Firesong77 here. I've decided to torture the Monkey Team by throwing them into the harshest conditions of Shuggazoom, along with Skeleton King, Mandarin, Sakko and a surprise guest, Mr. Jeepers. There, they will battle it out to see who will become the Ultimate Survivor!

Chapter 1 - Welcome

The host, wearing a black cape and containing an air of mystery, stepped out in front of the ten contestants.

"You," he said, "have been chosen to battle it out for the title of the Ultimate Survivor."

Otto held up a hand. "Can I go to the toilet first?"

"No!" snapped the man, forgetting his 'mysterious' act, "There are no toilets on Survivor Shuggazoom."

Gibson looked appalled. "What about labs? And food?"

The man lost his cool.

"Shut it!" he shouted, causing the contestants to jump, "There is no food, or labs! Or toilets! Or technology!"

Sparx gasped. "No technology? What kinda dumb show is this?"

The man seemed to grow in posture, his voice became booming. "THIS IS SURVIVOR SHUGGAZOOM, WHERE TEN LUCKY CONTESTANTS WILL FIGHT FOR THE TITLE "ULTIMATE SURVIVOR!" The man suddenly grinned. " Pretty cool, don't ya reckon?"

Everyone looked distressed. Mass panic followed.

"What? No food? How do we eat?"

"I'll DIE!"

"My insurance better cover this. . ."

The man in the black cape scratched his head irritably.

"You monkeys just won't shut up." he muttered, then he snapped his fingers, and all ten contestants appereared on an island. Mass panic followed again, causing most monkeys to scream like girls and run around in circles. The largest offender was, of course, Skeleton King.

"No!" he cried. "Without my magic powers, I'm doomed!" He finished with a high-pitched, semi-hysterical scream, then fainted. Otto was busy ripping his fur out, Sparx was hiper-ventilating, and Gibson looked like he was going to have an epileptic fit.

"No lab," he gasped. " Where's my lab? I NEED MY EXPERIMENTS!" Antauri was, predictably, one of the few that remained calm.

"Everyone," he said calmly, "No need for mass panic!"

"This seems like the perfect time for it!" snapped Mandarin, as he began hitting his head against a tree. Nova groaned at everyone's stupidity.

"Why don't we just use our rocket packs to fly out of here?" she said, rolling her eyes. Suddenly, a psychopathic laugh resounded from everywhere, yet nowhere.

"YOU CANNOT GET AWAY!" taunted the voice, "I HAVE TAMPERED WITH YOUR ROCKET PACKS, AND YOUR WEAPONS! Besides, if you got out, it would ruin all the fun!"

Chiro spun around madly, trying to locate the voice. "Listen, freaky person. Is that all we're here for? Entertainment?"

If the voice could have shrugged, it would have. "Probably, yes, and I wasted a lot of money starting it, so you better make it good, or it'll be off the air!"

"Then I'll just make your show off the air!" Chiro yelled back, and he plunked himself down and began sulking, "Come on Sparx, join me, and soon no one will want to watch the show!"

Sparx, seeing exactly where Chiro was going with this, sat down next to him, his face wearing an equally sulking look. Otto joined in, and Sakko, and soon, half the contestants were sitting on the seaside, sulking. Antauri's face bore a look of pure boredom.

"If we are to be stuck on this island," he said slowly, "Shouldn't we, you know, make camp?"

Skeleton King woke up. "Am I still on this god-forsaken island?" he asked, then he spotted the monkey team, "Oh great," he added. "Company." He sat upright, and began muttering things along the lines of mistreatment.

"Aww, come on!" begged the voice, "I was only having you on! Don't be a spoil sport!"

Chiro stood up, shook the sand out of his clothes, and began shaking his fist at the air.


"YOU HAVE NO RIGHTS!" the voice yelled back. Suddenly, that same psychopathic laugh rung out again, but faded away. Chiro assumed the voice had left. Nova looked around. It was already night.

"I'm going to sleep." she said, and she dropped where she stood, and fell asleep. The remaining members of the Monkey Team huddled together to keep in the warmth, and, obviously, Skeleton King, Mandarin and Sakko were excluded from the group.

"Well," said Sakko, " At least we still have Mr. Jeepers." The evil band of idiots glanced over to a nearby stuffed penguin, who was the tenth contestant. They glanced at each other. They all made a grab for the toy.

"HEY! MR. JEEPERS IS MINE!" snarled Sakko.

"NO WAY! I SAW HIM FIRST!" yelled Mandarin. Skeleton King towered over them both.

"HE'S MINE!" he shouted, snatching the stuffed toy from their grasps and hugging him close.

"Don't worry, Mr. Jeepers, I'll protect you." said the evil overlord. The Monkey Team momentarily woke from their slumber to stare incredulously at Skeleton King. The skeleton paused.

"GET BACK TO SLEEP!" he bellowed. The Monkey Team instantly went to sleep.

Hey, first fanfic, so please read and review! Tell me what you think!

Skeleton King: I hate you.

Firesong77: Of course you do, but I hate you more.


Firesong77: Correction, it's Firesong77 and it's MS. Firesong77 to you! Unless you'd rather it be "sir".

Skeleton King: Get stuffed.

Firesong77: (shakes fist) You don't know what I have in store for you next chapter! (evil laugh)

Skeleton King: (sweatdrops) HOLY CITADEL OF BONE! (screams like a girl, then faints)

Firesong77: Remember people, Read and Review! I don't want to find out if I'm wasting my time!