
Summary: (AU) Every vampire has a predestined mate. Even day walker vampires like Rin. Some predestined mates are easy to find, but some have to die for a loved one before they get to know who is theirs. This is a story about how love can change things in many ways. Sess/Rin, Inu/Kag, Mir/San OOC

Chapter 1

Dear Diary,

A friend told me that the easiest way to remember anything is to write it down in a journal or diary. So here I am, starting up a diary…feeling really stupid. Let me introduce myself. My name is Rin Yamaguchi. I'm tall and skinny with long black hair. My skin is really pale and I have sharp canine teeth. To say I'm not normal is an understatement. I'm a vampire and not one of those types of vampires one expects. Most vampires can't go out during the day, however, I can. Most vampires turn into bats or mist/fog. I turn into a wolf or into a shadow. Most vampires can't stand holy objects and places, but I can. I go to church every Sunday. I wasn't always a vampire. I became a vampire at the age of ten…how should I put this story…

100 years ago I was sitting happily with all my family members. They were all vampire slayers/hunters, sadly I didn't have the gene so I was somewhat of an outcast in my family. I mean, they were still nice to me, but I wasn't really close to anyone in my family. Anyways, one night, my family members were sharing their latest vampire hunting stories when the flames on the candles went out. It was completely dark for at least a minute or two. Then the candles were re-lit and my family was dead and a vampire was looking at me curiously. I was brought up to hate vampires, so I started to hit him. He soon was able to stop me and I just stared at him. He wasn't like what I expected of a vampire. He had long white hair, golden eyes, pointed ears, markings on his face, and arms. He was gorgeous and looked like he was a twenty-five year old human. Anyway, back to the story. Once we finished staring at each other I noticed another vampire had walked in.

"What are we going to do with her?" The vampire that walked in asked. "She doesn't have the vampire hunter gene and we can't leave her alive. She'll tell everyone about us."

The gorgeous vampire looked to the vampire then back at me. "She won't be able to tell anyone. We will make her one of us."

"But Sesshoumaru…"

"Silence Inuyasha. I'm the leader of our clan so I'll decide what to do."

By that time I was whimpering like a puppy dog and slowly stepping backwards. I didn't want to become a vampire, but before I knew it, he had me in his grasp. He put his lips to my neck and I felt a tingle, then a sting of pain as his teeth sunk into my neck. As soon as he finished with his 'feast', he cut himself and forced me to drink his blood. I don't know how long I was forced to drink his blood, but after a few seconds…I started to enjoy it. When I finished, I soon blacked out. I later came to in a different place. At first I wouldn't do anything but sit around, but soon I was forced to feed so I wouldn't die. In the end I grew up to like being a vampire. Now, 100 years later, I'm trying to find 'my one', my predestined mate, my blood partner.

Rin Yamaguchi closed her journal and set it aside. Since she didn't have any ink, she had to use her blood so she licked her wound and it healed. She then stretched. It was afternoon and she being the only one able to be in the sun, was alone. She got out of her nightclothes and dressed into black pants and a shirt. She put on make-up to make herself not look so pale. Then she left for the outside world. She had a few errands to run for her fellow vampires; her clan, her family. They needed more clothes.

Rin arrived at a clothes store and walked in. She quickly got the clothes she needed and took them to the counter to pay for them. At the counter was a guy wearing black and had pale skin. Rin recognized who it was.

"Hey Rin baby," the guy said. "What are you doing out here at this time of day?"

"Hello Juan, I'm buying clothes for my clan. Besides, you aren't the only day walker. Each clan makes sure they have at least one, some even have two." Rin replied as he scanned in her items.

"How about you ditch your clan feasting time and we have one of our own?"

"No way. My clan would kill me if I skip. They are hoping I'll find my blood partner within our clan and not anyone else's. Besides, I just don't like you that way." She paid for her clothes and left. She finished her other errands quickly and hurried back to her clan.

