Title: Chaotic Rebirth

Author name: Trugeta

Special thanks to: BorgRabbit for editing services rendered and for generally being a damn great sounding board.

Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by Rumiko Takahashi and VIZ as well as Naoko Takeuchi and many others. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended. Note further that I don't own any of the trademarked properties mentioned in this story. Also, the OCs used in this story are works of fiction. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead is not intended and purely coincidental.

This story takes place after the failed wedding in the Ranma series and the defeat of Galaxia in the Sailor Moon Series. It's an AU, and reviews are welcome and appreciated.

Chapter 12

A sombre silence reigned in Lemuria's lounge for the seemingly umpteenth time since the Sailor Senshi had invaded one Ranma Saotome's hideout. Shocking truths had been learned, and the most shocking of all dwarfed the discovery that there were still members of the Royal family left other than Sailor Moon – and the up to one hour ago supposedly deceased Usa 'Small Lady' Serenity – by several magnitudes.

"Beryl," breathed Sailor Moon finally and shook her head, a mixture of disbelief and anger on her face, "Why can't the bitch leave well enough alone and just stay dead?"

An inner fire suddenly seemed to burn in Moon's eyes, a palpable aura of power surrounding her, and the Moon Princess balled her right hand into a tight fist. "A lifetime ago we lost a kingdom to her, and she almost cost us our lives in this lifetime. Never again!"

The faces of the other Sailor Senshi showed similar determination and stubbornness, but in the cases of Sailors Uranus and Neptune guilt and contriteness were the prevalent emotions. Michiru Kaioh had her elbows propped up on the table and was slowly shaking her head. "She told the truth... And instead of even trying to find out the facts we charged in like a bunch of troopers with guns blazing," she muttered in disgust.

Haruka Tenoh laid her right hand on her lover's left hand and sighed. "How should we have known? Her story," Uranus waved at Ranma, "still sounds like a cock and bull story to me even now that I know it's true."

"You could just have asked and tried to get Ranma-san's side of the story instead of blindly trusting Se- Pluto's word," Hotaru barbed in a frigid tone before Ranma could say a word, making especially the other Outers flinch, "But that has been one of our major problems from the start, we blow the crap out of someone or something first and ask questions a lot later if at all. And in this case this approach could've cost us everything," the Senshi of Saturn concluded, disgust plain in her voice and on her face.

Her fellow Senshi looked at each other and none of them could fault their youngest sister-in-arms' words. "It is true. Your story, Ranma-san, isn't stranger than some of the things we encountered in the past," Sailor Moon admitted bashfully, "I apologise on behalf of my fellow Senshi. We will... Discuss our handling of the situation in great depth, rest assured."

The steely glint in Moon's blue eyes and the tone of her voice made her Senshi flinch and gulp, but Pluto, who knew who the comment was meant for bowed her head and closed her eyes; the Senshi of time was slowly coming to the realisation that her latest manipulation could have very well meant their end. An explosive sigh escaping her lips Setsuna Meiou looked up and directly at Ranma. "I know it means little and I don't want to justify what I did, but I did what I thought best for the future of the Moon Kingdom. It was nothing personal and I have nothing against you, Saotome-san, it's just that all evidence indicated you were a threat to our future. A future we fought very hard for."

Ranma's eyes had progressively darkened throughout Setsuna's monologue. "And that's the problem, Sailor Pluto. You're not the least bit sorry that you coaxed your friends into trying to assassinate me because you thought that you protecting a possible future justified your actions. And your friends trusted you, probably because of the things you survived together and, and that's naught but speculation, your track record.

"But I don't see that Kami-sama gave you the right to be judge, jury and executioner just so you can shape the future however you want to. And I know for a fact that Queen Serenity VI., my ancestor, never gave you the order to bring about 'Crystal Tokyo'. Before you ask, I know because my daughter told me her other mother would never have agreed to sacrificing others to reform the Kingdom. She would've found another way."

Ranma's angrily crackling silver aura had prevented anyone from getting a word in edgewise, and her part said, the heiress of Tenma clamped down on her temper, slowly removing the oppressive feeling from the room. Sailor Moon found her voice first, a sad but agreeing look on her face. "She would have at that, Ranma-san, and she would have handled this whole... situation better, no doubt. But she isn't here, and all I can do is apologise for our misguided actions," she said and bowed low, her fellow Scouts, Pluto upon being glared at by Moon included.

"It should never have happened, but it seems I have been too dewy-eyed when it comes to certain aspects of my leadership," Moon continued upon righting herself, "I know we started off on the wrong foot, but maybe we can start anew," the Moon Princess said softly and detransformed, much to her friends' and fellow Senshis' surprise; the newly detransformed Sailor Moon held out her right hand, an apologetic smile on her face, "Hi, I'm Usagi Tsukino, and I have just found out that I'm your cousin. It's nice to meet you."

Ranma was stumped for a moment, and part of her wanted to cling to her anger towards the Scouts, but a larger part had come to the realisation that the Inners and at least Hotaru – if not her 'parents' as well – were genuine in their apology and that it would be remiss of her to let the many suffer for the mistakes of the few, or rather one, in this case; especially when it was very likely that she would need the Scouts' help in eliminating this threat to, well, all of humanity. The seriousness never left her eyes as she took the proffered hand and shook it, but a small smile turned up the corners of her mouth. "I'm Ranma Saotome, and if you promise to never pull something like that again we can talk about being cousins."

Usagi stared into Ranma's eyes for a few moments as if searching for something, and then she nodded solemnly. "It's definitely time I threw the hands off approach out of the window. It's unbecoming of a leader to be ignorant, and you have my promise that I'll change the way we've been running things."

Ranma was subconsciously aware that like her Moon couldn't lie, but it was the underlying conviction permeating her words that convinced her of the blonde's honesty. "Good. I already have enough nutcases for family, so I hope asking for at least one that's relatively sane ain't too much to ask for, is it?"

"It's debatable whether or not I'd call Moon sane," muttered Mars in an amused tone just loud enough to be heard.

Moon ignored her comrade with great dignity and shrugged. "Isn't sanity overrated anyway?" she mused and smiled.

Ranma couldn't help but to mirror the smile. "Too true. In a sane world nothing of this," she pointed at her swollen belly, then at the Lemurian base itself and finally at the Senshi, "would've happened. But then again, I wouldn't be here, hadn't found friends," her glance briefly touched Usa and Hotaru, "those that might become friends," here her gaze wandered to Usagi and the other Inners, "hadn't found Muri and couldn't kick ass and take names with such ease."

"You are aware that it will be exceedingly hard to kick one million plus Youma asses plus that of Beryl?" Mercury queried dryly, her brows cocked in amusement.

Ranma cracked her knuckles and let her eyes flash silver. "They are threatening all that's left of what the Queen used to love more than her life. They're threatening the planet my little girl's going to be growing up on, and they're threatening those too weak to defend themselves. It is my sworn duty to protect those unable to protect themselves, and I'll fuckin' give my all, even if it kills me."

Taken aback by the passion behind Ranma's words Mercury could just nod a little wide-eyed; Ranma's spontaneous and heart-felt outburst also served to further endear the silver-haired teen to the Inners and Hotaru, and even the other Outers were beginning to re-evaluate their opinions of the martial artist. "I feel the same way, Ranma-shinseki," Moon spoke up softly, resolve shining in blue eyes that perfectly expressed all she had experienced in this lifetime, "And this is why I'd like us to be allies, and if at all possible, friends. I feel I can trust you, and I hope you feel the same."

Ranma, although secretly pleased that Usagi had used a term reserved for family, let an explosive sigh escape her lips, her facial expression betraying the inner turmoil she was in. "This goes against all my convictions to hold a grudge against you girls for what you tried to do to Senny-chan, but I'll give this a shot. I blame it on me being moodier than Akane during PMS.

"Heh, hope the tomboy didn't hear that, or she'd be hell to defuse," Ranma muttered to herself with a giggle, only to turn completely serious the very next moment, "If anyone tries anything all bets are off. And just so you know, I may be able to overlook certain things like the planned assassination of me and by proxy my daughter to make this alliance thingy work," all Senshi paled at the absolute frigidness of her tone, "but I will never forget nor will I forgive."

"I don't-"

"Hold it, Pluto," Moon interrupted authoritatively to the surprise of many, "The last thing we need now is a downward spiral of mutual accusations."

"Moon is right. What we need is a plan, a strategy," Mercury supplied.

An oppressive silence reigned for a few moments before Ranma spoke up. "There's a little something or two I can contribute to raising our chances, but you guys might just take my first suggestion as an insult and-"

"Just spit it out, Ranma-san," Sailor Mars urged and followed the example of her leader and friend by detransforming, "I'm Rei, by the way. It's usually not like me to be so... careless with my secret identity, but I think it's the least you deserve after the way we treated you. I hope it goes some way in building trust."

Sailor Jupiter detransformed next. "Good idea, Rei. I'm Makoto, Ranma-san. And I hold it with Rei. Shoot."

