hope ya'll enjoy. i was dreaming about this one night when i got up i started typing it. please R and R. send me any kind of reveiws good or bad and tell me how i maybe able to improve it. thanks!

It was a bright sunny day in Hazzard County. Cousins Bo and Luke Duke were on their way home from their favorite place, the Boars Nest. It was a little after 9:30 and the sun had just finished hiding behind the hills.

"Uncle Jesse's gonna skin our hides when we get home. We told him we'd be home at 8:00 and its 9:30 now. If you wouldn't have gone after them girls we would've been home already."

"C'mon Luke, you were sweet talkin' them purdy girls too. So don't go blamin' me only."

"I was tryin' to get yer butt so we could leave 'fore we got into trouble."

"Yeah right. I saw you sweet talkin' them girls. Don't try to deny it, Luke."

"Bo if you don't drop it, I'll make you get out and start walkin' back home."

"You can't make me get out. I own half the General Lee to ya know."

"Well maybe, but I'm the one who's drivin'. So if'n you don't like it, then get out."

"Fine pull over then cuz'. If ya'll want me to get out so bad then I will."

"Fine, but just so ya know, it' at least an hours walk back to the farm since we took the long way."

"So what, do you think I'm afraid of the dark?"

"Could've fooled me. You have always been afraid of the dark, so why would now be any different you fraidy cat."

"Well then, we'll just see who's afraid of what. Pull the General over."


"You heard me, pull then General over."

"Bo I didn't mean it and you know it. So ju-"

"I said pull over Luke."

"Ok, ok fine you win. There i pulled over."

"Good. I'll see you back at the farm." Bo said as he climbed out the window since the General Lee's doors were welded shut. Once he was out he leaned in the passenger side window.

"Well ya best get goin' Luke 'fore Uncle Jesse tans yer hide."

"Bo get back in the car."

"See ya in an hour cousin." Bo said to his cousin as he started walking down the road.

"Man he's stubborn. Well I best be getting home. No way I'm gonna convince him otherwise." With that Luke took off down the road blasting Dixie when he passed Bo. Bo didn't even seem to notice.

When Luke and the General were out of sight, Bo started to become nervous. He new Luke was right about him being afraid of the dark when he was little, and even now he was kinda nervous. After having walked for what seemed like forever, Bo thought he heard something that sounded like a low growling sound coming from the field beside him. Instinctively, Bo started to walk faster. The growling seemed to be coming closer and closer.

Bo took off in a dead run down the road. He started wishing that he never made Luke pull the General over so he could get out. Suddenly Bo heard something start to run behind him. His fear growing out of control, he sprinted down the road as fast as his legs could carry him. He could feel the hot breath of whatever it was that was chasing him on the back of his neck, then suddenly he was falling. He landed with a thud on the cold hard road. He felt something big and heavy pushing down on his back between his shoulder blades. Then darkness consumed his mind.

Back at the farm, Luke had been waiting up for Bo to get back. It had been almost two hours since he saw Bo last and started to get worried about his cousin. He new from where Bo got out at it was only about a twenty minute walk back to the farm. At first he figured it would take Bo a little longer to get back since it was dark so he didn't think much of it. Luke finally couldn't wait any longer so he decided to go out and find Bo.

Luke walked quietly out the front door, careful not to let the old screen door slam he made his way over to the General Lee. Just as Luke was about to jump in the window, he saw someone walking down the drive. It was at that moment that Luke realized it was Bo. Luke ran over to Bo. Luke stopped in his tracks when he saw his younger cousin. Luke was shocked at what he saw. Bo had what looked to Luke as blood on his face, and in his hair. His usually blond hair was covered in red blood and he had cuts all over him and more blood on his clothes.

"Oh GOD Bo what the hell happened to you?" Luke exclaimed. The worry instantly returning to him. Bo didn't say anything. He just stared at the ground his eyes seeming distant.

"C'mon cousin lets get you inside. And cleaned up." Luke took hold of Bo's hand and led him into the house. Uncle Jesse had gotten up because he thought he heard something. He was shocked to see Luke come in with Bo right behind him. Jesse was shocked when he saw the blood all over Bo's face and clothes.