Sesshoumaru, the clan leader woke up earlier then he normally did, which was normally at sundown. Making sure he didn't walk into any sunlight, he checked up on the others. Everyone was well and asleep until he got to Rin's coffin. She wasn't there. Then he heard the door open and shut. Immediately he was on guard for a vampire hunter and was ready to attack. Footsteps started up the stairs, getting louder as they were closer. When Sesshoumaru knew that the person was close, he pounced.

Rin, sensing that she was about to get attacked, went into her shadow form and Sesshoumaru landed hard on the floor. She then went back to her human looking state and looked down at Sesshoumaru.

"You are up early. Didn't mean to worry you, but you did tell me to do errands today." She stuck out her hand to help him up. He grabbed it and she pulled him up. As soon as he was up, they let go of hands and Rin looked into her grocery bag. "Here's the clothes I bought for you. They should fit and your other ones are in the dryer."

He took the clothes from her, nodded, then left to get dressed. Rin sighed and put everyone else's clothes on their coffins. She then went back down the stairs and went into the kitchen. She opened up the fridge and grabbed one of the many bottles of blood they had in there. She soon heard footsteps on the stairs and turned around to see Sesshoumaru in his new clothes.

"So they fit." Rin stated and grabbed another bottle of blood for Sesshoumaru. "Thirsty?"

He took it and they sat down at the table. Soon more footsteps were heard. Rin rolled her eyes.

Once everyone was in the kitchen, Sesshoumaru stood up. "Tonight, we are going to feed a bit differently. We'll go by two's."

"Two's?" Inuyasha asked happily. He glanced at his mate, Kagome.

"Are you deaf Inuyasha?" Sesshoumaru said with a smirk.

"Who's the partners?" Asked Miroku.

"Those who have a mate will be together."

"So in other words, you and Rin are together." Inuyasha said with a huge grin.

Sesshoumaru glared at him and Rin had to hold in a laugh. "No Inuyasha, it means you are going to get in huge trouble," she said with a smirk.

Everyone slowly left and soon Sesshoumaru and Rin were alone. Rin started to feel a bit uncomfortable in his presence. He was the one that always nursed her when she got sick. And then the fact that he was the one that turned her into a vampire and that she had his blood running through her.

"Let's go." He said, then transformed into a bat. Rin soon followed, turning into her shadow form. They soon arrived at a nursing home. It was the usual place that Sesshoumaru went. Rin liked being there because they found a person that was going to die soon and were in a lot of pain and drank from them instead of a healthy person.

They walked into a two-person room. The two people in the room were an elderly couple. Sesshoumaru and Rin both turned back into their human forms. Sesshoumaru went over to the female and Rin went to the male. They were about to drink when the couple woke up.

"Who are you?" asked the male.

"We are here to take your pain and suffering." Rin said softly, touching the old man's face with affection while using some of her powers to make him fall back asleep. Sesshoumaru was doing the same with the female. Once the couple was asleep, Rin and Sesshoumaru drank their fill and left as quietly as they had come.

They were the first ones to arrive back to the house. It was silent for awhile, then Sesshoumaru broke the silence.

"What did you do this morning?"

"Wrote in my journal, went shopping…ran into Juan."

A snarl passed through Sesshoumaru's lips. "You ran into that day walker. He's trouble."

Rin rolled her eyes. "I doubt he is trouble, I just bet you are jealous."

"Jealous? Me? I'll never be jealous of any vampire."

"Good, because you shouldn't be. He asked me to skip our clan feasting for me to eat with him." Rin said, wanting to irk Sesshoumaru. "I though about it. Maybe he is my blood partner."

"That vampire your blood partner. Ha!" Sesshoumaru snarled.

Rin smiled. "Well I'm tired. Good night Sesshoumaru." She walked up to her coffin, got in, and fell asleep.

Sesshoumaru followed her up the stairs slowly. He then looked into her coffin and looked at her sleeping form. He caressed her cheek with a finger. He has had feelings for Rin ever since she grew into a beautiful vampire woman, but has been able to express them. He then walked to his own coffin, got in, and went to sleep.