Venus nodded empathically and followed her sisters-in-arms suit. "Minako, and I couldn't agree more," she exclaimed with a sincere smile.

Ranma looked a bit surprised but nodded, a small smile on her lips. "It's more than a start. And please can it with the 'san', just Ranma is okay," she said eliciting nods.

Sailor Mercury shook her head and muttered, "'Tis barefooted madness, but there seems to be method to this madness at least. Ami. And I admit to being curious as to what you think you could help us with, although I assume you're alluding to the possibility of us getting angry over a less than flattering assessment of our fighting skills outside of magical attacks. Am I right?"

Ranma, still feeling a bit surprised at this unexpected show of trust on the Inners' part was rapidly approaching flabbergasted. "I... You... Yeah. How'd you know?" she finally managed to utter.

"Simple logical deduction, really," Ami replied modestly as her friends - who were used to such displays of brawn - grinned knowingly, "We all saw your prowess in the martial arts when we fought you and your friend with you being at least in the second trimester, so it's not that great a logical leap to assume your suggestion consists of you wanting to improve our hand-to-hand skills."

Ranma was stumped, and it showed. "Wow," was all she managed to mutter.

"Meet the brains of our team," Rei said dryly, her eyes twinkling, "So, you want to improve our hand-to-hand skills, eh?"

Ranma resisted the impulse to say, 'Building up from scratch's more like it,' and just nodded. "Yes, Ami is quite correct. At the moment I'd be willing to teach all of the Inners and Hotaru. Uranus and Neptune would be welcome too, but with you two being the most steadfast supporters of Pluto I'd have to place you on probation."

Uranus looked a bit contrite, but Neptune laid a calming hand on her lover's knee. "We understand, Ranma-san," Michiru said simply.

Ranma tilted her head and blinked in surprise, then she shrugged. "Right. Pluto, you I don't trust at all, and it's safe to say I'd never teach you anything. But I presume you've learned a thing or two in the last 14,000 years," she said dryly, her eyes cold.

Pluto resisted the urge to shiver under the powerful gaze that reminded her so much of her Queen at her angriest. "You presume correctly."

"Good," Moon spoke up in an attempt to get the conversation moving on, "We appreciate your offer, Ranma-san, and will gladly partake in your training regime."

Ranma nodded, and accepted the conversation change. "Good. As said, you guys are welcome to join in. But it won't be a walk in the park and is likely gonna be the hardest you'll ever have trained."

Usa saw the disbelieving looks and decided to speak up. "I won't mention things that could endanger the future, but I know a lot about Ranma-sensei's school. If I were you I'd take everything she said seriously. Very seriously."

Nervous glances were exchanged between the Scouts and Moon giggled nervously. "Right. Hard training. We can do that."

"We shall see," Ranma said ominously, a knowing smile flitting across her features.

Ami interjected, "The only details that need to be solidified would be the when and where."

"I believe I can help in that regard, Ami-san," Muri spoke up. "I have what used to be called holo-technology at my disposal. With it I can simulate any surrounding and situation in a specially outfitted room simply called the 'holo-room'. It would be ideal for training in my humble opinion."

"Muri, I could kiss you!" Ranma exclaimed enthusiastically, "That's perfect!"

"You're welcome, Serenity," Muri replied modestly.

"Okay, that's the where," Makoto piped up, "And the when?"

Ranma's face turned serious, and her solemn gaze wandered from face to face, exempting Pluto. "I know you guys won't like it, but for the training to be effective we need to train at least every day with one day off."

A cacophony of noise was kicked up as several of the girls protested, but Moon, Mercury and Jupiter remained silent. "I see. If that is what it takes to save the world it is a price I'm willing to pay," Usagi said uncharacteristically seriously.

"Agreed. It should've dawned on anyone by now that our occupation isn't fun nor a part-time activity like a hobby," Jupiter supplied equally serious, and added dryly, "If not, Beryl and the bazillion Youma with her on that big rock should be a damn good clue."

"The only issue I see is, how do we get out of school? And make it convincing enough so that our parents buy it?" Ami queried thoughtfully.

Silence reigned until Pluto spoke up. "I can help in that regard. I can call in some favours and enlist the help of a few colleagues."

The group blinked in surprise. "And how'd that work?" asked Moon.

"Not many know this aside from the director, but I'm a fully accredited teacher in all of your subjects. When I negotiated my contract I had the option included that I could form a class of my own for a pilot study. This pilot study is to prove that students of diverse grades but not more than a year apart up and down can be prepped to get their graduation in a year's time," Pluto explained.

"How did you get that past the Ministry?" Ami asked incredulous.

"Simple. I had an audience with his majesty, Emperor Akihito and his wife. The House of the Moon and the House of the Sun have always maintained close relations, and it didn't come as a surprise to me that the crown knew all of our civilian identities," Pluto elucidated calmly.

A collective "What?" echoed through the room at that revelation.

"Why did you never tell us that they know?" Moon demanded, her blue eyes flashing.

"The reason is simple, really. We couldn't change anything about it, and you were better off not knowing. Imagine how you'd have acted had you known, you'd always have watched your back. And that would've made people suspicious," Pluto explained, "And seeing that it is a friendly party in the know I felt the hands off approach was best suited."

Moon sighed explosively, settling a steely gaze on Pluto. "While this decision of yours was probably for the best, I want to have things like this run by me in the future. Decisions that pertain to or affect the group will be made by me from now on, and as I want to make informed decisions I want input and information from all of you. Withholding information, and yes, I'm looking at you Setsuna, is something I will not tolerate any longer. Is that understood?"

Her fellow Senshi were visibly surprised, but that Usagi had just channelled the Queen-aspect of her persona caused everyone to nod. Ranma was suppressing a smirk at seeing her cousin laying down the law, and a quick glance at Usa told her that the younger girl was pleased as well.

"Good. Now let us return to the topic at hand... What results did your visit at our Majesty's yield, Pluto?" Moon inquired authoritatively.

Pluto, who was still in the process of overcoming her surprise at seeing Usagi act like the Queen she was destined to become quickly gathered her bearings. "I assume you're not interested therein that it was very pleasant conversation over some really good tea? No? Didn't think so," the Senshi of Time sighed, "As already expounded upon, her Majesty knew our civilian identities. It turns out they knew everything about us, and that due to a simple fact: Orion the Hunter, brother to Queen Serenity VI., had close relations to the Royal House but faked his death when things got too hot, then he resurfaced and apparently founded a line that became the Saotomes and-"

"That's a load of bull! I know for a fact that you killed him!" Ranma interjected heatedly.

"Is that so?" Pluto asked with coldly glittering eyes, "And how did you come about this information? Was it revealed to you by your relatives, per chance? The same relatives who likely forced you to have your child?" she further inquired almost mockingly.

"I-" Ranma began but drew blanks as she was at a loss for words.

"You have to admit that she's got a point there, Ranma," Moon spoke up, "If the same people who forced Senny-chan on you claim that Pluto killed your ancestor it's at least suspect."

"I- damn, I wish there was a way to use the Gates to get proof once and for all," Ranma muttered with a grumble.

Moments later everything turned into a swirl of colours, and Ranma was whisked away.


Ranma's eyes slowly adjusted to the sudden darkness surrounding her, and she could already tell from the feeling of the familiar surface beneath her butt that she'd been brought to one of her favourite spots: the roof of the Tendo-ke. It was just after nightfall and the first few stars could be seen on the firmament, and Ranma gave a soft sigh. How she'd love to be at the actual, the real Tendo Dojo with her friends, her family, but she knew all too well that that wasn't to be.

"Hello dear," Ranma said softly and turned her head to the left, her eyes going soft as she looked into the face of her daughter.

"Hi mom," Senny replied and inched closer, laying her head on Ranma's right shoulder; just as she'd hoped she would her mother began to stroke her hair and she sighed contently. "I could stay like this forever," she murmured softly, "but sadly there's so much to do.

"Mom, there is a way to prove or disprove Sailor Pluto's story."

"Oh?" Ranma perked up, not stopping to play with her daughter's hair, "Do tell."

"I'm reasonably certain that uncle, Orion the Hunter, that is, cannot be scried by the Timegates due to the fact that he's royalty. Just like the Gates would draw complete blanks on you now that you've awakened your heritage," Senny explained.

Ranma absorbed the information and nodded. "Go on."

"Two members of the Royal line working together can however, activate a hidden protocol in the Timegates that cancels this restriction. Meaning that the lives of the members of the royal family can be scried as well.

"Don't worry," she added at seeing her mother's look, "It can be easily reactivated, and Pluto doesn't have the clearance to make alterations."

Ranma mulled over Senny's suggestion and nodded slowly. "Seems like our best shot at uncovering the truth. So what do I do?"

Senny removed her head from its resting place and looked Ranma in the eyes. "Get Pluto to teleport you and the others to the Timegates and say the following: Gates of Time, activate protocol Serenity Theta Forty-Two, subsection Omicron Gamma Four dash two. Command line: run Unveiler. Authorisation House Serenity."

