Disclaimer; These characters are not mine. This story is not mine. Well, it is and it isn't.

A/N; Marking my abrupt return to the beautiful world of Harry Potter Fandom, this is a Sirius and Remus slash. For the poor fans of my other fanfiction 'Exquisite Pain,' this fanfiction is not nearly as flowery, or painful. It is fluff. Well, fluff with a healthy dose of (relatively mild) BDSM. If you don't know what that is, please find out before you try reading this. And, for those of you who discern between these things, Sirius bottoms.

Among the BDSM warnings include; bondage, (mildish) sadism, and dubious consent. Not quite rape, and yet not exactly completely consensual. Otherwise, I hope you enjoy this fanfiction.


James sat at the head of the small wooden table. He cleared his throat loudly and waited for the rest of the group to be quiet. He looked around at them, beaming conspiratorially. Sirius was sitting back in his chair, digging his heels into the floor, and drumming his fingers on the table, smirking. He tossed his wild, black scraggly hair, impatient for the proceedings to begin.

He looked over at James, rolling his eyes as Peter continued to question Remus about the Herbology essay while Remus murmured his replies over "Hinkypunks and their Natural Environment". He paused every now and then to scribble another sentence onto his parchment, muttering about 'NEWT's'.

James, shaking his head in mock exasperation, picked up his mug of Butterbeer and thumped it heavily down onto the table, which jolted once, and shuddered as if it had been through too much abuse in its apparently increasingly short life span. Peter finally got the point and leaned back, waiting for James to speak, and Remus snapped his book closed, raising an eyebrow. James glibly pretended he didn't notice, while Sirius arched his own in reply.

"I would like to announce the commencement of the Twelfth Annual Marauder meeting. Refreshments, gentlemen, will be provided at the end of the meeting, which will take place after the conception of our latest mischief. We also need to take a raincheck on supplies and victims, and put forward any issues that need addressing."

"We checked supplies last time," Remus put forward mildly.

"I guess that's your way of telling us it's our turn?" Sirius remarked, eyes narrowing.

"Only fair," Peter conjoined, smiling too cheerfully. Sirius sat back as James shrugged.

"Fine. Victims?" Peter scrambled around for writing equipment as they began.

"Mrs. Norris - "

"Filch - "

"Snivellus, of course - "


"Peeves - "

"I can't - "

"The whole school - "

" keep - "

"On Halloween - "

"up - "

"Something in the Slytherin dorms -"

"I don't know, the Ravenclaws have been - "


Everyone sat back, grinning slightly madly, faces flushed with energy. Peter quickly finished scibbling the words down on spare piece of parchment as they waited. The scratching of the quill was the only sound as the other three glanced over at one another, elated and joined in the spirit of mischief. Peter put the quill down and looked around, but the moment had passed.

"Well," James began, "I have an issue to raise."

Peter looked immediately concerned.

"What's up, Prongs?" Remus asked, frowning.

"Lily?" Sirius smirked.



"No, nothing like that"

"What is it then? Get to the point!"

"Well, it's not so much an issue as an opportunity," James replied, a smug grin on his face.

"You're not leaving Hogwarts, are you?" Peter squeaked, eyes wide.

"No, no! I meant – let me just show you guys," James expanded. He dug around his robes for a while, and then procured a small vial of colourless liquid, and placed it in the centre of the table.

"Veritaserum?" Remus inquired, raising a brow.

"You never fail to spot a trick, Moony," James beamed.

"Wow. How did you get it?" Peter asked in awe. Sirius's jaw was set, and a shadow darkened his face.

"Slughorn, right?" Sirius stated coolly.

"That's right," James agreed, equally coolly. Peter looked from one to the other, shrinking back in the mounting tension. Remus was leaning back, observing.

"Well, don't let the fact that he only did it because he's trying to use you stop you," Sirius spat. The tension crested and broke as James continued in a serious tone.

"Look, Padfoot, this is stupid. He's useful, alright. I'd never put him before you guys. You would know more than anyone where my loyalties lay," James said solemnly as he placed his hand palm down in the middle of the table. Remus and Peter held their breaths and waited for Sirius. A moment passed in silence, before Sirius grudgingly relented, throwing James a wry smile and placing his hand over James'.

"No hard feelings here," Sirius replied.

Remus and Peter relaxed and grinned, also adding their hands to the pile.

"Ok. Now that that's cleared up, what to do with the stuff," James began, eyes glinting.

"I say we sic it on Snivellus. I've been itching to get back at him for that potions explosion that made me look like I'd been jinxed four ways to Sunday. And who knows what he might confess?" Remus suggested.

"Ha. You have no evidence it was him, Moony. Not that we don't all want to get him, 'cos I think we'd all agree that we do, but he knows too much about potions to unwittingly take it. He could probably tell just by smelling his pumpkin juice or something like that."

