Disclaimer: I do not own the following characters I've used in this fanfiction! That is the almighty job of Rumiko Takahashi-sensei!
Warning(s): None yet but I will warn when sexual relations come into play in later chapters.
Summary: Sesshoumaru is ill, possibly dying, and poor Rin is in search of a way to cure her master's sudden illness. Going against Jaken's orders, the young girl seeks out the one person she thinks might be able to heal him, but can a certain miko cure a sick dog demon without falling head over heals for him first? SessxKag
"Hold Me Closer"
Chapter 1
Written by: UnspokenDreams
A young girl stood beside her master, her small hands enwrapped within his knee, trembling optics gazing into his own that were ablaze with fever and remained at a closed state. She placed a small feather-like kiss about his hand and titled her head so her cheek rested against him, needing to feel a comfort of some sort. "Lord Sesshoumaru?" she called out meekly to the being that sat under a conviently-placed tree that had provided an impromptu resting place for the dog demon to rest against, the bark grinding into his shoulder despite the layers of clothing that stood in between skin and tree. The shade provided by the thick leaves was a welcome respite from the gloating sun that hovered in the blue sky above, its long golden fingers brutally beating down on his head with the fiendish delight of a child holding a magnifying glass over an ant on the sidewalk.
He had awoken that morning with nothing but a small twinge within his left temple, which he had unwisely ignored as he was determined to continue to travel the eastern landscape, curious as to what he might find and take for that of his own. Halfway through the morning, that twinge spread like wildfire, engulfing his entire head in a miasma of agony. He couldn't remember the last time he'd felt a pain this torturing. He didn't even try to remember. It hurt to much to do anything but put one foot in front of the other without pausing to clutch his head in misery.
"Rin, stay away from Lord Sesshoumaru!" A shriek filled the atmosphere, no sooner a frog-like creature striding over and taking the girl by the arm, leading her a few feet away from the incapacitated being. The girl tugged away from the creature, hurrying back over to her master and retaking the position she'd been in.
"I have to stay with Lord Sesshoumaru, master Jaken! Lord Sesshoumaru is very sick!" She'd replied back to him, cradling her small fingers into the silky material that covered Sesshoumaru's form. Jaken tapped his staff into the grass irritably, apparently not having the patience to deal with the child who simply refused to leave their master's side.
"You stupid girl! Lord Sesshoumaru needs rest not your constant attention!" The frog had fought back, voice causing the lord of the western lands to wince, as any loud sound that happen to fill the area around him. Rin just snuggled closer to him, eyes squeezing closed and head shaking into his knee.
The aggravated servant turned his back on the scene, walking away, worry secretly lodged deep within him. It had been strange that his master had fallen ill so quickly and surprisingly fallen ill at all. After all he was a demon and demon's were immune to such weak things as illnesses...then again the previous battle did involve a demon possessing razor sharp fangs, a poisonous saliva dripping from the as the beast had snarled at Sesshoumaru. As the dog demon had fought, Jaken had noticed the beast connecting with his master at one point, perhaps biting and injecting the poison then. Whatever the case being, he knew one thing for sure. Something needed to be done or perhaps his master would never fight again.
His golden eyes glazed over, Sesshoumaru could barely make out anything amongst the sea of fog that clouded his vision. He hadn't known why or how he had fallen prey to something so simple as poison considering he had been numerously bitten before and nothing this serious had happened. It even hurt to think. Drawing in labored breaths, the dog demon fell into a sleep, his body tired and weak.
A tear seemed to fall from nowhere only to go un-noticed as it did so. "I've never seen you like this Lord Sesshoumaru. I'm so scared but I don't know what's wrong with you!" Rin spoke to him, her small shoulders trembling as she tried to stay strong and keep the flow of tears that threatened to escape hidden. She really knew of none other who could possibly help considering they didn't socialize with anyone. Upon thinking a little bit more, an image came into Rin's mind. An image of someone in which she remembered from previous battles and meetings. Sesshoumaru had a brother, or so Jaken had told her. Without giving it any more thought, having now a set mind, the girl gave one final sincere look to her master. "Don't worry Lord Sesshoumaru. I'll be back, I won't let you down!" She nodded shortly after this and ran into the nearby forest, her small feet taking her as fast as she would go.
Merely seconds after her departure, Jaken returned with a small piece of cloth he had soaked into the stream that ran close by, dropping it when noticing something or rather someone had disappeared. "Rin? Rin! RIN!"
She ran faster and faster with each passing second, nearly slipping each time she tried to increase her pace. She wouldn't stop. She couldn't stop. She had to persist on or Sesshoumaru would surely grow worse in whatever had targeted him that day. Not knowing even where she was going, Rin ran forward, jumping over any logs or obstacles in her path. An occasional stick or sharp object would mercilessly jag against her bare feet, the girl crying out that this, but still continuing to run in a direction unbeknownst to her. The woods around her seemed to be alive, the occasional cry of an animal or shift of a stream within hearing range. It felt like hours since her departure, Rin not stopping once the entire time. A sudden predatory growl stopped the girl in her run, breathing rather harshly as she fought the catch the breath that had been taken from her. Looking in all directions, she heard the growl once more, backing up a few steps this time.
"Well...if it isn't a delicious little human girl," a voice seemed to hiss from an unknown place, Rin's eyes beginning to tremble in fear. She suddenly wished she was back at Sesshoumaru's side, hiding behind his leg for protection. She was, after all, a child. Merely seconds later, a snake-like demon slithered from the nearby bushes, well standing several feet over her. "Now what are you doing so far away by yourself? Would you like some help?" The creature asked, saliva dripping from its revealed fangs. Rin swallowed hard.
"N-no! I have to go!" She managed to say as she tried to pass him but was stopped as the demon put its long tail to block her path.
"Why the rush? Why not stay for a meal..." Crimson eyes flashing, the monster gave a great leap, fangs bared and ready to pierce into Rin's flesh. With a swift and lucky move, the girl managed to remove herself from the targeted spot, only feeling the tip of the monster's tail swipe the corner of her face as she fell. Fangs now implanted into the ground, the serpent-like demon gave another growl, anger and hunger impatience growing within its body now.
"If you were smart you'd be a good little human and stay still!"
Staying silent now, tears running down her small face, Rin felt her body grow heavier then she'd remembered. As so, she was frozen, unable to run from her place on the ground, looking deep within the creature's seductive eyes. A trail of blood now running down at the side of her face, she closed her eyes tightly, fear taking her as prisoner and not letting go any time soon as all she could think of was no one else but her dear Sesshoumaru. A sudden cry caused her eyes to snap open.
-To Be Continued-
Author's Note: Yes, I realize that this chapter is short but as I've said before, this is the way I envisioned it! DON'T PANIC! Sesshoumaru is fine for the most part, just feeling something he's not familiar with. I am aware that demons are immune to practically everything and things such as mere 'poison' wouldn't affect them. All with be explained in later chapters. As I've mentioned in my previous fan fiction(s), I have gotten a new computer and have not yet installed the MS Word program yet. Please try and ignore any spelling or grammatical errors their might be! Please review and expect one back from me! Sincerely, G-chan.