Disclaimer: Capcom owns Vergil and Lady. The OC's are just there for fun.

Title: Dark Knight II: Mayan Masks.

Rating: PG13.

Summary: Revised, as this was a completed piece summer 2005; originally was written in Lady's POV, but changed to 3rd. If you have a difficult time understanding the plot, PM me. I had to read up on Mayan culture a little to write this. Or tried to.

Note: This was a birthday Giftfic for Vampy Sparda. She has an account on this site if you want to check out her stuff. There may be some Fan service descriptions of Vergil because some of us fan girls like it. Also on Lady as well.

Chapter One: Conversation

A young woman lazily watched the morning sun filter through the glass windows. Dust particles sparkled like tiny feathers and created a halo of yellow light upon the breakfast table. Lady picked up a glass of orange juice; sipped at it, sitting there facing the window with an expression of boredom. An array of jams in small glasses sat next to a small stack of toasted bread. Melons and cantaloupes arranged nicely in pastel green and orange slices. Lady hoped that Vergil liked her little attempt at making some kind of breakfast.

Truth to tell, she liked to treat herself as much as the next person, and premonition told her that this would be one of the last days of pampering for a long time.

Vergil walked into the room at that moment, resplendent in his morning wear: white, crisp, long sleeved shirt, buttoned most the way up. The shirt slightly revealed his neck, collarbone, creating a very significant v-shape that made even Lady's treacherous thoughts venture of what his naked torso looked like. Someone with the personality as Vergil had to hone his body to perfection; it would be customary to presuppose he would match any well defined sculpture.

Lady remembered sifting through the history books during her years of studying, and remembered that not one of the sculptures – the subject in question had any personality. Vergil reminded her of her father…..before he turned completely evil; her father destroyed his inner soul, reflecting the cankerous appearance that he finally inherited.

Because she can, her eyes wandered bravely down the length of his pants, nicely snug around his lower body; strong legs, thighs and the buttoned up jeans that fit nicely around his waist. Who would have thought he'd adhere to other clothing besides his own? She had realized that it was rude to gape too long at this, but didn't turn away as her face met his audaciously. There really wasn't anything hormonal about her action now was there?

She stood up and handed him a cup of coffee, her blue and red orbs stared at his recognizable light-cobalt eyes.

He chuckled, giving a knowing look; a curve of a smile lifted from the corner of his usual stern lips,
"Good morning, Lady. I trust you slept well?"

He had reached for a piece of bread; his sharp eyes scanned the table and then returned to her.

"Well enough. Thank you for asking, Vergil."

There was a customary politeness between them that seemed 'forced.'

"I'm still wondering if you're going to go find your brother."

Vergil paused at that, sat down and sipped at his coffee; there was an immeasurable look when Lady mentioned his identical twin. He had told her how they had gone their separate ways many years ago. There was really no true indication of why he made that decision during his late childhood, but one thing was clear: his brother had been the one that his mother had loved more.

There was no mistaking those hard icy eyes when they stared back at Lady, painful and guilt ridden when he recounted the story to her.

Was it guilt? Because he didn't do more for his mother?

It occurred to Lady that that was the case on more than one occasion, but she respected his personal space. She turned back to the window, and finished off her orange juice.

"No." He said, "I'm not interested in finding my brother, not just yet. If I do, it's to get something we share." Vergil's hand strayed to the amulet that hid inside his shirt.

Lady nodded, crossed her legs, and fidgeted; energy coursing through her body. She knew from experience that happy endings only occurred in fairy tale books.

Her father was her greatest teacher.

Arkham: Trust not in people, my girl, for you will be disappointed.

And from what she could decipher from the time she spent in Vergil's company is that he'd never have a fairy tale ending. Certainly not with her, she mentally mused. It was enough that he was here. Her father drilled in her head that Legends are real, but because humans don't know the facts; they become exaggerated, distorted through time and facts are predictably lost.

Shoving those negative thoughts away, Lady got up and smiled, "Enjoy your breakfast; I'm going to go out for a bit."

"Oh really? So eager to be away from my company so soon?" He cajoled.

"I thought you would like to eat alone?"