Ranma repeated the words in her head until she'd memorised them and nodded. "Thanks, dear. Maybe I'll find out now what the wicked witch of the east has been up to."

Senny nodded and snuggled closer to her mother. "When they teleport try watching their magic. Maybe your magic can replicate it," she mused before resting her head under Ranma's chin, "Play with my hair for a bit while I explain some things, mom?" she asked with puppy-dog eyes.

Ranma just smiled and her fingers went to work.


The Sailor Senshi and Muri all watched in silence how Ranma's eyelids fluttered repeatedly before a soft smile broke out on her face. Seeing this troubled young member of the Royal family so relaxed and happy brought a smile to many a face, and Moon in particular hoped to see a smile on the face of her de facto cousin more often. A sigh escaped the young Saotome as she returned to reality, and the relaxed expression was immediately replaced by a game face.

"I found a way to prove if your words are true, Sailor Pluto. And much as it irks me, I'll need your help," she said grudgingly, her voice sounding like she was being dragged through stinging nettles.

"Oh?" Setsuna exclaimed casually, a verdant brow raised.

"We will help you in any way we can, Ranma," Usagi said sternly, her hard look communicating that she wouldn't tolerate any nonsense.

Ranma inclined her head at her cousin and took a deep breath. "As you may or may not know, the Time Gates cannot scry members of the Royal family. It's a safety function that was integrated into the technomagical matrix by its creator so as to ensure that one of the most valuable tools the Moon Kingdom possessed could not ever be used to eradicate the Royal line."

Pluto nodded. "That is correct," she said neutrally.

"What you do not know is that this safety protocol can be deactivated by two members of the Royal line working together. One must enter the code, the other must approve," Ranma said, a small smirk creeping through her impassive facade at the flabbergasted expressions that appeared on the Senshi's faces, "Mind you, the two people in question must be willing, magic and soul. Were either of the two to be forced the Gates would go into lockdown. Then there's the small problem of actually getting to the Gates, which is exceedingly difficult or so I'm told. Something about them being buried several dimensions deep."

Sailor Pluto blinked as her mind processed the information, her red eyes locking on Ranma. "Intriguing. Am I to assume that you have the codes you spoke of?"

"Yes. So, ready to go?" Ranma asked cockily.

"We are," Moon replied in a tone that rang with finality, "Senshi, group teleport to the Time Gates. Ranma, take my hand."

Ranma stopped to look her cousin in the eyes and when she found no hint of betrayal or dishonesty she nodded, "Muri, please lower the shields and raise them as soon as we are off. And proceed with repairs at your leisure."

"I will, Serenity," Muri replied and bowed her head, her eyes briefly lighting up, "Shields are down."

"Thanks, Muri. You're a lifesaver," Ranma retorted and held out her left hand while the AI muttered softly, "'T was nothing, Serenity."

"And off we go!" Usagi exclaimed as soon as she had grasped Ranma's hand.

And without further ado the group of twelve was gone.


Ranma felt herself fade back into existence and quickly pasted a blank expression on her face so as to suppress the triumphant grin that wanted to bloom on her face. She'd done as her daughter had suggested and had watched the others' magic at work during the teleport. Learning the teleportation spell had been embarrassingly easy due to the fact that it seemed to be part of her 'ascended' forms as well, and all it had taken to learn it had been to watch the magic at work and experience it. She was reasonably sure that she had the spell down pat, but hell would freeze over before she'd carelessly reveal her new skill.

Glancing up the path she glimpsed at a true marvel of Silver Millennium engineering skill, the one tool that'd hopefully give her the answers she sought. "The real thing looks even more impressive, that's for sure," Ranma mused as she ran her eyes over the Gates of Time.

"Real thing?" echoed Venus, beating her teammates to the question.

"I have seen footage of the Gates. They even tried to explain the inner workings to me, but that technobabble voodoo mojo mathingy went straight over my head," Ranma retorted with a shrug.

"Amen to that. Whenever Ami starts speaking science or geek my mind takes a vacation, so I can so totally relate," Moon muttered.

"Hey!" Ami protested with a pout, "No fair!"

Ranma shook her head in mirth and smiled. "No one said life's fair," she said, causing Mercury to mock-pout, "So, shall we get this show on the road?"

"Yeah," chorused most of the Senshi, and even Pluto said, "By all means."

"Good," Ranma nodded and turned to the Gates, gathering her thoughts and pulling the information her daughter had given her to the forefront of her mind, "Gates of Time, establish new user Ranma Saotome Serenity."

A bright white beam of light emanated from the Timegates and enveloped Ranma, and the Saotome had the feeling of being caressed in the gentlest way possible. "Heritage verified," a female voice said softly, "User Ranma Saotome Serenity listed as Admin. Welcome, Serenity."

"Uh, hi," Ranma returned with a sheepish smile as a more sophisticated reply didn't come to her.

Moon whereas had a decidedly intrigued gleam in her eyes. "That's possible?"

"What do you mean, meat- uh, Moon?" Mars asked, stopping herself from teasing her friend and leader at the look that told her she wouldn't put up with the teasing any longer.

"That you can be added as user of the Timegates just like that!" Moon clarified.

"It's not that easy, Usagi," Ranma replied gently, "Only female members of the Serenity line can be given a profile so that they may access the Gates, but you'd need Pluto's staff for manipulations."

"Makes sense," Mercury mused contemplatively, "I assume the Gates checked that you were free of evil or demonic influence and acting of your own free will?"

"That's a standard precaution," Ranma replied with a nod.

Moon turned to Pluto. "And you knew that new... users could have been added? That I could've been added?"

"No, I didn't. Queen Serenity didn't see fit to share this little detail with me," Pluto replied in a tone that conveyed she was telling the truth, "Even if I had, what would it have achieved? You have no training in handling the Gates, and even one misstep can have catastrophic consequences. One wrong step could create a present where the Dark Moon clan won, or one where Pharaoh 90 managed to enter our plane of existence," she explained gravely, the implications making her team mates shudder, "I was instructed in the usage of the Gates for centuries, Princess. It is without a doubt one of our greatest assets, but in inexperienced hands worse than our worst enemy."

Moon visibly contemplated Pluto's words before nodding. "I understand. I'll want an instruction in how to handle the Gates in case you're ever incapacitated anyway, and I want my cousin in as well."

The steel in Moon's tone told Pluto that the Moon Princess wouldn't budge, prompting the Time Senshi to nod. "Very well, Princess."

"Good," Ranma nodded neutrally keeping her thoughts on the matter to herself, "Now that we've got that sorted out... Gates of Time, activate protocol Serenity Theta Forty-Two, subsection Omicron Gamma Four dash two. Command line: run Unveiler. Authorisation House Serenity."

"Affirmative, Serenity. Command line carried out," the Timegates AI replied instantly. "Standing by for further commands."

"Show us the life of Orion the Hunter," Pluto said in a soft but commanding tone.

"Access denied, Guardian Pluto," the AI retorted much to Setsuna's bafflement, "Only user Ranma Saotome Serenity is allowed to access restricted files."

Ranma resisted the urge to blow Pluto a raspberry and kept her face blank. "Please do as Pluto asked as soon as I say 'play'."

"Affirmative, Serenity," the AI complied. "Approximate length of the clip is one and a half hours standard time. Standing by for commands."

"Guess we better get comfortable, then," Ranma said with a minute shrug and began to pull out futon after futon out of storage space under the Senshi's surprised gazes, twelve in total. She passed them around and grinned. "What? Did you really think I'd taken so long in the bathroom? Come on! I wanna see my ancestor's life and Pluto's life plus her actions to bring about Crystal Tokyo. Considering just how old she is I knew how long it'd take, so I came prepared."

"'She' is right here," grumbled Setsuna just loud enough to be heard.

"Sorry, what did you say? Your voice's getting all cracked and parched in your old age which makes it kinda hard to understand ya," Ranma retorted evenly.

Pluto glared daggers at Ranma who just smiled serenely, prompting the Senshi of Time to huff. "I suggest we begin lest I can't leave your bothersome presence," she grumbled and sat down on her butt, pointedly ignoring the futons.

All around the other Senshi followed her example and sat down, albeit on futons. Usagi shot Setsuna a look and whistled lowly. "Hoh damn, Ranma really gets under your skin, eh?"

"It's not just that I have a few bones to pick with her, I have it on good authority that members of the Serenity line were exceptionally gifted at riling up poor ole Pluto," Ranma explained with a vicious grin, "Your mother, while good friends with Setsuna here, was a real pro at it.

"But enough of that," she continued at seeing the speculative gleam in Moon's eyes, "Now that we're all comfortable, well, most of us anyway," she shot Pluto a saccharine smile which was met by a huff, "there's just one thing left to say: play."

The large artefact known as the Gates of Time came to life upon perceiving the command, and in the following one-and-a-half hours the life of Orion the Hunter was laid bare to the group of twelve. It would have been an understatement to say that Ranma was most affected of all by what she had seen, and her surprise had turned to cold fury. Pluto had told the truth.

