Author's Note/Disclaimer: Do I own Danny Phantom? No, of course not. Please enjoy this. It's just something I tapped out.

Sam glared at Paulina across the campus. "I hate her." She stated.

She was walking with Tucker and Danny. Tucker was wearing his thumbs out on his PDA and Danny was staring and sighing at Paulina.

Tucker looked up. "Dude, you're just jealous."

Sam sneered. "Why would I be jealous of her? She's shallow, stupid and manipulates guys for fun."

"Yeah, but you're jealous of her attraction."


"Face it Sam. You couldn't get that many boys hanging off of you if you tried."

"Any girl can do that."


Sam's eyes widened. "I could so."

"Could not." Tuckers eyes strayed back to his PDA again.

Sam crossed her arms and stood to face Tucker. "Let's make a little wager then, shall we? Next week I will get thirty invites to the freshman formal. When I do, you have to lock up your PDA for a week."

Tucker snorted. He knew she had no chance. "When you don't you have to wear your pink dresses." He said.

"Fine. We have a deal then. Starting Monday, I will start collecting dates. But first-" Sam turned to Danny. "Danny, will you go to the dance with me?"

Danny nearly choked. "What?" His blue eyes were wide.

Tucker eyes widened and he grinned. "I knew-"

Sam narrowed her eyes at him. "I know what you're going to say and I don't like it." She turned back to Danny. "I mean as friends. I don't want to go with the first guy who asks me out." She sounded a little strained, as if she was trying to hold her composure.

Danny shrugged, grinning inwardly. He felt himself blush a little but he didn't care. "Sure."

Sam grinned at him and turned to Tucker. "Let the games begin."


"Hey Tuck."

"Hey Danny."

"Did you see Sam this weekend?" Danny said as he put his books in his locker.

"No, she was probably getting ready though. Tuck didn't even lift his eyes from the screen.

Danny smiled. "I thought you said there was no way she could win."

Tucker looked him in the eye. "Don't tell her I said this but Sam has her ways of surprising us. I'm just using it as much as possible."

Danny laughed. "Tucker, you and I both know that Sam couldn't get that many-" He stopped. His mouth was open and he had a shocked look on his face as he stared over Tucker's shoulder. It looked like he was starting to drool.

Tucker looked puzzled. "Danny, what are you staring at?" He turned around and his mouth fell open.
