The Day Hinata Laid the Smack Down
By Moonraker One

In a large fighting hall

Gathered with all the rest

Neji and Hinata

This WAS the last test

The stance Neji took

Evil look in his eye

Byakugan activated

This is it! She will die!

Surrender now did he order!

My victory is fate!

Her main branch blood

Oh it did he hate!

He went for her heart

A finishing blow!

But she turned it aside

Well whaddya know!

Get rid of that look!

Stop being so crass!

This IS what she told him

I WILL beat your ass!

Her very next move

Echoed loud down the halls

A singular kick

Almost shattered his balls!

She knocked him down fast

The attacking was neat

The fuck was beat from him

An ass-kicking! SWEET!

As the dust slowly settled

Naruto said, "Ne!"

"I love you Hinata!"

"Please marry me!"

And thus ends the tale

Spread all through the town

Of the most awesome day

Hinata laid the smack down