But it wasn't the fact that her ancestor had indeed faked his death, no, it was the fact that he'd done so again. The original founder of the Saotome clan, believed to having died at the hands of Pluto had been a very influential court advisor until 1932 whence he had ostensibly been killed in a car crash. The car had fallen down two hundred metres into a valley and been completely destroyed, no survivors. Forensics had hardly been established back then and Notabe Tanaka had been declared dead. What next to no one knew, he had reemerged as none other than-

"Xenma Saotome... That fucker! That bastard!" Ranma exclaimed heatedly, silver energy coursing around her.

"I do have to admit that he is exceedingly clever," Pluto admitted, "His modus operandi of using his Silver Millennium knowledge to insert himself into influential positions seems to be working quite well for him. The only question is, why did he panic and abduct Saotome-san to carry out this insane plan of his?"

"Being respectful won't get you anywhere, Pluto," Ranma growled, her silver eyes narrowed to slits, "You might not have killed my ancestor, but you have a lot to answer for. Trying to kill Senny for one, and then there's the fact that you wanted to sacrifice billions to bring your plans to fruition."

"I wasn't trying to suck up to you, girl," Setsuna retorted evenly, "And you'll find that I always acted in the best interests of my Queen."

Ranma didn't even react to the thinly veiled barb at her manliness or lack thereof. "Now, why don't we find out about that, hmm? Gates, show us all instances where Guardian Pluto aka Princess Setsuna of Pluto used her powers or influence in a way not compliant with Queen Serenity's orders."

"Affirmative, Serenity," the Gates AI complied and the Gates came to life again.

Over the course of the next hour the Time Gates showed Princess Pluto's infractions, and Ranma was stumped that the guardian of the Time Gates had only overstepped her competences a dozen times in the last fourteen thousand years. And she had only used her considerable abilities to bring about the downfall of tyrants and would-be-world-rulers, most notably Caesar's 44 B.C. and Hitler's during World War II with her latest infraction being her attempt on Senny-chan's life.

Ranma sighed explosively into the silence that reigned. "The worst is probably that I can understand why you arranged for the deaths of Caesar and Hitler and the other tyrants you offed. But you committed a colossal fuck up in judgement when you came after my daughter and me, and all that to fulfil a goal never set by the Queen, Crystal Tokyo," she said sternly, and added, "Even the Gates say so."

"Even the Gates say so," Usagi echoed solemnly and sighed, looking at Setsuna who was calmly awaiting judgement, "What I see as the worst is that I understand you, Setsuna. You did what you did for the greater good, or so you thought. But you forgot that we are no gods. We cannot make life and death decisions on a whim, especially not for all of humanity," the Moon Princess held up her hand to forestall protests, "I know what you want to say, but you didn't have all the facts when you acted, Setsuna. To attack Ranma was not a decision based on facts, you know it, I know it. Crystal Tokyo has become unattainable, and maybe it's good this way.

"No, not maybe. For sure. We will find a way to win this and open up a new opportunity to bring the human race into a new age, a new kingdom not built on the bones of billions.

"Pluto," Usagi visibly gathered herself after her impressive impromptu speech, "Setsuna, you were on your own when you planned the ends of the tyrants you offed, but nowadays we," she waved her hand at the other women in the room, "are part of the team again. And I expect that you act as a part of the team and run decisions like this by me.

"Do not get me wrong, I won't condone killing potential threats, but if an individual or a group of individuals pose a threat we will evaluate the situation and take the necessary steps, ask questions first if at all possible and blast the heck out of them should they prove to be enemies. Together. As a team. Am I understood?" she asked with steel glinting in her eyes.

Every single Sailor Senshi nodded wide-eyed even though they knew who Usagi's words were aimed at, Rei muttering, "Wow, she's growing one helova backbone."

"Good," Usagi nodded, satisfied with the reactions, "I'll personally dispense judgement that is appropriate to any infraction that should occur, and if the infraction is serious enough I'm not above kicking the offender out of the team and stripping them of their powers."

Protests erupted, but Usagi's bark of "Silence!" nipped said half-hearted protests in the bud. "Sailor Pluto, fellow Senshi, I, Sailor Moon, heiress of Queen Serenity VI. have irrevocably decided that the pursuit of Crystal Tokyo is abandoned for all time, past, present and future. Failure to comply will result in grave consequences," she said in an icy-cold tone and let her blue eyes travel over her Senshi, "Is that clear?"

"Crystal," ten thoroughly cowed Senshi replied.

"Good," Usagi nodded to herself, a bit of the customary friendliness returning to her face before it was sapped away as she turned to face Sailor Pluto, "Sailor Pluto, Guardian of Time, there is the matter of your infraction against one Ranma Saotome to resolve. I know you did what you thought best, but as we learned, your actions stood in direct conflict with the orders given by my mother.

"As said, you should have run this by us. That you knew I and the majority of the others would not have approved had we had all the facts only compounds it.

"Yes, I know you have had to rely just on yourself for several thousand years which serves to explain some of it, but that does not excuse your actions. And to touch a sore spot, hadn't you used the powers granted by my mother to ensure that Crystal Tokyo was well on course I'm certain you would have found out about Beryl's clone sooner.

"In light of this and with taking your performance over the years I have known you into account I have no choice but to place you on probation, effective immediately.

"I won't strip you off your powers in light of the threat we're facing as of now," she continued steely and just paused to give Ranma a brief apologetic look, "But fall back into old patterns and I'm not above it, Sailor Pluto."

To maximise the effect off her words Moon let her eyes glow silver. "I may not remember all of my past life which is curiously enough changing ever since I arrived here, but I remember enough," she concluded levelly, stressing the last word and leaving it hanging.

"I have a theory as to that," Ami spoke up, her face scrunched up in thought, "But more to that later when I have more data."

Moon nodded just as Setsuna turned her head to look at the Moon Princess. "I understand, Princess," Pluto replied in a tone that conveyed she did, her carefully construed neutral mask hiding just how surprised she was at her princess' words and actions, "Completely."

"Good. If I remember correctly, it was customary in the Moon Kingdom that the attacked party was to be compensated by the offender," Moon mused in thoughtful contemplation, noting the speculative gleam in her cousin's eyes, and added, "Within reason, of course."

"You remember correctly, princess," Pluto said in a neutral tone, wondering what her leader was getting at.

"Monetary compensation appropriate to the severity of the offense was a given," Moon mused thoughtfully and nodded to herself as she accessed knowledge of her past life, "As was The Binding, a request issued by the offended party that the offender must fulfil. Within reason, again," the Moon Princess concluded.

Ranma, who had watched the exchange in silence didn't know how to feel. Usagi, someone who barely knew her had stood up for her - granted, only after getting the full picture, but regardless - but wouldn't allow her to rip into Pluto like she wanted. Part of her wanted to tear into the Time Senshi consequences be damned, but a growing part favoured a less bloody but more vindictive solution that would raise everyone's chances of survival. It was this part that won out, and her eyes coldly gleaming Ranma looked up and straight into the eyes of her cousin. "Within reason? Can do."


"You want me to what?" the deceptively calm voice of one Setsuna Meiou queried into the silence reigning in the lounge of Lemuria.

Ranma, who had reclaimed her seat after their return to Lemuria a few minutes before, opted for a mature response instead of giving a smart ass reply a la 'Your hearing must be going bad 'cause of your old age,' and calmly repeated, "My request is that you, personally, do your utmost to bring the following potential allies to our side: Grandmaster Happosai of the Anything Goes style of martial arts, Elder Ku Lon and the Joketsozoku Amazons, Herb and the Musk tribe as well as Saffron and the Phoenix tribe, all based near the valley of Jusenkyo. Further potential allies are the following martial artists: Ryu Kumon, Pantyhose Taro – don't look at me, you'll probably find out the story how he got his name by yourself – Ukyo Kuonji and," the silver-haired teen allowed a sinister smile to flash over her face, "Kodachi and Tatewaki Kuno.

"You probably should also include those of your 'potential threat to Crystal Tokyo, slated for elimination' folder that are of the morally sane variety for good measure. You have your time gates, use them to this end."

"Princess?" Pluto queried tonelessly, just her arched right verdant brow indicating what she thought of the 'request'.

"All in all a sound request," Moon decided after a minute of contemplation, causing Pluto's shoulders to slump ever so slightly, much to Ranma's not so secret delight. "Ranma, is it correct to assume that you have dealt with the individuals and groups you mentioned?"

"Oh yeah," Ranma replied, her smile all too saccharine.

"Then would it ask too much if the Senshi as a whole would accompany Pluto, as well as you?" Moon asked and hurried to explain her reasoning as Ranma's smile fell, "Us, the Senshi to provide the brawn should it prove necessary, and you because you obviously know who we are dealing with."

"Agreed if we add one more stipulation, but seeing as we're modifying the request anyway it shouldn't be a problem, ne?" Ranma queried, her smile back to what it was before.

"That depends on the nature of the stipulation," Usagi retorted levelly.