"Hardly. I've been alone most of my life." He said, but didn't press it further.

Lady smiled and sat back down, hoping to bring in a brighter subject, "My mother is doing well. I think soon she'll be up and walking around. The doctors have said that she has miraculously recovered. Funny, isn't it?"

"Sometimes, even a woman of fire could die from too much trust, and believing in something that she has no idea about. Ignorance and innocence go hand in hand."

"Speaking for my mother's behalf, I'm sure." Lady mused aloud, and defended, "My mother believed in him, he was good to her…..once. He made her laugh."

"Your father has a funny side to him?" Vergil's fine brow lifted in question, "That is indeed a hilarious revelation."

"Oh yes, he was quite a funny guy really, he made everyone laugh, and you know what people say- laughter is the best medicine." Lady replied with a snort.

"Well, I think you'll like this bit of news I have and will find it amusing. I got confirmation this morning from an acquaintance. There's this mission we have to go to in Mexico, to visit this contact and get a few things done."

He glanced at Lady quickly, surveying her reaction to this bit of news and continued, "My apologies for such short notice, but we have to go this evening to take a flight out. I'm hoping you will join me. It won't be long, maybe a few months at the most, and if we're successful, a few weeks."

" Mexico? What's there?"

"It's where everything begins and ends." With that, Lady rolled her eyes. Vergil was so often conjectural and allegorical and she laughed, "The alpha and omega? Soon, you'll be quoting me the Aenid."

He stood up, looked down at her, lowering his lids, "You will……come? Or shall I have to persuade you?"

"You are the devil, Vergil, I'd inevitably lose out from the temptation." Lady continued to chuckle, "Yes, of course I'll go, did you think otherwise I wouldn't?"

"Ah, but that's no fun when you're already tempted. Half the fun is seducing."

"What's the other fun half?" She ventured, getting up from the table and walked to the staircase, she looked over her shoulder at him. Lady caught him watching her lithe form from behind, always an admirer of beauty, he followed. He had finished breakfast as well and they abandoned the table.

Lady didn't know if he'd even answer her question, but saw his light eyes glitter and his voice dropped to a whisper, "Winning."

Lady decided not to reply to that, her cheeks flushed crimson for no explanation. When she got to her room, she turned around to face him, "Ok, just let me pack a few things and I'll be ready in an hour. I'll have to tell mother too."

"My business there would deal with demons, Lady. Would you be able to handle it?"

The sun reached inside from the high windows, cascading morning rays touched his silver locks, lightened and enhanced it that Lady thought she'd never seen anything so angelic.

He seemed to have noticed her silence and continued, "Of course you would, would you? But I'm afraid this isn't like the centaurs you've faced. Or anything else you've encountered. Where I'm going will deal with possibly century old artifacts and entombments. Demonic energy that you're not familiar with. I can protect you, if you'd like."

"But you're wrong, Vergil."

He tilted his head; masculine features touched by the sunrise, "How so?"

"You're got demons blood right? I've faced you."

He gave a disbelieving laugh, "True enough," he nodded, "Better get ready if you want to catch that plane with me this evening."

"Wait! What about tickets?"

Turning around, the roguish smile flashed, "Lady, did you think I would not have you come along knowing how you love exciting activities?" he had reached inside his white shirt pocket and took out two folded airplane tickets.

Then with deliberateness, he reached over, wounding his strong arms around her and whispered in her hair, "I have a surprise for you."

It was a devils seduction. Even with so little time between them, the young woman warmed to him.

So much later, Lady had packed her belongings into a couple back packs. Her bed was a complete mess; clothes everywhere, socks and underwear crumpled up, summer tops and blouses all in pastel or white. Thinking about Mexico, she realized that it would be warm basically twenty four hours; taking light clothing would be the thing. Dark clothing would only attract the sun. She grabbed the UV-protection lotion and bug spray. Her combat boots on her person were unlaced and she proceeded to lace them up and quickly shoved everything inside her bags.

Mary didn't really know much on the Mayan culture and the Aztec reign, but wondered how much has Vergil been anticipating this kind of thing really? And who was this acquaintance?