Ok I'll explain, these fics are a direct result of boredom, I went on holiday with Rangers and the explorers, I asked almost every person to give me the result, and here you see the result of the stories I wrote

I own nothing

"Ryou!" Yugi yelled.

"Ryou, where were you? We waited for ages."

I came down the stairs dripping blood onto the floor.

"Yeah sorry about that Yugi, Bakura stopped me from going." I had wanted to go to the cinema with my friends but my wonderful Yami had stopped me. Mostly by beating me up.

"Yugi, you had better go, before he realises that you're here."

"Ryou you could come with us, Yami and me could protect you." I smiled tiredly, but anyone could have seen that this smile didn't reach my eyes. He didn't understand. Bakura knew me, he knew where I'd go, who I'd go to.

"Bye Yugi." I pushed him out of the door firmly. If Bakura was going to hurt anyone he'd hurt me. The only thing I'd learned about my Yami was that when he was disgruntled he was not a fun person to be around.

So...anyway please review, even to tell me that it's really weird.