"Damn, I feel like watching a political debate on the telly. Is that political talent inherent to the Serenity line?" Rei muttered quietly.

Ranma's eyes widened briefly as she considered Rei's statement and the possible veracity contained within, but filed it away for later review in favour of more pressing matters. "Naturally. This stipulation pertains to something you already suggested, Usagi, but I want to make it more binding, and it will be this way. Sailor Pluto, I request of you that you teach Usagi Tsukino aka Sailor Moon and myself, Ranma Saotome, both of line Serenity, the ropes of handling the Gates of Time without lies and deceit and nothing but truthful and complete tutoring. So mote it be."

Ranma didn't know where the last sentence she had uttered had come from, but somehow it'd felt right. The former redhead thought to have detected annoyance behind Pluto's impeccable facade, but the genuinely surprised then grateful look on her cousin's face gratified her much more. "So mote it be," Sailor Moon echoed, shortly followed without inflection by Setsuna.

"Very well. Now to the monetary compensation," Sailor Moon continued in a level tone, "Seeing as the offense committed by Sailor Pluto would have resulted in the death of Ranma's unborn daughter and inevitably severe emotional trauma I rule that half of Sailor Pluto's monetary assets shall be given to Ranma Saotome Serenity. So mote it be."

The statement was echoed by the others, and this time the annoyance clearly shown through Pluto's mask. Ranma was about to smile vindictively when a sigh escaped the lips of the Pluto princess. "I guess I deserved that for running off half-cocked. Ranma-san, I committed a serious error in judgement when I acted without having all the facts. It is not your forgiveness I seek for I know that won't come, but that we put aside our differences in favour of dealing with this crisis."

Ranma calmly schooled her features, the Soul of Ice aiding her in hiding just how surprised she was that the proud, almost arrogant Pluto had admitted fault. "A truce, then," she mused thoughtfully, eliciting a nod from Pluto. "This is against my better judgement, and a big part of me wants to rip you to shreds for trying to kill Senny, but as the saying goes, the enemy of my enemy is my ally," she finally said, her voice sounding like she'd swallowed something unpleasant, "In short, accepted."

Pluto wordlessly held out her right hand which Ranma grasped, barely resisting the urge to crush it. "So mote it be," both women said at the same time.

The tension that had been building in the room vanished abruptly, and when she saw the smiles on the others' faces Ranma knew she'd done something right.


"How do we go about securing the help of those potential allies you mentioned, Ranma?" Ami inquired.

"Well, I know one right off the bat we could ask rather easily. At least I think so. My father and his drinking buddy Soun once said that saying his name three times would summon him," Ranma mused with a shrug that said she didn't quite believe it herself, "I have to warn you girls, though. The guy is a super pervert, but a martial artist so skilled you'll hardly be able to stop him from copping a feel and groping you. For that's what he'll do. It's his self-proclaimed mission in life to 'liberate silky darlings'."

"In other words, he's a bra and panties stealer," Rei summarised with a growl.

"A pretty succinct summary, yeah," Ranma agreed, a brief look of disgust flickering over her face, "But his skills will be invaluable, trust me. And my current state of being will sure as hell suffice to steal his thunder. At least I hope so," she said, muttering the last part.

"If that man tries to steal my undies I'll flame sniper his balls," Rei ground out between clenched teeth, her statement echoed by agreeing sentiments uttered by her sisters-in-arms.

Ranma just shrugged. "You're welcome to try, but he'll just shrug it off and laugh and continue his lingerie liberation spree. Anyway, let's give this a try. I suggest you guys fan out across the room leaving me to sit at the table. I'll cloak my presence right after the 'summoning', this way I can surprise him best."

Moon just nodded, taking Ranma's word for it, her gesture prompting the other Senshi to take up positions. Once done Ranma gave her cousin a small smile and a nod and braced herself. "Muri, lower the shields and raise them as soon as a male human appears, but at the latest in a minute."

"Affirmative. Shields down, Ranma," the AI replied promptly.

"Happosai, Happosai, Happosai!" Ranma chanted, her face a mask of concentration that conveyed her desire to make this work.

Nothing happened for a few seconds and Ranma was about to scoff at yet another example of superstition on the old farts' part when suddenly a tiny figure carrying a large sack appeared with a pop. "-oootcha?"

His voice trailing off Happosai shrugged off his surprise and looked around. The sack fell to the ground with a dull thud, Happosai's eyes going incredibly wide. "I don't know what I've done to deserve it, but thank you, Kami-sama!" he exclaimed reverently, a huge grin appearing on his face as he yelled his trademark, "Hoootcha!"

Pandemonium erupted in the lounge and silky darlings were liberated left, right and centre. Indignant shrieks and useless attempts at mounting a defence accompanied each theft, and Happosai, harbinger of perverted chaos, was in his element.

Ranma let it carry on for a few minutes to ram home the point just how outclassed the Senshi were despite their powers, only the brief flicker of sorrow in her eyes betraying that she didn't like putting the other women through this humiliating and embarrassing experience. 'Never woulda thought that I'd get so in touch with my inner female that I could relate to what they're just going through. Meh,' she thought and stopped hiding her presence.

The effect was instantaneous in that Happosai stopped dead in his tracks. Just his incredible reflexes and reaction time prevented a neutering via Flame Sniper, the magical attack crashing harmlessly into a forcefield that'd popped up to protect the viewscreen.

"That's enough, Happi," Ranma said calmly but firmly from the table, her fingers steepled, "Usagi, fellow Scouts, please stand down. I have it under control."

A neutral look replaced the furious expression on Sailor Moon's face and she nodded sharply. "If you're sure, Ranma," she replied and seeing as Happosai's lingerie liberation had come to an end she beckoned her fellow Senshi to assemble at the starboard side to explain what she had gleaned, "I know you all want to rip the perverted old man to shreds, me too, but that was just a demonstration. Ranma..."

Happosai stopped listening in at that point. "R- Ranma?" he asked uncertainly, said uncertainty stemming from the fact that it just couldn't be what his senses were telling him, "When did you become a silver-haired magical girl? And p- p- pregnant?"

Ranma stood up and moved to in front of the table, putting her swollen belly on display to remove any doubt the Grandmaster of her style may have still harboured. "I guess from the sharp intake of breath just now that your doubts were scattered to the winds, Happi. Yeah, I'm pregnant. 28th week now. You missed out on a lot."

Happosai looked ready to fall on his butt and nodded weakly. "A lot my ass," he said wryly and pulled out his pipe, but when he was about to light it he stopped himself short and stored it again much to Ranma's delight, "What in the name of Kami-sama could've convinced you of all people to get knocked up? It can't have been the old boy gets girl drunk and knocks her up routine, 'cause all this here," he waved his left hand around, "tips me off that there's more going on than meets the eye. Much more."

"Whatever gave it away?" Ranma asked wryly, the hint of an amused smile playing on her lips as she sat back down.

"Call it intuition," Happosai replied calmly in the same tone of voice as he claimed the chair opposite of Ranma, and once he was seated his expression got stern, "Now please satisfy an old man's curiosity and explain how all of this," he gestured at Ranma's belly then at his surroundings, "came about."

Ranma took a deep breath. "Get comfy then, Happi, 'cause you're in for quite the tale. It began when..."


Happosai imitated a fish for a few minutes after having heard the full story from Ranma, then closed his mouth with an audible click. Leaning back he shook his head in silent disbelief. "I'm almost certain you must've stumbled upon a site where you received a variant of the 'may you live in interesting times' curse during the travels with your father. Your mother and her parents kidnapping you so you can carry 'Earth's saviour' to term? You being a magical girl and co-heiress to a long dead empire? Misguided pretty magical girls after you to eliminate the alleged threat you pose? A honest to Kami-sama space station that's been hidden underwater for Millennia? A super demon or whatever and her bazillion of minions on their way to kill us all? I'm sure I'm forgetting some things here, but if that ain't a prime example of said curse I don't know."

Ranma shrugged. "Maybe you're right, maybe not. I can't do a thing about it but to resolve the situation," she said, blue eyes glinting with determination, "At least I'm not alone in this."

"You sure as hell are not," Usagi spoke up from the starboard side, "I couldn't help overhearing the uncensored version of your story, Ranma, none of us," she waved at her team mates - more than a few were notably misty-eyed, Moon included - with her right hand, "and we stand by you, Ranma-shinseki."

"She's the-

"Tenoh Haruka, enough with your grumbling," her girlfriend demanded sternly, cutting her off mid-sentence, "She cannot lie. Leave out things, yes, but that which she says cannot be false. So remove that stick from up your ass!

"I'm Michiru, by the way," she continued seamlessly not even giving her lover a chance to reply, "And I'm deeply sorry for how we acted and treated you. Haruka here-"

"Michiru!" Haruka interrupted in a hiss, "I wasn't about to tear into her," she exclaimed strongly to the surprise of many, "I was gonna say 'She's the real deal, so yeah,'. I've realised that we were wrong, that I was wrong, and I fully understand and accept Moon's actions, so, sorry, Ranma-san. We made a mistake and royally fucked up.

