Naruto owned by Masashi Kishimoto-san.

Chapter IV

Pride is so hard to Swallow


In case you notice weird sentence forms, its because I'm making it close to the original Naruto as much as possible. Like giving close translations as I can cuz when I'm doing it, I'm imagining them speaking Japanese, thus giving it the feel of being in the actual episode itself.


"You let you're ass kicked by some TEENAGERS?" Misha, the twenty-two year old youngest son of the Head of the Family almost choked on his maki.

"Forgive us for our folly, Young Master. The guy is willing to be taken to our place. Its just that we did not expect the girl to attack at us that moment."

Misha rolled his chocolate eyes at that. "Well, I think its just funny for me but don't expect my father and his advisors to take it lightly, especially Takamura sensei. He's kinda strict on maintaining the clan's dignity. They're on the other room, talking. It's late in the evening, hurry up and report to the elders, before they sleep." Misha finished the remaining of his night snack then stand up and smoothen up his Yukata then go out to the porch to think.

/I say they are Konoha ninja, even though the men did not see any physical indications to that. Too bad they have not been able to bring them here. I would like to see the young man's technique myself. And based on the report, the girl looks really strong. They say that the boy belonged to another clan, not an Inuzuka./

Misha sat down beside the koi pond and looked at the sky.

/I just hope Father would just stop sour graping and just talk to our Konoha counterparts. I do not really approve on this alliance agreement from a Shinobi village from the Water Country. The past is past, I don't know why they keep on insisting on helping those on his plans just so he can help with the destruction of the Inuzukas. We're cant rise up the dead by doing revenge… / He thought bitterly then paused on his thinking and snaps his eye in attention then when he realized something

/Come to think of it, Otou-sama's right hand man and Takamura-sensei did not specified which Shinobi village are we allying with. And the emissary only talks with Oshio-sama, and we don't even know what are they talking about, Oshio-sama would only gather us and lay down information. And why would they keep it a secret if they are not hiding them? Could it be… Masaka…/

His gaze is being directed at the meeting inside. He stands up from his position then hesitated. He's not going to join them. They would just overrule him, being young and the youngest. And if it really is something more than an alliance from another Shinobi group there is some plan going on. And right now he's not in the mood for another debate.

As if on cue, a loud voice was overheard inside the house.


The youngest of the three, a pale, skinny maroon haired man named Shiro cowered in front of their raging leader.

"Forgive us, Oshio-sama. It just proved that the brats are a tricky pair, we have been able to bring to you the boy but the girl suddenly appeared out of nowhere and took him." The biggest of them, Kumaki explainded

Unknown to Misha, his fathers had already retired to his own room the time the three had arrived. It was because of the convincing of Takamura-sensei whom he respected. Unbeknownst to the latter, they had decided that they would take the matters at their own hands. Because it seems that the spies knows about their involvement to Orochimaru.

"How dare you fail a simple mission, and against kids even! You should mend your mistakes, the three of you, we do not want them to report what they have learned, come morning." The balding head of Takamura gleamed yellow against the candlelight that danced around the room.

"Yes Takamura-sama, and once again, we are sorry."

"I want their heads to be delivered to me in the morning." Oshio ordered the three.

"Demo, the pony tailed boy is not that bad, actually, and we are not really sure that he is from Konoha. He even wants to work with us and is willing to help us in our condition. The witch had just snatched him away from us, she is the one that should be killed."

/Witch/ Oshio raised his right brow at the choice of words of the pale red-headed young man.

Morita's eyes went wide the moment Shiro started to babble defending the brunette thinner and smaller than him that they had just poured their heart to. Hearing his reasoning, he then added his thoughts.

"Yes, Kai-sho, let's just try it. We could put a jutsu in him so he's under our command then we could turn the tables and turn their spies against them instead. We still have no proof if he came from Konoha or not. But he could be of some use." Morita amended.

Oshio was silent for a moment before bringing up his head speaking up. "Very well then, that would be your mission. Bring those two ninja to me before mid-afternoon tomorrow and we would give them appropriate punishment."

"I will advice Houkei tomorrow of what he should only know. Do not speak anything until I debriefed him. Till then, be careful on the information that you are going to give. You can go now." Takamura slowly stand up on his seat, and Shiro immediately jumped up to assist the old man. He then clutched his stick and walked away from them to the other entrance that goes deep into the large house.


"Is this it?"

Three dark figures crouched on a branch on a nearby tree from the back of the hotel. Three sets of eyes look at the closed window across the tree. The leaves obstruct the light coming out of the pale moon giving them more covert position.

"Kintaro-kun says that they are staying here" replied Shiro

"Shiro, Kumaki you go and capture the two. I'll be on the backup and would ready the genjutsu the moment they engage fighting with you."

"Hai" The two replied in unison then disappeared in a gust of the wind like a fast ninja could. Morita let the two have a several seconds lead before charging towards the window.