"Hmm…we could give it to Slughorn and see what questions he's got for our next exam. Shove it in some Firewhiskey. He'd probably drink anything you give him, James. Scratch that, just ask him the questions, and he'll tell you those and the answers," Sirius shot at James.

"Could you get over it?" James glared back. He suddenly looked deep in though, and after a long minute of silence, he began to grin slyly.

"Oh no," Peter groaned, "That sounds bad."

"I haven't said a thing yet, Wormtail," James laughed defensively, "Although…"

"Just go on! I need another eight inches on my essay and soon. You're killing us with anticipation," Remus pressed dryly.

"We tell each other everything right?" James asked, in mock innocence.

"I suddenly don't like where this is going, Prongs," Remus stated tensely.

"Well, why not? It's not like we'd ever do anything, even if we did find anything worth noting, Moony," James wheedled hopefully. Remus looked away.

"No," He said flatly, in a tone that brooked no argument.

"Aw, c'mon Moony. What have you go to hide? I'm in, by the way," Sirius informed them.

"Yeah, we wouldn't keep any secrets from each other. I'll do it," Peter added, his voice slightly higher than normal.

"I said NO," Remus repeated roughly, voice dipping into a growl. He stood up and forcefully picked up his books, quill and parchment and walked out.

"What's his problem?" Sirius asked the remaining two, annoyed. James looked troubled, brows furrowed.

"I - " James began, when Peter stood up in a rush.

"Sorry guys, but if I can't get the answers off Moony then I'm as good as a ghost," Peter cringed apologetically. He practically ran out the door.

There was silence between James and Sirius for a second.

"You know, when we started the Marauders, I though that mischief and the Marauders were s'posed to come before anything else," Sirius recalled, irritated.

"Apart from you and Lily," he amended, smiling wryly, "I don't think there is a force on earth strong enough to separate the two of you. Gives a whole new meaning to 'attached at the hip'."

"Yeah," James agreed, before stating, "I wonder what's up with Moony?"

"Yeah, who hexed him up the arse this morning?" Sirius grumbled.

"Maybe he's just got something to hide," James continued, "but what would he not want us to know? Knowing him, he's blowing it out of proportion, like the werewolf thing."

"He's like a schoolgirl with a crush," Sirius added.

"Maybe that's it? He likes someone?" James considered hopefully.

"Ha. Why wouldn't he tell us though? Honestly," Sirius dismissed.

"Well, maybe he really likes the girl, and he's not like you. You say so much, we might as well be in the broom closet with you!" James teased.

"Yeah, well I agree he's not like me. But seriously, we're s'posed to tell each other everything. I would never go around keeping secrets like that from you guys. I think we should get him to tell us. Maybe we should try the veritaserum on him," Sirius suggested, working himself up into an incensed state. James frowned.

"Padfoot, Moony would be royally pissed at us if we did. I don't want another episode of you two going off at each other and tearing the Marauders apart at the seams like second year. I don't think it is such a great idea. He probably really wants to keep whatever secret he has safely tucked away, and if he's willing to be so serious about it." James warned.

"Aww, c'mon. It's not like it could do any harm." Sirius whined.

"You say that now, but if you did it, he would probably hex you to Beauxbaton and back, whether or not you found out what he was hiding. You know how he's sensitive. Kind of like a girl."

"Are you basing the hexing part on you and Lily?" Sirius questioned, teasing. James laughed, and punched Sirius lightly on his arm.

"Hey!" Sirius protested, before leaping up and tackling James to the ground. They collapsed in a heap and laughed. James pushed himself up onto his elbows, and stood up, brushing himself off and grinning.

"Anyway, I have a damsel in distress to attend to now," James announce, before picking up his wand with his right hand, while sliding his fingers through his hair with his left, "I'm actually forty minutes late, but she'll understand."

"What, Lily? And you're dating her?" Sirius joked.

"Ahh, Padfoot. You know nothing of love," James decreed airily.

"Maybe so, but I know you're not getting any for a good long time," Sirius grinning arrogantly and tossing his head back.

"Ahh, Padfoot. Love isn't about getting laid! Once you fall in it, you'll realise it's about differing points of view and getting hexed and stood up and publicly humiliating yourself to get her back! Ah, the wonder of it," James sighed, as he walked to the doorway.

"Sound like love to me," Sirius replied archly.

"Sure is, Padfoot, sure is," James concluded as he stepped out into the hall, and closed the door with a decisive thud.

Sirius propped himself up on the ground, yawning for a moment, when a twinkle of light caught his eye. He followed the line of light to the table top. The veritaserum sat temptingly there, unguarded. He knew he shouldn't. He could even faintly perceive the possible ramifications as he sat up and reached for it.

But what harm could it do? Was his last thought as he pocketed it in his robes and walked out the door.