"It's just that we were so used to being paranoid 'cause someone was always out to get us and so we lived by the motto shoot first, ask questions later. That's not part of the apology but more of an explanation of the why.

"Then there's that I was just so angry at you 'cause you seemed to be the likely cause for our future going up in smoke, and we fought really hard for it to come to pass. Killed, bled and died for it, literally. I even had a hand in killing Hotaru-chan so that we had a chance to get closer to Galaxia, all so that we could remove the biggest threat to what we dreamed of achieving: Crystal Tokyo. The proverbial light at the end of the tunnel after a really long day at the office.

"You have no idea what it felt like when we killed Hotaru-chan, and I pray you never will. It was the single worst moment of my life, for your mama as well, Hotaru-chan, and even though I knew Moon would bring her back I wished I'd died in her stead," she almost whispered, tears trailing down her cheeks; Haruka wrote off the whisper of "Papa," as a figment of her imagination and picked up where she had left off, "Add to it that you seemed to have turned Hotaru-chan to your side just made me see red, Ranma-san, and for that I'm sorry as well. I said things I shouldn't have said in my anger, stupid things.

"I'm sorry, Hotaru-chan," Haruka added after turning to look at her adopted daughter, "And I hope we can talk later and clear the air."

Hotaru said nothing for a moment and kept her expression neutral before inclining her head. "I'll think about it."

"That's more than I deserve," Haruka muttered quietly, her eyes full of sorrow.

"Oh," was all an embarrassed Michiru could think of in ways of a comment to what her lover had said.

Ranma silently mulled Haruka's words over while the others stared at her with expressions of varying degrees of surprise, and in Michiru's case, growing pride. "You're honest and serious, Haruka Tenoh. I appreciate that and understand how circumstances can lead to certain behavioural patterns becoming habitual," she mused, thinking back to the behaviour that had become habitual in Akane's and her case, the trading of insults and eventual physical violence, "I accept your apology."

"Thank you," Haruka replied and bowed her head for a moment before looking up seeing as Ranma was apparently not finished.

"But don't expect me to go all trusting on you, any of you," Ranma added and ignored the falling faces, "My trust isn't given freely due to my experiences of late, and like I'll strive to earn your trust to make this work you guys should do the same. A team ain't a team without trust, and one man, regardless of if she's a magical girl, cannot stand up to what's coming."

"United we stand, divided we fall," Ami recited sagely.

"Exactly, just that Earth wouldn't survive this Fall," Ranma retorted, the capitalisation obvious.

"I can feel how much you want to rip into me for my actions, both to bring about Crystal Tokyo and your assassination, and I understand, but yet you're willing to put it behind you. Why?" Pluto queried into the grave silence, honest curiosity tinting her tone.

"Before I answer this and even on danger of going off-tangent, do you know what irks me the most? What makes my blood boil? That your move to save Earth and bring about the death of 99,2 percent of humanity would've meant all that blood on the hands of those you allegedly call friends," Ranma hissed, just the soul of ice preventing a more prominent emotional reaction, "Gramps' scientists explained it to me, and I'm certain they didn't lie. You know what they said?"

Pluto closed her eyes. "No, but I have a very good guess."

"What did they say?" Sailor Moon asked with growing dread.

Ranma's expression went from hard and angry to soft and sad as she looked into her cousin's face. "Pluto knew that the catastrophe would be caused by a frickin' huge asteroid. She also knew that the only chance, or so she thought, would be to bring the asteroid in closer."

"I understand," piped up Ami, her right index finger resting on her chin, "You, Usagi, along with us would've been forced to use your powers to bring the asteroid into a closer orbit. That would've shortened the asteroid's passing to a few hours, a day at most, but the initial loss of life and the devastation this close an orbit would've brought about would have been staggering!"

"Yes," confirmed Pluto, her eyes closed, "But the alternative would've wiped out humanity for certain. I calculated the size of the asteroid and its flightpath, and provided the flightpath wouldn't have been altered... poof, there goes the human race. It was the lesser of two evils.

"That was before we learnt that it is Beryl's ultimate revenge, of course," she finished, her now open red eyes narrowed in a grim look.

"In a way I'm glad that it won't happen this way, for I'm almost certain you wouldn't have told us what the consequences of us altering the asteroids' flightpath would've been," Moon said evenly, and it was this even tone that made Pluto flinch, "But we already had this discussion and I don't see the need for reiteration."

"Right. Pluto, you wanted to know why I can put things behind me. The answer is simple: I love this world," Ranma said with conviction, a faraway look entering her eyes as she continued her explanation, "You guys wouldn't believe the sights I've seen in my travels, all the little wonders I caught but glimpses of. This is the world my daughter will grow up on, and I want to show her so much. I don't want to save it just for you, me, the human race, but her.

"Then there's those I cherish. My parents, despite their stupidity. The Tendos, Akane, Nabiki, Kasumi and even Soun. Ukyo. Ryoga. Kuh-Lon. Xian-Pu, maybe even Mu-Tsu. Happi over there and many more I'm sure I'm forgetting.

"I can and will suppress my impulses to make this work, Pluto. Saving the world's gonna require all the help we can get, and I'm realist enough to know your worth," she concluded.

"I see," Pluto mused with a nod of understanding and slipped into silent contemplation.

"Well spoken, Ranma-shinseki," Usagi said in approval, a small smile turning up the corners of her lips, her fellow Senshi murmuring in agreement.

"She considers me one of those she cherishes," Happosai said softly, crying happy tears, "I would snuggle into your bosom to convey my appreciation, but I'll restrain myself this once."

"How... considerate of you," Ranma commented in a neutral tone that hid her slight surprise.

"Nah. It's just that the energy of pregnant females is a no-go. Gives me indigestion," Happosai retorted with a shrug.

Ranma palmed her forehead. "There you had to go and ruin it."

Happosai stuck out his tongue. "You should've known."

"I should at that," Ranma smiled and added, "Good to have you here, Happi."

Happosai inclined his head. "Good to be here. It goes without saying that I'll help you in any way I can. This includes training these fine examples of womanhood."

Ranma ignored the protests that immediately sprung up and thought it over, finally saying, "I'll get back to you in that regard, but I have something more immediate for you that's right up your alley. I'll bring over the Tendos and pops soon, and I want you to whip the fathers into shape. Akane and Ryoga will likely train with me, so will probably the others, but pops and Soun are all yours."

"Just for that I'll teach you some nice things once you've given birth, my dear," Happosai said happily, his grin evil, "But we should also use what time we have beforehand to teach you the theory behind the moves I'll be teaching you. That will make actually learning them easier."

"Gladly," Ranma agreed with a nod, then she grimaced, "I'll likely need your help to get back into shape once I've given birth, probably Kuh-Lon's as well provided she'll join our merry band."

"Why hers?" Happosai asked in honest curiosity.

"Their culture is dominated by females, she'll probably know a few tricks that'll help me get my groove back quicker," Ranma explained her reasoning.

"You always understood what 'Anything Goes' means, dear. That's amongst the many things I like about you," Happosai said with a benevolent look in his eyes.

Ranma understood the underlying message and nodded. "Thanks. I don't just want to rely on my magical abilities and get caught flat-footed, for as amazing as my new abilities are, I know from experience that there's always someone stronger, meaner and tougher out there. Which means I'll have to be at my peak, physically, mentally and magical."

"A faultless analysis, my dear," Happosai praised with a mild nod, "But now I'd really like to see what you look like as a magical girl!"

"I should have known," Ranma muttered softly and stopped herself from getting to her feet when she remembered something, "Before I do, answer me this, Happi, why is it that saying your name three times summons you? I thought Soun and pops were talking nonsense when they warned me about it."

"That's like the ungrateful slackers to mention it anyway," Happosai grumbled and pinched the bridge of his nose before focussing on Ranma, "The cat's out the bag, so I may just as well tell you. I ran afoul of one of the more powerful demons centuries ago when one of my plans backfired. Not spectacularly, mind you, but enough for him to bestow upon me an annoyance. A curse. Since then saying my name three times with the desire to summon me will transport me to the summoner."

"I... see," Ranma said as something finally clicked, "That's why you're making such a nuisance and annoyance of yourself. To minimise the danger that you'd be at someone's beck and call."

"Yes," Happosai admitted grudgingly, "But my method of ensuring my peace and quiet has sure got fun."

"That's debatable," Ranma muttered and elicited agreeing angry murmurs, causing Happosai to smile angelically.

"Anyway, you satisfied my curiosity, now I'll satisfy yours," Ranma said and got to her feet with a small smile, "Hotaru-chan, would you be so kind as to create a Silence Wall around me? Wouldn't want to disrupt Muri-chan's work with a blast of pure magic."

Hotaru's cheeks briefly and hardly noticeably glowed pink at being given the suffix 'chan', and she was inwardly pleased by it as well as the fact that neither of her 'parents' reacted in any way. Just the smile Usa was shooting her was a tad disturbing, but she would ignore it for now. "Umm, sure," she said softly after she'd regained her focus and a mere second later Ranma was surrounded by the magical barrier.

