Aloha everyone:

I apologize for the delay in posting the remainder of Section 1. Grad school and work have combined these past few months to keep me very busy. But I do intend to finish the revisions on that and continue posting. Meanwhile I'm posting here a short story, a prologue and 10 chapters in all, of my version of what happens several years after Season 5. It's a companion piece to my other story called "Love is a Three Letter Word" that is archived at Ranma's. Love Is... comes first and then this story.

Of all the stories I've written "Love Is.." and this story are my favorite pieces. I hope you enjoy it too.


Starting Over Again


"Where will you go, Nikita?"

I pretend not to hear Monique's question as I stare out the window. The sun is just setting over the mountains and night is fast approaching. I hear Monique's exasperated sigh.

"So that's it? You're just going to disappear?"

"It'll be safer for you that way."

"Safe from what? Section's gone, Nikita. The Committee's absolved you of any crime. You're free to go. We're free!"

I shake my head slowly, her naiveté making me smile. Section's public exposure and the ensuing investigation by the UN had led to its closure but I would never be free from it. There were too many memories there for me to erase from my mind. Some of those memories I don't want to forget, like Birkoff and Walter… and Michael.

Just the thought of him fills me with a familiar dull ache. Its been seven long years since I've last seen and heard from him. Seven years that I've tried my best to move on without him. Sometimes I'm able to put him out of my mind for days at a time, and then something will happen to bring my memories of him flooding back. I find myself wondering how he and Adam are doing. If he has found peace with himself. If he has learned to love again.

If I wanted to I could use the resources available to me to find him, but I won't do that to him. I can't fill his life with a past I'm sure he's working hard to forget. It wouldn't be fair to him or Adam or to any new life that they've built these past years.

From behind me I hear Monique push her chair back from the table and then the sound of her footsteps leading to me. "What if I'm not safe?" she asks, changing the angle of her argument. "What if I need you, how will I find you?"

"You won't need to. I'll know if you're in danger."

Monique raised her brow and then folded her arms across her chest. "So you're having me watched? It's okay for you to know where I am and what I'm up to but it's not okay for me to know where you are?"

"Something like that."

"Bull---t, Nikita."

"Watch your language."

"Oh f--- you." She paced back and forth and then turned to point at me. "You know, you are just like him. For all your claims of never having known our father your whole life I can tell you that you're exactly like him: controlling, manipulative… Infuriating!"

I try not to smile as I look at her. Monique and I have had our share of arguments over these past few years that we've gotten to know each other. I'm willing to admit that I've had my moments of envying her the life she's led, but as I grew to know her I realized that her life hasn't been as privileged as I once thought it was. Every material thing she could possibly want was hers for the asking. But she grew up alone, not allowed companionship or friends.

I walk over to her and place my hand upon her shoulder as I try to make her understand. "I'm sorry you think that I'm trying to manipulate you, Monique. I'm not. You're the only person I have left in this world and I'm trying to keep you as safe as possible. I don't know where I'll be but once I do I'll contact you and let you know that I'm safe."

"But you won't let me know where you'll be."

"When I know that it's safe, if the place I'm at is secure and I feel you won't be in any danger, then I'll let you know."

"What am I supposed to do in the meantime?" she asks, frowning.

"Live," I answer, smiling at her. "You've got a new identity, money… the world is your oyster. Live the life you've always wanted. Be normal!"

Her frown deepens, doubt and a touch of fear shining in her dark eyes. "Is that possible, Nik? Can people like us ever be normal?"

In answer I reach out and pull her into an embrace. "We can try, Monique. We can try."