Good ideas always come at night for me... Uuhg. This has been stewing for awile now and I finally decided to write it out. This whole story is going to be the prologue for the real action. I figure it will be three chapters long.

I don't know the Japanese names for any of the digimon so deal with it.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything to do with the Digital World or Digimon.

Legends ch-1: lowedusk


As our spirits laid dormant in the hands of the three great angels, I could feel Cherubimon growing more and more agitated. His patience was waring thin with the ideas that Angewomon and Angemon made for the human type digimon. Every day I felt his anger become more and more warped, and I'm sure that the other spirits in his care could feel it too. It was the same kind of misleading feeling that every legendary warrior hoped never to feel again. The same evil of Lucemon.

I knew what was about to happen; Cherubimon had always been the predictable one, but the scale of the sudden war was a surprise to everyone. With anger fueled by Lucemons warp, Cherubimon had completely changed in appearance and lead the beast types into an attack which caused Seraphimon to fall. It was then that Cherubimon created his own warriors.

With the other Angels gone he would be the supreme law-maker; he could make it fair for the beast types under only his power and no one else. The four other spirits where easily swayed into his mind-set and power became their goal. They valiantly set out to capture Ophonimon... and succeeded. I, on the other hand, could see his error; because if you stand in the shadows, you can see the light better than if you were under the sun.

Cherubimon used as much trickery as he could but I would not serve him. It became a battle for us; his power against my will, and I was succeeding. In his growing impatience he knew that I was going to win but failed to accept it. Things had to go his way. Period. So he made my rebellion part of his plan.

It wasn't after long that I helped Ophonimon send out her message and hide the spirits without Cherubimon knowing. We still had hope in the human world. I knew that Cherubimon was bound to find out sooner or later and it was much sooner than we intended. It took a few days for the message to reach the humans and by then the great Angel was furious with my actions. And with his threat to Ophonimon, I had to give in to him. There was nothing I could do otherwise... but as long as it was for Ophonimon...

Well, I definitely didn't expect what to happen next as the humans came... along with a straggler. A spirit had entered into the dimension between our two worlds, destined to die. His soul was darkened with bitterness and anger... a soul Cherubimon sought perfect.

Now I know he didn't mean to... but it was his dark heart that tainted me. It was like a whole different creature had sprouted from his darkness, entangling with me to make Duskmon. I tried to stop his own pain by reaching for all his anger, extracting all the darkness in him and transferring it to me and in turn, Duskmon. I thought that maybe if I uncovered his gentle heart I knew lay dormant he could fight it. He would be able to help...

Cherubimon predicted my fight and from Duskmon erased the boy's memory. But what he really did was just trap it and me in the dark corner of this warp. I watched, helpless, as the new creature known as Duskmon tainted my name of the Legendary Warrior of Darkness. But what I did do was search the boys memory...

Kouichi... gentle, kind, broken. His being was fragile from the pull of him and his family when he was young. I learned about his brother, and from my own knowledge knew him to be the chosen for the spirits of light. It was knowing this and knowing about Kouichi that I waited for an opening to break through to him. And what a perfect opening.

It was the second time that Duskmon met with the chosen. I knew that if Kouichi remembered, he could take control. So it was when MagnaGarurumon took a blow for his friend that made Duskmon weak. I could see that Kouichi recognized his brothers name; Kouji, but it was not enough. To my dismay I understood that Kouichi thought he was Duskmon when I only thought the boy was used as a base for Duskmon to have a physical form. It was actually the opposite as I found Kouichi didn't have a physical form which meant that my task was going to be even more difficult with the lines separating human from digimon being severed by Cherubimon.

But with each meeting of the two brothers I sensed Kouichi's human heart still beating. Unfortunately, Cherubimon sensed this too. I could not help as I watched the boy known as Kouichi Kimura drowned under his turmoil as he recieved the corrupted beast spirit of darkness... His only hope was in his brother by then.

That is when the Angel of light graced our predicament and I was able to bring Kouichi's memory back to him. The human was in control but the digimon had warped his mind so much that he wasn't sure what to do... so he followed Duskmon's instincts. Which was when he finally told Kouji about his being. I knew that soon, the brothers would be reunited as they should be.

I could do no more, with Kouichi's memory returned and Duskmon in control. I could only pray for Kouji to forgive him and see the gentle in his heart like I did and save him. I could only hope.

My wish was granted and somehow, the chosen of light and the chosen of flame did something I could not. They saved Kouichi, the one whom I was charged with. They released his dark heart like I hoped to do and finally, his true self could start healing. I say this because the brothers where finally together and I knew that they would need to be aquatinted.


I had confidence in this boy. I trusted him with my spirit and he used it for good. Not that there was evil... because nothing is evil. Just misdirected and misunderstood... like how Duskmon was born. And though I have been in control, I know that Duskmon is still here, within me. We are two different digimon yet born of the same. Not twins, but two personalities in one. It is painful to know he is me yet I understand he is not. There is always a battle within me, and I know it is me who has to bear this burden. But the worst part is that I know Kouichi can sense my struggle too, because I sense him. I don't know why or how, but I sense him.

But with hope I can keep Duskmon dormant. Just like I hope for everything else. That is all I can do.


Notes, notes... You know in the episodes how Cherubimon said he used all those digimon in the castle to test the spirits of darkness? Well in here I figure he tested it on the other digimon before giving it to Lowemon. Yeah, I didn't know how to add that in the fic... but it does say Cherubimon used trickery. Ok, please tell me if it sounds good!