An unnatural wind break the windows open of the half-lit room and there appeared at the center of the room the two Toriyama shinobi. Both crouched, ready for fighting and waited.

And waited.

And waited.

And realized the room is empty.

Morita is approaching the said window and almost lost his footing when he heard Kumaki scream.



Shikamaru heavily sighed once more, annoyed.

"Like I told you I'll just sit here in the far side of the room and watch. I'm not going to peep on you or lie beside you in bed. And I'm not the one for pranks, it's too troublesome to do one."

"Just don't go nearer ok? Us sleeping in the same room do NOT mean anything"

Shikamaru grunted looked at her with bored eyes. He's getting tired of this argument already. And talking. But still, mission first. Troublesome.

"As if I care, Wake up after 4 hours, you'll be relieving my position, ok? We might think that this would be the least of the place that they were going to look for, we still have to be careful."

"Aa" Temari agreed then cover herself with blanket and faced her back on him. It's not that she doesn't like someone being there when she's sleeping, and on the same room even. Its just that it is Shikamaru…

Temari's eyes widened a bit then blushed on her train of though.

/Where did that come from? And when did it started to get uncomfortable sleeping on the same room with Shikamaru? Could it be…/

Temari shoot out from her lying position.

/Shimatta/ She screamed in her head as the realization hit her to the core.

"Oe, onna, you should get some sleep, its going to be your watch later, it would be troublesome if you're not up to the fight tomorrow."

Temari almost jumped out of the bed, she had nearly forgotten that the very person that she is thinking of is just 'some' feet away from her bed.

She turned her head to him sharply and gave her best glare at him. Shikamaru stared at her for a moment then sweatdropped and started to remove his Chuunin vest while walking towards her.

"O-oe! What are you doing? Don't go nearer!" With a light blush dusting her cheeks, she backs away inch and inch and grabbed her fan that was lying above her pillow and hugged it tightly. "Or I'll use some ninpou on you!"

Shikamaru rolled his eyes on that and ignore Temari's protests, continuing his march towards her. He had finished removing his vest the time that he's near the bed. He looked at her once again, not noticing her colored cheeks. Temari keep scooting away to the other edge, seemingly alarmed on something.

/What a bother…/

Seeing that there is enough space on his side for his wiry self, he lay down on it without a word with his back on her. Caught off guard, Temari let out a little yip and jumped up a bit. Shikamaru grumbles without facing her but loud enough to hear his voice.

"Look baka, I'm also tired If you want to fuss about it and don't want to sleep then take the first watch instead, its so troublesome dealing with and I don't want to repeat myself or argue with you. Oyasumi."

She stared down at the still form on the bed with her. Temari's heart slow down a bit and gasped when she realized that her bare knees were touching Shikamaru's back, then immediately took it away.

Several heartbeats passed then Temari is so sure she heard Shikamaru silently mutter.

"Women are really troublesome."

She recovered her wits when she catches that insult then hit the stupid guy's head and stomped away from the bed.

"What is that for? Now that I'm getting some sleep." Shikamaru complained, rubbing his poor head.

Still pissed, Temari merely glared but refused to answer. She position herself to the window and lean on the sill, looking over what their view has to offer.

"Che, as if I did anything wrong anyway, and why would you lose your temper on me just because I'm getting some sleep? mattaku" He shifted his position, laying on his back then stared at the ceiling.

/And why am I bothering to question her when its too troublesome to do so? Its very unlike me to do it anyway. Che, how troublesome./ Shikamaru's brows meet again. Then sometime later, decided to close his eyes.

Temari ignore the boy's complaints because that's not what really makes her mad. She's actually annoyed at herself for not noticing. This. This… this something. She's supposed to be infatuated with Uchiha Sasuke or with one of their own ANBU in Suna who's actually good-looking when she spotted him without a mask one time.

/And when did I start to like this stupid guy, anyway/

She recalled her first meeting with him, their first argument, when he cried for his comrades with mixtures of relief and regret, of how she's challenged and really enjoying taking out some efforts or conversation from the guy who's virtually lazy to do anything. Even if it's a lazy grunt or a sigh with some rolling of eyes. She then recalled what he had done a while ago.

/But he's not the one to lose someone just because of that bad vice of his. Actually, he's kinda sweet and protective on his own way/

She placed a fond gaze at the form lying on the bed. She smiled and let out a little snort when she noticed his position. Lazy even when sleeping.

Suddenly, her left eye twitched.

/NANI? What am I doing/

Flabbergasted, she immediately grimaced when she noticed that she's having some tender thoughts about that stupid lazy ninja.

/Argh! How could I? How could I think that way about him! Stupid bed and stupid room giving me these stupid thoughts./ She fumed and looked away.

This is going to be one long annoying night.

Or midmorning.

/Kuso…/ she sighed.



masaka-impossible/it cant be


shimatta-a cursed word that usually implies that something has been messed up. Could also mean 'damn'.

Kai-sho-captain/squad leader.