Kohaku closed his eyes and thought hard about Chihiro.

He saw her sitting at her desk. Chihiro was writing her parents a note.

Mom and Dad,

I'm sorry about leaving so suddenly, but I can't stay apart from him anymore. I know that you always told me that he was just something that I had made up from that time, but he isn't! I know now that we are meant to be together, because we were able to meet again. I love him more than anything else!

I'm sorry!

Kohaku smiled as he blinked, his office coming back into view. She was coming!

She left the note by the door and pulled along the suitcase she had packed and walked down the path to the tunnel.

She crossed through the tunnel and walked up onto a grassy hill. Sitting down to breath awhile she began to think back to her fight with Kohaku.

Had he really wanted her to be so happy that he was willing to erase his and her memories of each other to ease the pain? No, stop this! I do love him and I don't care about anything else right now!

She stood up and walked up the stairs heading up to the bridge. She stood still looking at the entrance waiting for Kohaku to rush to her with open arms, but still no one came. She wondered over to the edge of the bridge and gazed down at the railroad tracks. She began to hum a song and enjoyed the breeze that lifted her hair around her face. She felt someone walk up behind her and she turned meeting blue eyes.

This time I am not running from you! I promise I am here to stay!

She took one-step forward and was met in the warm embrace of Kohaku's arms. The embrace was warm and love filled into her heart. She looked up into his eyes and closed them as she leaned up and kissed him on the lips. She felt the warm sensation spread from her lips. Kohaku felt her sigh as he deepened the kiss. Years of longing and desire had built up, and finally he was able to hold her in his arms and enjoy her warm kisses. They finally separated from each other still holding onto the hug.

"I am sorry that I left you I didn't want to hurt you because I knew I would have to leave you again."

"Then why have you returned?"

"I found out that love is more important to me than anything else in the world. I want to stay here with you forever. We were meant to be, and I'm sure that I will be able to live here happily. As long as I'm with you I know I can be happy!"

"Come with me I want to show you something."

They walked across the bridge and looked back to the bathhouse. Kohaku leaned over as the lights came on, illuminating the bathhouse and the village. Kohaku pointed to a corner of the bathhouse that Chihiro had never seen before.

"That is a wing I had built just for us."

She smiled and leaned into him, standing up on her tip toes she placed a kiss gently on his cheek.

"Welcome home Chihiro."

"I'm home." She liked the sound of that. They leaned in close again sharing a kiss, still wrapped within their lover's arms.

Dear Readers,

Well we reached the end! I hope you enjoyed it all! :)