This story and all of its characters unless otherwise mentioned are twisted versions of Disney characters were a ghoulish delight to make. The location is based off of Disneyland's The Haunted Mansion, a beloved ride that, if it were anything like this story, I would not go on. And now, humble reader, I present to thee...

Reign of Blood




Two teenagers approached the iron green fence of the looming mansion. A full moon was in the sky, veiled by dark clouds.

How picturesque.

"Dude…are you sure about this?" One of them asked as they started climbing the large fence. They did not notice that several feet away, the main gate, surrounded by brick columns, had slowly creaked open.

"Yeah! Absolutely! This place has been empty for years. Don't worry about it Tyler ," The other replied. Tyler hopped the fence and stared at the huge house uneasily.

"I dunno, Nick. I've heard stories about this place. They say that a serial killer used to live here or something. And his ghost still haunts the place."

"You believe in ghosts? Don't tell me you gave in to all of those crap stories," Nick said, rolling his eyes as he too landed on the withering grass lawn. The two looked at the house and then stared at each other.

"You go in."

"No, you go."

"This was your idea!" Tyler said, "I didn't want to take one foot inside that house! And besides, what are YOU afraid of!"

Nick shifted uncomfortably, struggling for an answer. "…Cops," he said finally. "I don't want the cops to find us."

"Okay. We'll both go in together."

The boys approached the house cautiously and arrived at the huge front door. There were four giant two story pillars in front of the door, and the two story antebellum mansion would've been a beautiful place to live, had it not been abandoned for so many years.

Tyler tried the handle, and much to the boys' surprise, it opened. There was an ominous creak, like so many stereotypical horror films, and they stepped into a small room.

The door suddenly slammed shut behind them, either by wind or faulty hinges, and the foyer they were in plunged into darkness.

Thinking quickly, Nick pulled out his lighter. He found some hanging candles on the wall and lit them, allowing some light to enter the room.

They flickered gently, and cast eerie shadows in the room.

There were a few doors in the room, each of them stuck shut.

"Well, this was pointless," Tyler said, "Can we go now?"

"Just a minute. I hear that there are secret passages around here or something. Maybe there's one in the floor."

Nick stared at the wooden floor, carefully inspecting it. Tyler leaned against a paneled wall boredly, waiting for his friend to finish.

All of a sudden, the wall Tyler was leaning against rolled away. He fell back with a yelp, and before Nick could realize what happened, the wall shut back up.

"Nick!" Tyler yelled, his voice muffled by the wall. Nick suddenly realized that his friend was gone, and ran to the wall. He tried to open it, but it wouldn't budge.

"It won't open!" Nick said scared. Tyler continued to yell…but it sounded like he was getting farther away. Nick tried to understand what he was saying, but it was hard to hear. Plus, it didn't make any sense.

"Oh god…the room-…it's…stretching…this is….wait…what're…WHAT THE HELL IS-"

Then there was an ear piercing scream, and a crash of wood.

" TYLER !" Nick screamed, and beat on the wood paneling. It unexpectedly opened, and Nick had to grab the wall around him to not fall.

Because the room had changed.

It had become longer, and he was now at the middle of it, whereas Tyler had entered at the bottom. He looked down into the room, and saw his friend:

Tyler was lying on the ground. Dead.

There was a huge splinter of wood impaled through his chest. His arms and legs were broken, twisted weirdly. And there was a sick, insane grin on his face.

Then Nick looked up.

Hanging from the ceiling, slowly turning was a rotted and tattered corpse. And when it turned so Nick could see its face, it had that same grin on it, only skeletal and bony. And the corpse seemed to be looking right at him.

Screaming, Nick ran from the mansion and through the main gate, not even realizing that it had opened.

It started to rain.

And as lightning flashed over the mansion, the plaques on the brick columns that read "Gracey Manor" dripped with not rain, but with a dark red liquid.

A/N: Tyler and Nick were created by me.