"Thank you, Hotaru-chan," Ranma said with a genuine smile that was returned by the raven-haired planet buster, but the smile quickly gave way to a look of concentration as the silver-haired teen removed the limiters on her magic and ascended to her Serenity form.

"Wow," Happosai breathed after studying Ranma's form for a while, "Forgive me for saying this, but your beauty is astounding. And your power output nothing short of gigantic."

"4.3 Terawatt," Ami supplied in a low mutter while shaking her head in astonishment.

"No offence taken, Happi. I've come to terms with my situation," Ranma retorted in an even tone that conveyed she had indeed.

"Is that so?" Happosai queried nonetheless in a doubtful tone of voice, "Not a year ago you'd have done the most bizarre and ridiculous things to prove your manliness."

"A lot has changed since then," Ranma replied softly and briefly closed her eyes before opening them again, a hard look in them, "I've been a hundred percent female for 28 weeks now, Happi. Tends to put things into perspective. And I know now how foolish it was to try and prove my being a man among men to my mother. No sane parent would demand something like that of their child."

Happosai smiled grimly and nodded. "That goes without saying, dear. Come to think, I wouldn't be too surprised had your mother embraced this opportunity whole-heartedly so as to get a grandchild out of it."

"I've stopped bothering to think about it, and I admit that I try not to think of her," Ranma said evenly, "There are more pressing concerns after all."

"True, true. Like the question: will it be enough?" Happosai asked, waving his right hand at the room at large to indicate the fire power and fighting prowess amassed in the room, "With the opposition such as it is the answer is a resounding no. But that's why you're planning to make alliances in the first place, no?"

Ranma nodded regally. "Yes. But I have to admit that I'm not looking forward to dealing with Herb, Saffron and their tribes. The Amazons should be less of headache now that Xian-Pu-"

"Shampoo? Funny name for an Amazon," Makoto muttered under her breath.

"- is my shield sister," Ranma continued seamlessly, "but I'd much rather find a way to instigate a head-long assault on Beryl's fucking asteroid than having to deal with those superior acting bozos."

"That bad?" Moon asked in sympathy.

"Oh yes. Talking to Herb is like a marathon exercise in self-control as he's acting so annoyingly superior it ain't funny," Ranma retorted with a grimace and pinched the bridge of her nose, "Bastard, or bitch, rather, locked me in my female form and wanted to leave me hanging out to dry."



"Girls, girls," Ami tutted with a shake of her head, "The information Ranma just offered us allows for a logical conclusion: this Herb has either the same or a similar magical affliction as she. Meaning he was either born female or the other way around."

"And that's ten brownie points for the brains of the team," a smiling Ranma said.

"Aww, just ten?" Ami mock-complained, fake-sadness edged into her face.

"You'd have gotten twenty had you accurately guessed what Herb was born as," Ranma retorted mock-sternly.

"My first guess was male seeing as you used 'bastard' to initially describe this Herb character," Ami replied with a shrug.

"Sorry, no more brownie points for you even if you're correct," Ranma said with a smile, "Yes, Herb was male and..."


Incredulous looks were aimed at Ranma after she had explained her encounter with Herb, and she couldn't fault her cousin when she almost yelped, "And you want to bring this... Herb character into the possible alliance why?"

"Call it intuition, but I think our encounter changed something in Herb for the better, and s/he's one hell of a fighter," Ranma replied after a moment of thought, and added, her jaw firmed in a determined expression, "Should s/he or other Musk try anything I'll happily wipe the floor with them. Hard."

"And you won't be on your own, Ranma," the normally shy and demure Hotaru said determinedly.

"Thank you, Hotaru-chan," Ranma replied with a thankful smile, "I appreciate it."

"Gladly," Hotaru retorted with an almost radiant smile.

Usa, having enjoyed the byplay between Ranma and Hotaru casually added, "Count on me as well."

"I'll gladly help too, Ranma-shinseki," Moon offered, cracking her knuckles, "And I so say that my team and I will do everything in our power to make our alliance - and hopefully friendship - work. I'll stand by your side till the end. And boy did that sound clichéd."

"Me too," Mars added, popping her joints, "And you're right, Mea- Usagi, that was clichéd, but I second the notion wholeheartedly."

"Me three," Jupiter and Venus exclaimed at the same time, exchanged amused looks and looked back at Ranma.

"Me four," Haruka said with conviction.

"Not that I don't agree, in fact, me five, but you too, dear?" Michiru queried with a raised brow.

"I can admit when I was wrong," Uranus replied with great dignity, "It's called being ma-ture. You should really try it some time, dear."

"And she was doing so well," Ranma – inwardly still surprised at Haruka's honest change – muttered just as Uranus got whacked in the back of her head by her lover. "Well, thank you, girls. I really appreciate it, and I hope as well that things will work out between us. There's enough been said about trust so I won't go beating a dead horse, so let's do some brainstorming. What can we do aside from forming alliances? What should we do?"

Muri interrupted the brief silence that reigned in the lounge by speaking up. "Your Highness, if I may offer input?"

"Gladly, Muri," Ranma replied with a curious expression on her face.

"I have completed my preliminary assessment of Earth. I admit I was surprised how many armed conflicts are being fought over economic advantages, religious beliefs, plain greed and a multitude of other reasons I find hard to fathom. The indigenous cultures are very far from being unified, which would make it exceedingly difficult to make Earth the base of our operations. Local governments would not react kindly were we to take over even this small part of their territory where I'm located, not to mention a large-scale takeover," Muri supplied, brows knitted in thought.

"I can tell you from experience, she got that right," Happosai commented gravely, eliciting a sage nod from Pluto who added, "Sovereign nations tend to cling to and defend what they view as theirs with all they have."

"I've travelled the world enough to know that as well," Ranma agreed, "So what are our alternatives?"

"I know it'll sound crazy," Rei tentatively spoke up, face scrunched up in contemplation, "But Lemuria is a space station, isn't she?"

"Yes. Now where's the crazy part?" Ranma asked dryly, a silver brow cocked.

"Couldn't we, like, fly her to the Moon? Make our old capital our base of operations and use Muri's resources to salvage what we can?" Rei suggested, "This way we could set up shop where no Earthly faction could intervene and fortify our position before we start to bring in possible allies like those Musk and Phoenix people."

"That... is an interesting suggestion," Moon muttered absently, her mind busy with thinking things through.

"And that's not tantamount to saying it is crazy?" Rei huffed and crossed her arms underneath her breasts.

"Not at all," Moon placated her friend, "This approach would grant us several tactical advantages. We wouldn't have to deal with the headache of having to deal with the diverse governments, for one. And I admit to being curious just what our old home may hold."

"Muri? Can it be done?" Ranma inquired levelly just as Mars nodded with a satisfied look on her face.

A few moments of silence passed before the AI gave the answer, "Provided your help it can be done, Your Highness. Let me elaborate as to the how: I was intended to be a foothold, a heavily cloaked and shielded base in enemy territory with enough armament to repel just about anything. A key point where our troops could return to after their missions. While I can be moved it was never intended, and binding seals were woven into my superstructure that anchor me and allow me to blend in with my surroundings even better. Those seals can only be removed by one of the Royal family, and as you're my commander I wouldn't trust anyone else with it, Serenity."

"I see," Ranma nodded and a glance at her cousin told her that the other young woman didn't feel insulted by Muri's words but bore them with calm acceptance.

"What would Ranma have to do?" Moon asked.

"Your Highness?"

"It's okay, Muri. You can answer all questions unless I tell you not to," Ranma replied and smiled, "And I have a feeling I won't need to."

"You can count on it," Usagi muttered just loud enough to be heard the same moment Muri said, "If you're sure, Serenity," with a shrug, adding, "You'll have to use your power to call me to the surface. As there's already a connection between us it shouldn't be hard. You just have to will the binding seals to stop working and will me to go where you want me to. Once I'm in motion it'll be easy.

"It would be ideal if you were to do it from Easter Island, this way I'd have a place to land and could check if the systems required for commencing a safe landing are working nominally."

Some of the surrealism of her recent past hit Ranma as she thought about the last few hours. 'The last few hours,' her mind realised, 'It's incredible what happened in those last few hours. I've come to an understanding with the Senshi, found a cousin I didn't know I had, possibly made friends with some of the Senshi, gramps is none other than Orion the hunter and I still can't believe the crafty bastard faked his death twice, and I command a high tech space station that can conceivably land on the Moon. The planetoid that might just become our base. Were Ryoga in my shoes he'd probably say his life is hell, but isn't life what we make of it?

'I've been given great power and with it the chance to make even more of a difference. Maybe even enough of a difference to help save Earth. What's the surrealism and my personal discomfort against that? Nothing-'

"Ranma?" a soft voice the heir of Orion the hunter identified as her cousin's asked, startling her from her thoughts.

The silvery haired teen swivelled her head to look at Usagi. "Yes?"