"My GOD Bo what in sam hill happened to you?" Jesse said worry growing in his voice. Bo only continued to stare at the ground.

"Luke what in the world happened?"

"I'm not sure Uncle Jesse. I was getting ready to go find him, when I saw him walking down the drive. He was like this when I walked up to him."


"Huh, hat was that?"


"Bo, what was that?" Luke asked.

'Th-there was a wolf."

"A wolf? That's impossible. Wolves have been extinct in Hazzard for near a century. Are you sure it was a wolf?" Bo nodded.

"I-it looked like a-a person only it hairy like a wolf a-and had a wolves face."

"Can you tell us what happened?"

"Me n' Luke was arguing a little and I told Luke to pull over. I got out and started walking down the road. After awhile, I started hearing growling noises, and I started running. Then I fell and the next thing I remember is hearing you and Luke asking me what was wrong." Bo explained to his uncle and cousin. Luke and Jesse just looked at each other unable to think of anything to explain what had happened to Bo.

After Luke helped Bo get cleaned up and get his cuts bandaged, Luke helped Bo into their bedroom.

"Luke, I want to tell you something."

"Sure what is it Bo?"

"Luke I wanted to tell you sorry."

"Sorry for what?"

"For yelling at you earlier. And accusing you of flirting with those girls."

"Well I had no right to yell at you either and call you a fraidy cat. I didn't mean it."

"Yeah I know. Hehehe I sure did get scared after I lost sight of you. So did Uncle Jesse tan yer hide when you got home?"

"No he was asleep and Daisy isn't due back from her friend's house until Saturday afternoon."

"Well looks like we both get to get out of this one." Bo said jokingly.

"Yeah it sure dose cousin. Well let's get ready for bed."

"Ok Luke. Good night."

"Night cousin." Luke said as he climbed into bed after he changed into his night clothes. Luke reached over and turned out the lamp that sat on a night stand between his and Bo's bed.

Luke heard something coming from outside by the window. It was a low growling noise that sounded like a large dog. Luke got up and noticed that his cousin's bed was empty. Luke got up and walked into the living room. He didn't see Bo any where. He heard the same growling noise, only it was closer and seemed to be coming from the kitchen. Luke walked around the corner only to be met with the banging of the front door being closed.

He walked outside the cool brisk air sending chills down his spine. Luke thought he saw something run into the barn. Walking towards the barn, Luke heard Maudine the mule start making noises and the chickens start running around the barn. Luke opened the door enough to walk in. The sight he saw when he got in there made his blood freeze in his veins. A giant wolf like creature was standing by the hayloft ladder holding a chicken that looked as if it was just killed. The creature looked up at Luke and it's blood red eyes met Luke's ice blue eyes.

The creature dropped the chicken and started towards Luke. Large gapping jaws partially opened reveling long fangs that were covered in dripping blood. Its blood colored eyes never leaving Luke. Luke took off running towards the house at full speed. The creature took off after him, running on all fours. Luke was about half way to the house when the creature leapt from where it was and tackled Luke to the ground. Luke screamed out in surprise and fear.

Jesse heard Luke yell and woke up and ran towards the front door. Jesse saw Luke on the ground with the giant creature on top of him trying to reach Luke's throat. Jesse ran back into the living room and grabbed his rifle. He ran back to the door and ran on to the porch. He aimed his rifle at the creature and pulled the trigger. The bullet whizzed through the air and imbedded itself in its right shoulder. The creature cried out in pain and stumbled and fell to the ground. Luke got up and ran to the house and stood beside his uncle. The creature got up and ran towards the woods and was gone from sight.

"What in the world was that thing!" Jesse yelled.

"I-I'm not sure Uncle Jesse. Hey have you seen Bo?"

"Why wasn't he in the room?"

"No. Oh no you don't think he's out there do you Uncle Jesse?"

this is my first fanfic. boy that wolf thing is really giving me the chills hope they find ol' Bo before that thing finds him first. R and R. this is my first fanfic. hope ya'll like it. feel free to give your opinions and how i maybe able to improve it. thanks ya'll.