Title: The Summer Before

Author: Gilmoregirl7878

A/N I know, I know, another. Haha. I couldn't resist I just HAD to write it, as always...


1. This takes place August, a month before Rory goes back for her Senior year at Chilton.

2. Lorelai and Max got married.

I think that's about it...enjoy!


"You don't have to go." Lorelai said, from the doorway of Rory's bedroom.

"I know, I want to. Grandma and Grandpa said there wouldn't be any social gatherings, I'll be able to read by the beach, it'll be nice." Rory said, closing her suitcases.

"No social gatherings? Come on. You know that there are going to be some." Lorelai rolled her eyes.

"Well then, fine. It won't kill me to deal with them once or twice." Rory said angrily.

"Don't come crying to me when they're setting you up with the next business man's son." Lorelai said back, just as angry.


"Fine." Lorelai said, staring at Rory. The faint sound of a horn was heard from outside.

"That's my ride. The limo's going to bring me to their house at Cape Cod. I'll see you in three weeks." Rory said shortly, grabbing her suit cases and walking past Lorelai and towards the front door.

"See you then." Lorelai called after her, sighing deeply and walking into Rory's room , and sitting on her bed and picking up one of her teddy bears and staring at it sadly.

"Lorelai? What are you doing in here?" Max asked entering the room.

"Oh, Rory just left."

"Uh huh. We're expected at this Chilton Dinner in an hour and a half, we have to get going." Max told her, fixing his tie.

"Sure." Lorelai said. 'Another Chilton dinner. Fun.' She thought.


Rory had been at Cape Cod for day now and she was growing bored and restless. Her Grandparents were scarcely around, having people to meet and things to do, leaving her around the house alone.

She normally would have loved this, but lately she hadn't been able to get into any of her books and just found herself daydreaming.

She felt like her life was boring and had the desire to do something stupid and dangerous. Something that was completely out of character for her usually. She couldn't remember the last time she had been truly happy. There was no more happiness in her life.

She had nothing to lose.

Rory quickly got up and grabbed some clothes and got dressed, heading for town.

She wanted her life to change.

And today she was going to do something about it.



I can't help it, next chapter will be much longer, I promise! As you could probably tell, this is going to be darker themed. I'm going back and forth between this being a Trory or PDLD...I can't decide which.

You may think this is just a 'Rory's OOC cliche story', but this different. For those who have read the 'Rory becomes slutty and different during the summer' stories, and shows up for her Senior year, but no one ever writes about that Summer...did you notice that?

So, I started the Summer before.

Anyways, I hope you liked, please review and tell me what you think!