"It's a lot to take in, isn't it?" Moon said in the same-self soft voice, an understanding smile on her face.

"Yes," Ranma agreed without hesitation, "But thanks to everything that happened over the years in Nerima and beyond I think I got a handle on it. What's still up in the air is what we should do. I know my being Muri's commander means it's up to me in the end, but what would you do?"

Usagi looked Ranma directly in the eyes and answered without hesitation, "The idea to set up shop on the Moon has the most merit in my opinion for reasons already mentioned, and I admit to being very curious as to what the Moon has in store for us."

"There's one immediate issue that comes to mind should we decide to make the Moon our base, Ranma's agreement provided of course: what about our parents?" Ami interjected and just as her friends' faces got thoughtful she added, "It's hardly like we can commute to and fro, even with our ability to teleport, and that'd make keeping up our civilian lives short of impossible."

"Ami's right. There'd be justified questions of what's going on," Rei mused.

"And that begs the question of what we do should we decide to return to the Moon, tell our families about our calling or not," Usagi agreed, her face scrunched up.

"It's not my place to say anything, but hear me out anyway," Happosai spoke up quietly, his fingers steepled and his expression unusually serious, "First off, you've been demon hunters for several years," he began, eliciting agreeing if reserved nods, "There assuredly were close calls where your families were involved one way or another, right?"

"Yes," Usagi agreed with a thoughtful expression, "So what are you getting at?"

"I think he means that had our families known about our activities they would've been better prepared," Hotaru added her two cents, "And should we go to the Moon with them in the know and find tech there we could equip those that are civvies with armament to better protect themselves."

"Very good, my dear," Happosai praised with a smile, but his expression quickly turned serious, "I've learned many things in my long life, but chief among them is that secrets have a habit of getting out the worst possible moment. And what your families do not know, but your enemies do, can hurt them."

"But how would anyone find out?" Minako asked with a puzzled expression, "Our disguise magic-"

"Wouldn't do a thing, sorry" Ranma interrupted softly, "Any sufficiently skilled martial artist could shadow you, find out where you live and learn everything about your family and you."

"She's right," Happosai added into the dumbfounded silence, "Your disguise magic is good, but to highly skilled martial artists it is nothing."

"There're a lot more pros to telling our families than thought, especially with Beryl and her minions out to destroy mankind," Usagi finally mused and sighed, "I'm so not looking forward to their reactions. I'd rather fight a dozen Youma unarmed."

Agreeing murmurs echoed throughout the lounge, and Usagi visibly pulled herself together. "All in favour?"

All Senshi who still had family left raised their hands, prompting Usagi to nod. "Ranma, we've made our decision. We will reveal our extracurricular activities to our families and see where it goes from there. I have no idea if any of them will want to go with us, but would you have us and those of our family who chose to go?"

Ranma had thought things through beforehand and had come to the conclusion that the pros of going through with Rei's idea outweighed the cons, so her unhesitating answer was, "Yes."

Relief and related emotions but grim determination as well flitted across many a face, and Sailor Moon nodded. "Thank you, Ranma-shinseki."

Ranma nodded. "You're welcome."

"My Lady, if I may offer a suggestion," Muri piped up.

"Of course, Muri," Ranma exclaimed warmly and waved her right hand in a gesture for the AI to continue.

"It's more of a culmination of the ideas pooled by you and your allies plus my own suggestions derived from them," Muri admitted, "But I'll go ahead anyway."

"Please do," Ranma encouraged curiously, equal curiosity prevalent on the Senshi's faces.

"Thank you, Your Highness. First off, I suggest to leave Lemuria in place for the time being. The why ties in with my next suggestion. Serenity, you should partake in the pilot study and graduate first. Your academic records from Furinkan High are less than stellar due to a multitude of reasons, and that's just not acceptable for one of the Royal line," Muri gently chided, "We could easily set up a class room in one of the holo rooms-"

"Sorry to interrupt, Muri," Ami piped up, her expression thoughtful, "But wouldn't it pose less of a risk were we to use Juuban High? We wouldn't risk exposure, wouldn't have to make such a multitude of preparations and could largely remain in our usual social environment until graduation. Not to mention, a pilot study is almost always a tightly controlled and supervised project, so how would we get the Ministerial personnel aboard without them noticing that they're not in Kansas any more?"

"I assume the statement contained in your last sentence is a pop culture reference of which I gleaned the glist," Muri said.

"It's a paraphrased Wizard of Oz quote," a slightly blushing Ami supplied.

Muri nodded and filed it away for future reference. "Understood. Well, magic would be used to create a portal in your school, Juuban high, and a corresponding portal here."

"That's possible?" Ami asked, beating her friends to the punch.

"Oh yes," Muri replied with a soft smile, "A lot is possible with magic, but I'm not surprised you don't know seeing as my data base list that all of you have preset offensive and defensive spells woven into the magical matrixes of your fuku armours. You likely thought that this was the extent of your abilities, correct?"

"Yes," Usagi admitted, her face showing that she was as surprised as her Senshi.

"Surprise, then," Ranma spoke up in a tone that screamed 'I know something you don't', "There's a lot of spells that can be used, but each of you except Usagi-shinseki is limited to the element you wield, or rather, your affinity as love and death, and time, technically aren't elements but a state of being."

The surprised silence that ensued was quickly broken by excited chatter that abruptly ground to a stop when Usagi demanded silence. "Where did you get this information, Ranma?"

"My daughter, Usagi. According to her there was no end to the spells that could be used in the Silver Millennium," Ranma retorted, "My dear relatives had me learn several, but I've yet to practise them now that my magic has awoken."

"Intriguing," Ami commented and slipped into her classic thinking pose, "Am I right to assume that neither Usagi nor you are limited in the spells you can use?"

Ranma nodded. "The magic of members of the Royal family is different, or so I was told. Whereas you guys draw your magic from your magical cores and the planetary mana taps - that is where your fuku armour and the preset spells get their juice from - we draw from our cores and our surroundings. It was even theorised by my clan that we draw our power from the galactic core itself, though I'm not certain I believe that. Fact is that our power comes from a different source – and not just the Ginzuishou – and that is what gives us enough power to use the whole arsenal of spells."

"Wow," breathed Usagi while her friends looked slightly disappointed.

"That's the likely reason why your family came to be the rulers in the beginning, Usagi, Ranma," Ami opined, "Your line is most likely what's called sports, a mutation or genetic variation if you will. The fact that both Usagi and Ranma here inherited those powers indicates that it will be passed on to offspring, and recent events show that the magic is dormant in males who are 'just' carriers of the genes.

"I assume that the magic inherent to the Royal family changes the genetic makeup upon the magic's awakening, for how else would one explain that the two of you," her right index finger indicated Usagi then Ranma, "were relatively normal prior to your magics' awakening?"

"A fascinating theorem that is worthy of further research, Senshi Mercury," Muri commented causing Ami to lower her head in embarrassment from the praise, "I will search my data base for references, but to get back to one of the topics at hand, I will prepare print outs of the spells in my data base in accordance with the diverse affinities amongst you. With my commander's leave, of course."

"Permission granted, Muri," Ranma said almost airily, but her eyes regained focus quickly, "What are your further proposals?"

"Senshi Mercury's proposal is logical, so I adjusted my suggestions accordingly, Your Highness," Muri mused, her face turning serious, "As per my suggestions, you should transfer to Juuban High – with the transfer itself being a mere technicality with the means at our disposal – as soon as you have adequately recovered from giving birth and graduate within the framework of the pilot study Senshi Pluto suggested, Your Highness.

"Explaining things to His Imperial Majesty Emperor Akihito should do the trick in getting you into the study. As soon as you have your graduation in your pocket we should start the real training and round up our potential allies and see what forces we can amass.

"As for short term plans, with that in mind that we won't be using me as the grounds for the pilot study we should fly me to the Moon at our earliest convenience. I would really like to find out if there is anything salvageable left."

Looks were exchanged and the occupants of the room – including Ranma who had grumbled a bit about having to go to school – quickly found that they were agreeable to the modified proposals as presented by Lemuria's AI. Ranma looked round, and a small smile playing on her face she said, "Let's hitch us a ride to the Moon, then. If that works out you can tell your families, get yelled at, we get our graduation, train our asses off and save mankind."

"You make it sound so easy, Ranma," Rei commented with slight sarcasm to her tone.

"Life's taught me that nothing's ever easy and that plans never survive an enemy encounter, but things can be easy as long as the enemy doesn't survive," Ranma retorted levelly.

"Amen to that," Usagi mused, agreeing sentiments coming from her sisters-in-arms.

Ranma instinctively looked up to where the Moon was. "Moon, ancient home of House Serenity, here we come."

to be continued...

And you all thought I'd forgot. Can't blame you, it's been a damn long time since an update to this one, but my already spotty update schedule had been shot to hell due to several negative occurrences IRL. But even if it's been a long while, let there be no doubt that I'll bring this story to completion (as should be obvious from the 'threads' woven in this chapter).

That said, hope this one satisfies.