back to her. She winced as she relived the previous nights beating. He had used his belt. Wearing a pair of pajama pants and a tank top Hermione limped into the bathroom that adjoined her bedroom and upon looking in the mirror she frowned. Large dark bags fell under her eyes, a large purple bruise covered her cheek, and her once shining honey eyes were now dull and lifeless. She caught sit of her back and tears sprouted in her eyes. Long red welts were evident on her shoulder blades and deep cuts were fresh, but no longer bleeding. Last night's beating had been the worst yet. Hermione stripped and climbed into the shower, she scrubbed at her skin until it was red, she continued scrubbing trying to get rid of that dirty feeling that had plagued her soul. She began washing her honey colored locks and the smell of fresh raspberries made its way to her nose. Hermione had loved the scent of raspberries, but now that scent just brought back horrible memories. After rinsing she quickly left the shower wrapping a large green towel around herself.

Walking back into her room Hermione couldn't help but feel she was being watched, she got that feeling often. She quickly grabbed a pair of boy cut jeans and a dark green t-shirt and walked back into the bathroom to change. Hermione put on her clothes and tied her long hair in a high ponytail leaving a few ringlets to fall and frame her face. After putting on some foundation to cover her bruise she applied mascara and some lip-gloss.

"This is… as good as it gets." Hermione said to herself still looking in the mirror. She walked over to her Hogwarts trunk that she had packed the previous night and drug it out of her bedroom, down the hall, and down a set of stairs and into the kitchen where her mother was sitting at the table eating breakfast. A single plate was set with bacon and eggs on the plate. Good, her father had already left for work.

"Hey sweetie, your Dad had to go to work but he said he loves you and he'll see you in June." Hermione's mother smiled looking up from her newspaper.

"Oh." Hermione was inwardly jumping for glee that she wouldn't have to see her father before leaving.

"I made your favorite breakfast." Her mother stated going back to her paper and breakfast.

"I see that, thank you." Hermione smiled, her and her mother had always got on well.

"Are you ready for your final year at Hogwarts?" Her mother asked while reading her paper. True, it was Hermione's 7th and final year at Hogwarts, and of course she had made Head Girl.

"Yeah I can't wait." Hermione said while moving the food on her plate around in circles with her fork. Lately she hadn't been eating much, it's no wonder why though. Over the summer Harry and Ron had not replied to any of her letters, in fact neither of them had even wrote to her at all. It was like she had slipped off the face of the earth and no one was bothering to find her.

"Okay sweetie we have to go to Kings Cross soon is all your stuff ready?" Hermione's mother smiled while getting up and rinsing off her dishes.

"Yeah." Hermione said in monotone while walking over to the sink and rinsing off her plate. The two women carried Hermione's luggage out to the car and made their way to Kings Cross Station.

"I'll see you in June Hermione. I love you, don't even forget that, your father, he loves you to, sometimes he has a strange way of showing it." Tears came to her mother's eyes, "I'm so sorry Mya! You should have told me, I would have helped. I swear if I…"

Hermione's mother knew about the beatings, "He's not at work is he." Hermione said tears coming to her eyes.

"The police arrested him this morning." Both women smiled, they were finally free.

"I'll see you in June, Mum, I love you!" Mother and daughter hugged and Hermione jogged towards platform 9 and 10 and walked right through to platform 9 ¾ she was finally going home to a place without her father's nightly beatings, but memories still plagued her mind.

Hermione walked onto the train and found and empty compartment. She didn't even bother looking for Harry and Ron; they obviously didn't care what happened to her, especially now that they had girlfriends. Sitting down in the compartment Hermione slipped on her headphones and began listening to one of her favorite songs.

He's drunk again, it's time to fight
She must have done something wrong tonight
The living room becomes a boxing ring
It's time to run when you see him
Clenching his hands
She's just a woman
Never Again

I hear her scream, from down the hall
Amazing she can even talk at all
She cries to me, Go back to bed
I'm terrified that she'll wind up
Dead in his hands, She's just a woman
Never Again

Been there before, but not like this
Seen it before, but not like this
Never before have I ever
Seen it this bad
She's just a woman
Never Again

Just tell the nurse, you slipped and fell
It starts to sting as it starts to swell
She looks at you, she wants the truth
It's right out there in the waiting room
With those hands
Lookin just as sweet as he can
Never Again

Seen it before, but not like this
Been there before, but not like this
Never before have I ever
Seen it this bad
She's just a woman
Never Again

Father's a name you haven't earned yet
You're just a child with a temper
Haven't you heard "Don't hit a lady"?
Kickin' your ass would be a pleasure

He's drunk again, it's time to fight
Same old shit, just on a different night
She grabs the gun, she's had enough
Tonight she'll find out how fucking
Tough is this man
Pulls the trigger as fast as she can
Never Again

Seen it before, but not like this
Been there before, but not like this
Never before have I ever
Seen it this bad
She's just a woman
Never Again

Hermione continued listening to her music and looking out her window until Malfoy popped his blonde head into her compartment.

"You, mudblood!" Hermione's head snapped in Malfoy's direction and she glared at him.

"What do you want Malfoy." She went back to looking out the window.

"Where's the rest of the Golden Trio?" Malfoy asked with a sneer on his face.

"How should I know?"

"What did the Golden Trio break up." Malfoy said in mock sympathy, Hermione just turned to glare at him, "Are you serious, the Golden Trio broke up, wow I guess wishes do really come true." Malfoy started laughing while Hermione just glared at him.

"What the hell do you want in here anyways?" Hermione asked obviously bored and still staring out the window.

"Oh that yes, McGonigall wanted a word with the Heads before we reached Hogsmeade." Malfoy smirked his trademark smirk.

"Whatever." Hermione then exited the compartment leaving a shocked and confused Malfoy behind, why hadn't she blown up on him, yelled at him for not telling her about the meeting, smacked him for calling her a mudblood? There was something different about Hermione and Malfoy was intent to find out what.

AN I'm not going to bed but reviews are always nice.