Thanks to those who read and reviewed my fic! I'm always happy to read what people think of my writing. As usual, I wish I have more time to write but this leisure is unfortunately not on my schedule as of now… Hope you'll still appreciate this short chapter.

Chapter 10: She's perfect

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"Michiru-san, are you alright?" Asked Hatake a little bit concerned. He saw how the young woman had kept quiet while they were in Haruka's office.

"Hai… a little bit nervous, though." She replied trying to smile a little. She wasn't sure herself whether what she was feeling was due to nervousness or something else, but for now she has to remain professional.

"Hm, I see… don't worry too much. You don't need to be nervous. Seriously it's your first day, just take it as it comes. It should be a stress and nervous free day!" Encouraged the tall blonde man. "In fact, you will find the first two weeks quite boring actually… I'll have to give you a bunch of documents later, that you will have to read in order to understand a little bit better our firm but also what our business is all about." Hatake added. He then stole a quick glance at the aqua-haired girl and again felt completely fascinated and bewitched by the sight standing next to him. She was beyond doubt one of the most beautiful women he had laid his eyes on. She seemed to be oblivious of her own beauty, but held herself elegantly and somehow inspired admiration and respect. 'She's perfect…'

"I guess… I understand that the information are crucial, but two weeks? Isn't it a bit too long?" Replied Michiru after a moment of hesitation. She was now fully focused on the work to come and from what Hatake explained, her first two weeks were far from promising to her.

"Maybe… well we'll see how fast you can process the information." He smiled and then put his hand on Michiru's shoulder. "Let me show you to your desk first."

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"Haruka-san." Called softly Ayashi as she took her purse and her coat from the couch. "We have to go as well." She then announced.

"Oh yes, sure. Thanks for the breakfast girls! It was nice to have you over. Come anytime again!" Haruka replied as she walked over Ayashi and gave her a gentle hug. Minako then walked to the tall blonde and hugged her as well. "You'll see us sooner than you'll expect it!" Said Minako grinning as she and Ayashi walked out of the office.

"I will be happily waiting then!" Replied Haruka winking at her two friends.

Rei looked at the goodbyes hugs with one raised eyebrow. She remembered their first encounter and how both girls had hugged Haruka as soon as she was in Hatake's office. She was not really familiar with this western way of greetings but she just knew that it was widespread in the US. She just never expected to see it commonly applied in Japan. 'They probably lived abroad for a while… and kept the habit.'

"Oh and Rei-san as well!" Called back Minako winking. "We'll see you around. Take care!" She then said while waving her hand to the surprised raven-haired girl.

Ayashi just bowed and quickly received a similar bow from Rei. "Have a nice day." Said Rei as she watched them leave the office. Once they were out of sight, Rei were immediately reminded of her aqua-haired friend who left a short while ago. Her quiet behaviour was a little bit odd and Rei couldn't help herself but be worried. 'I will have to ask her later…'

"Don't worry Rei-san, you'll get a chance to check on your friend later. I will try to give you a tour before lunch, so you can catch up with her during the lunch break." Reassured Haruka as she gently laid her hand on Rei's shoulder.

"Hai, thank you Tenou-san." Replied Rei smiling slightly. She was surprised to see that the tall blonde was able to guess what she was thinking but she was definitely glad to work under such a considerate person.

"Please call me Haruka. It's only fair and it's friendlier." Smiled Haruka as she walked toward her desk.

"Hai, Haruka-san." Acknowledged Rei smiling.

"Great, now come over here. I will quickly go over what's at your disposition for the upcoming six months." Called Haruka from a desk that was slightly off her own bigger desk one on her right.

Rei quickly walked over Haruka and guessed that the desk on which Haruka was now sitting on would be where she would be seated during her internship.

"Ok, so as you might have guessed, this will be your desk for the next 6 months. If you need any extra furniture or anything else that is not stationery, let me know I will get it for you." Explained Haruka. "As for the stationery, you can help yourself in the drawer over there." Pointed the tall blonde.

"Hai." Nodded Rei as she quickly glanced over to the drawer between her desk and Haruka's.

"Ok, so now regarding work. You will find in this folder all the documents that I would like you to read through and also a list of contacts within the company that might help you out for any matters relating to computer issues, human resources questions etc… but you can always come to me as well." Haruka explained while tapping on a folder that was resting in front of the computer monitor. "Don't worry, you should be able to read this in three four days, just take your time processing the information. Ok?" Reassured Haruka as she saw the look on the raven-haired girl when she mentioned the stack of documents she had to go through.

"Yes, sure. Anyway, I think it's always good to have an overall understanding of what you're gonna do and of the environment you will work in. Can't expect to start right away, right?" Replied Rei smiling.

"Yes, you got the good answer! One thing at a time… for now." Smiled Haruka. "Alright, now that the boring stuff are dealt with, let me give you a tour of our company."

. : x : .

"Alright, Michiru-san. This will be your desk." Mentioned Hatake as they entered his office and stopped in front of a smaller desk in the left corner. "If you need anything, feel free to ask Miyu-san. She will be glad to help you out. I hope you like the office." He then added.

"Hai, thanks." Nodded Michiru. She quickly looked around the office and noted that it was a little similar to Haruka's one, except that this one was slightly bigger and furnished with more lavishing furniture.

Her eyes then rested on the glass-shelf next to Hatake's desk and she couldn't help herself as she walked over and stared at the picture with wide eyes.

Hatake watched the aqua-haired girl walked to the other side of his desk and immediately cursed himself for procrastinating. He was supposed to remove all the pictures of him and Haruka early this week. 'She will kill me! ... Ok, now is not the time… think Hatake! You have a damage control to take care of!'

"Hatake-san… is that… Haruka-san?" Asked Michiru as she turned around. She tried to sound neutral but deep down she was far from calm. Her heart just kept pounding fast and her mind was already going back to the memories of her meeting with the beautiful woman that she was currently staring at on a picture. She was almost afraid to know, as she feared her heart wouldn't be able to take it seeing it current state.

"Oh… that picture?" Started the blonde man, trying to sound calm. "That's… Haruka Pearson, my cousin… She's a famous American model! You've heard about her before?" He blurted out smiling slightly, as he remembered his conversation with his twin a few weeks ago. 'I hope she will buy it…'

"…" Michiru didn't say anything. She looked from Hatake to the picture and kept her gaze on the tall blonde woman in the picture. 'She is just like I remember… even from that picture, anyone can tell that she is joyful, generous, intelligent, caring, friendly and… so beautiful…' Thought Michiru as her hand unconsciously reached for the photograph and her finger grazed the picture of the tall woman.

Hatake watched silently Michiru's reaction and was surprised, no chocked, to witness the various emotions that went through the young aqua haired woman face as she stared at the picture. Especially when he knew, from his conversation with Haruka, that they've only spent one day together. He wanted to ask Michiru what Haruka represented to her, but as he saw the aqua-haired girl's hand reach for the photograph and grazed longingly at his twin image, he kept quiet, and for the first time in his life, Hatake felt jealous of his twin.

Sensing Hatake's eyes on her, Michiru closed her eyes, recomposed herself and answered as best as she could. "I see… I met her once, but I didn't know she was a famous model…" Replied Michiru. 'She's…perfect.' She thought as she stared one last time at the photograph.