AN: This is my first FanFiction so please tell me what you think. I do not own Capcom in anyway or Resident Evil.

The young Ranger opened his eyes. A little light poured into the fox hole from the edges of the tarp. He opened the tarp a little bit and looked out. Nothing, but a still snow dusted forest. He got out slowly. He was alone, not one person had made it through the patrol other then himself.

He tried to carry a wounded soldier to safety, but had died half way to where he had dug the fox hole.

No sounds came from the forest. Only the crows made noise. Crows sorta freaked him out, ever since he had read about Raccoon City. The paper had said the survivors only heard gunshots, caws of crows, and the moans of the dead or dieing. He folded the tarp up and put it in his pack. He took out his shovel and filled in the hole. He grabbed his rifle and started to walk away from his safe haven.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

He turned to the sound with his rifle ready. A chill ran down his back. It felt like the day that had changed his life when he was younger.

The January thaw had come and gone snow was starting to set on the ground again. He had wanted to go hiking in the woods, but was waiting for the mud to freeze over.

He pulled on green cargo pants over his sweats. He pulled on his boots, tied them, and pulled the bottom of his pants over. He picked up the belt and holster from the table next to him. He made sure the gun was loaded. It was necessary to carry a gun, a .40cal S&W to be specific, where he lived was becoming a Meth Lab playground. If he walked into a lab by mistake it could be really bad.

The redhead continually flipped opens a lighter, waiting for her brother to come back from over the hill. A brown haired brown sat across with an M-4 carbine. "Claire, you can stop clicking your lighter." The woman said. "Sorry Jill." Claire said back to her. They both were wearing identical outfits. Woodland camo BDUs with a S.T.A.R.S. patch on the left shoulder, and with a black S.T.A.R.S. bullet proof assault vest over that.

Claire was armed with a MP-5 submachine gun and Berretta 92f pistol. Jill was armed with and M-4 carbine and a Berretta 92f pistol.

A brown haired man and red bearded man came silently up from behind a hill. "Chris, Barry what the hell took you guys so long?" Jill whispered to them. The bearded man Barry grinned. "A guard decided to take piss on Chris's boot." He said.

"I was hiding in a pine tree; anyways we found the entrance to the facility." Chris said. "I'm hoping this is just an under manned training base."

The deer was walking slowly to the north, and then it took off. He heard voices, a little bit to the east. He slowly walk that way, his eyes grow a little wider when he saw the people in camo. Shit! Shit! Shit! I stepped into a lab.

He drew his pistol from the holster, and cocked a round in to the chamber. He moved behind a tree, he was going to have to make a run for it. He was starting to moved away until a stick snapped under his foot.

"I'll check it out." A deep voice said. He ran, and heard a whistle behind him. He was about 50 yards away when the butt of a shot gun hit him in the head. "Good job Rebecca." Someone said has he heard foot steps coming up around him. He opened and closed his eyes has faces were looking down on him, and then he finally passed out. ...

"Jeb Davis." Rebecca said looking at a school id. "Check that twice." Claire said holding up a pair of dog tags. "Their not real, just some military gift shop kind." Jill said looking at them in Claire's hands.

Jeb sat up with his hand on his head, he looked up and saw everyone, he quickly reached for his hand gun to find that it wasn't there. Chris was holding it in his hand. "What are you doing out here kid?" He asked. "I kinda live out here." Jeb answered back. "Not that I'm to happy about it, seeing the hardware you meth heads are carrying now."

Barry chuckled at the remark." We're S.T.A.R.S. well Ex-S.T.A.R.S. members." He said. "S.T.A.R.S.? Like the guys at the mansion a few years back, in Raccoon?" Jeb asked. "Yeah like those guys." Jill said to him. Jeb smiled and unzipped his jacket and pulled his hoodie to show them a S.T.A.R.S. T-shirt. "Where did you get that?" Chris asked. "I made it in art class." he said. "I'm not allowed to where in school any more, because it's a corrupted organization." He said mocking his principal.

"That's horse shit; the organization that's corrupt is Umbrella." Barry said. Jill snapped her head at him and put her finger to her lips. "I knew it; no Pharmaceutical company hails all their shit out by a tanker with a Bio-hazard symbol on it." Jeb said. "They used to go down my road all the time; it's the only back road that leads out west from Raccoon."

"I was camping out here one time by and old logging trail and I saw to tankers driving down it." Jeb said. "That was about a year ago. I haven't been out here since."

"Shit! Jill come here." Chris said and walked behind a tree. "What's up?" Jill asked. "If tankers were moving in here then it may not just be a training facility." Chris said looking into her eyes. She lowered her head. "What are we going to do." she asked.

"We're going to have to take the kid we can't let him walk back alone." He said.

They walked back over. Chris handed Jeb his gun. "Jeb right?" Chris asked. "Yeah." He answered. "We need you to come with us, I can't let you walk back home alone." Chris said. "Why? I know these woods like the back of my hand." He said. "It's not that." Jill butted in. "Umbrella does some freaky shit and some of that shit might be out there and I don't thinkā€¦. I know you won't be able to hold these things off alone."

"Will anyone be looking for you?" Barry asked. "My cousin will like tomorrow mourning because I some times stay out all night, but he's a Green Beret he can handle anything that gets dished out to him." Jeb said. Chris nodded. "Yeah he'll know how to escape and evade if he is over whelmed by an enemy force."

Claire reached down to help Jeb up. He grabbed her hand and she pulled him up. She pulled a buck knife from her pocket and passed it to him. He shook his head and reached down to his boot and pulled out an old combat knife. "My cousin's old Ranger Dagger." He said.

It seemed like a good group to him and he already seemed to like Chris. He seemed like a Military man and anyone who was military he liked. "Let's get moving I don't want to get caught out in the open." Barry said. They group nodded in agreement. They started moving, Rebecca handed Jeb his PENN STATE hat and wallet. "Sorry about that, good thing I didn't cut you or I'd have to patch ya up." she said. He smiled and followed the group.

AN: Please Let me know what you think.