All is Fair in Love and War

Part Five

"Damn, it feels good to finally get here." Edward said stretching and placing his and Riza's bags down on the hotel floor.

"You got that right."

The men that had tried to take Edward as one of there own had been placed into police custody, on there arrival at the train station. Edward and Riza, after being briefed and questioned about the ordeal, they were sent on there ways with sincere apologies and promises that the men that had tried to hurt them wouldn't be leaving prison for some time.

Now that that had all been cleared up, Edward and Riza got on with their vacation and dinner date. It was 5:32 PM when they both got to there weekend suite.

"How did you get this place?" Riza asked.

"I asked a few people about a good place to go and pulled a few strings and favors that a lot of people owed me." Edward said looking around.

"How sweet of you."

"Yes I know." Edward said smiling.

After 15 minutes of un-packing, the two got dressed for dinner. Edward was the first out, he had a dark blue suit with matching slacks on that fit his toned body just right, crisp white shirt, with two buttons un-done at the top of the shirt, showing off a muscled chest and perfectly tanned skin, and polished black shoes. His hair was put loosely in a ponytail in the back of his head. Not bad. Edward thought to himself, as he looked into a mirror. He put his hands in his pocket and went to look out a window, while waiting for his date to be done.

5 minutes later, Edward heard a soft coughing behind him, so he turned, and saw Riza.

She was dressed in a satin royal blue dress, which was below her ankles, with bikini straps. She had a sapphire necklace with silver surrounding it and matching bracelets, and earrings. The dress fit perfectly on her body. Her blond hair was hanging loosely around her shoulders.

"You look . . . wow."

Riza flashed a brilliant smile, showing off flawless white teeth.

"You look great as well."

Edward just smiled and grabbed their coats, helping Riza into her long black trench-coat, and getting into his.

10 minutes later they arrived at the restaurant, Edward got out of the car so as to help Riza out, when they got in a teenage waiter in a black suit brought them to their seats.

"Would you like champagne or wine to start off?"

"I'll have Sauvignon Blanc, please." Riza said.

"I'll have the same, and just bring the bottle please."

"Right away sir." Edward muttered a thank you before the waiter disappeared to go get the requested bottle of wine.

"Nice place." Riza commented. "Why did you choose this place?"

"It's the best place in town, and the service and food is very good."

"Have you been here before?"

"Just once, I was passing through and I stopped here for a couple hours. I thought it would be a good place for us to come."

"Good choice." Riza said.

"I'll be right back." Edward said, as he got up and walked away, just when the wine was served and poured into glasses. As Riza was sipping her drink, she heard a different tune of music begin to play, and Edward walked back to her.

"Before we order dinner, how about one dance?" Edward said, extending his hand toward her, in offer.

"That sounds nice." Riza said, taking his hand, while he helped her stand. They both walked over to the dance floor, hand in hand. Edward pulled Riza close and wrapped his arm around her waist, while she put her hand on his shoulder. They swerved around the dance floor, dancing to the music and getting caught up in it. It seemed like an eternity before the song ended and they stopped dancing.

"You dance very well." Riza said before leaning toward Edward and kissing him softly on the cheek before stepping off the dance floor and walking back to their table, with a half smile on her face. Edward followed her 10 seconds later with a big smile on his face.

Edward poured himself some wine after he sat down. He opened his mouth trying to think of something to say, but closed it.

"Forget what you where going to say?" Riza said with a smug smile, before sipping her wine. Edward just sighed. The waiter came back to take there order.

"Would you like an appetizer to start off dinner?" He asked them both.

"What do you recommend?" Riza asked.

"The smoked salmon with Yukon gold potato and caviar terrine is the best appetizer here and one that I also recommend, the salmon is lightly browned, and smoked of course bringing out the entire flavor of the salmon."

"That sounds nice, what do you think Edward."

"Do you recommend this particular appetizer because it is the most expensive on the entire menu or it really is the best?" Edward asked.

"Edward!" Riza said laughing.

"What! I'm just curious."

"Our prices are quite reasonable sir, but if you would like something else perhaps?"

"No, no, the smoked salmon is just fine."

"Very well sir, I will bring them out soon."

Edward sighed before turning back to Riza who was still finding the situation humorous.

"You can stop laughing now."

"Your right, I'm sorry. It's just, I do believe I like to see you squirm, it makes you all the more lovable."

"Why thank you." Edward said smiling.

2 hours later, after finishing dinner and desert, plus dancing together they decided to call it a night. They drove home and Edward opened the door for them both. He walked Riza to her room.

"I had a wonderful night." Before Edward had a chance to respond, Riza kissed him full on the mouth. Edward was surprised at first but came around, and kissed her back, licking her bottom lip, asking for entrance. She opened her mouth allowing him in, and letting him explore with his tongue. After 30 seconds Riza pushed Edward away gently by the shoulders.

"This is only the first date Ed. Good night." She said and blew him a kiss before going into her room and closing the door softly, leaving a stunned Edward with his mouth wide open.

"That is not fair." Edward said aloud at Riza's door, before walking to his room and turning in for the night.


Authors Note

For those that want to know, a Sauvignon Blanc is a type of wine that goes good with a light fish course dinner. And caviar terrine is black caviar with butter, cream and lemon.

Thank you for reviewing and please tell me if there should be a sequel to this story.