Disclaimer: As much as I'd like to own the characters they all belong to Rumiko Takahashi, not me.

A/N: Sesshoumaru (and family . . .) and his grandma got some super corny last names; at least I think so! And I don't even know what they mean, that is if they mean anything at all in Japanese! XD This chapter took me longer to finish than I first anticipated. Sorry for my lateness of updating!

A Gap Across Time

XVI: Fix What Can Be Fixed

"Go in, Souta."

"No, I don't wanna go in first."

"Don't be such a chicken."

"But, mom . . ."

"Do it for your mother, will you?"

Sesshoumaru closed his eyes and tried to shut out the voices of Kagome's mother and little brother. They were annoying him and he would have loved to silence him, but having an obligation towards the raven-haired girl (whether he wished to acknowledge it or not) made it so that it would be unjust to kill her family. He waited until finally (fortunately for him) Mrs. Higurashi came in first, giving up on trying to make her son take the first step.

She immediately noted that the demon lord was staring at her. "Oh, hello there." She walked in, followed behind by her son. "Kagome isn't here with you?" She took the time to look around her daughter's room. She then looked back at Sesshoumaru and also noted that he was looking pretty angry. "I didn't mean to bother you; my sincerest apologies. If you do see Kagome by any chance, then please do tell her that I want to see her."

Sesshoumaru actually nodded his head, because it was quite rude to disrespect one's parents (well, humans didn't really count, but he had a obligation after all) and ignore them when they were speaking to you or responding in a really rude way. Sesshoumaru had learned this long ago when he first met his mother's mother for the first time.


"Sesshoumaru, I'd like for you to come with me to the garden," Lord Inutaisho said, poking his head inside his eldest son's study. It was rare for his father to personally come and get him (let alone his father wanting to roam about the palace aimlessly to begin with) when it wasn't necessary to do so.

"What is it, father?" Sesshoumaru asked. "Why do you wish for me to go out there?"

"I'd like for you to meet someone, my son," he replied.

"Who?" Sesshoumaru tried to peek into the garden, but his father blocked his view. "Who is it? I'm even more curious now, since you're trying to hide the person. It's not a girl for me, is it? Aren't I too young to get married?"

Inutaisho laughed, enjoying his son's curiosity. He patted his son on the head, while saying, "no, I am not trying to find you a partner for marriage, at least not yet. That time will come when you are grown to a suitable age. Remember, marriage and children are very important if you are to keep this kingdom and our bloodline going." Sesshoumaru nodded - he'd been told them many times before, even as a small child. He was now ten and he's known that one day he was going to get married, regardless if he loved the woman or not. Making babies to him was just like a job, really. Pretty sad to think of it that way, though, but he never voiced this thought of his, so his father didn't know of the role he wished to play. "However, who I'd like for you to meet is very close to your mother."

"Oh, is that him, Inuyasha?" Sesshoumaru heard someone ask.

As it was previously stated, Sesshoumaru is ten-year-old, while his younger half-brother, Inuyasha, is five-years-old. Inuyasha was nodding his head when his older brother caught sight of him standing next to a very elderly looking youkai.

"Sesshoumaru!" Inuyasha chirped. "Come meet grandma Su!"

Grandma Su? The kid took the time to give her a thorough examination. She had floppy, long dog ears that fell to the end of her neck, and they were a beautiful wooden brown. Her wrinkled profile held before them soft, green-colored eyes, a small pointed nose, and a wide smile sufficed with small, thin lips. Her hair was also a wooden brown, but more so of a darker shade than her ears. What she clothed herself with seemed to be the clothing of an queen of some other foreign nation Sesshoumaru had yet to hear of. Atop her head was a golden crown embedded with ruby jewels, and sapphires as blue as the ocean. An outer layer (the color of beige) overlapped another long-sleeved garment she wore underneath that came down to the tips of her knuckles. A wide, yellow obi was used to fasten her clothes together, and it had the emblem of a tree leaf, crisp and new-looking in color and design. What finished her outfit were her shoes, which were plain looking and black in color. How come I've never heard of her until now? How should Inuyasha know of her before I?

"Lord Inutaisho, he must be the son you've spoken to me about in your letters." The old woman looked to Sesshoumaru's father. "He's even more handsome in person; I can see why you praise him so graciously - he looks well-bred and does not seem to lack talent - I can tell from his posture."

Sesshoumaru was a little unnerved; the old woman was reading him as if he was an open book. It was true that he had great potential, being born with gorgeous looks, a talented body, and foremost of all, a well-trained poise.

"What about me, grandma Su?" Inuyasha didn't like that he was not being showered with attention.

"You're my adorable little grandson that I treasure greatly. What more can an old youkai like me ask for, eh?" Inuyasha giggled, blushing a light shade of red. "Ah, I've to formally introduce myself." Grandma Su turned to face Sesshoumaru. "My young Lord, my name is Misou Su, mother to Misou Chieko and grandmother to both you and Inuyasha."

"I am Inukai Sesshoumaru. You are the blood mother of my mother?" Sesshoumaru asked. She nodded. "Then why is it that I have never heard of you until now? How could Inuyasha be acquainted to you before I?"

"Sesshoumaru," Inutaisho warned, noting that his son was stepping out of line with his questions.

"No, it's quite all right." Grandmother Su raised a hand into the air to signal that she was not provoked in any way. "Indeed, it must be puzzling to you as to why I'd know your half-brother before you. Under unexpected circumstances Inuyasha was sent to my home during the time that you were recuperating."

Recuperating? So that was where Inuyasha had gone to when I was in that phase? Why was he sent there and not allowed to remain here? "Yes, there was a time when I was severely ill; it is a most unwanted memory." Grandmother Su frowned, thinking that she might of hurt Sesshoumaru's feelings somehow. "My illness became so bad that it must be the utmost priority that Inuyasha was sent elsewhere till I recovered - it is all completely understandable. It was already considered a fatal issue at my age; surely, it would have been worse for him if he were to catch it." A mistake it must have not been.

Sesshoumaru was watching his grandmother's expression carefully and he noticed that she grimaced when he spoke of Inuyasha's absence from home. Did saying that bring up something that she recalled about his younger brother? Was it something unpleasant? Curiosity was a extremely strong nature within everyone, and it wasn't any less weaker in Sesshoumaru. He just had to ask.

"Grandmother Su, did Inuyasha's stay at your home bother you?"

This was something he shouldn't have asked, because her expression went from annoyance to pure anger. If this was a way of showing disrespect in a subtler way than most ways, then Sesshoumaru was doing just that. Grandma Su raised one hand into the air, letting it swing down, hand making contact with Sesshoumaru's right cheek. "How insolent you are! I would have thought your father has taught you better! Am I assumed to be wrong?" Sesshoumaru was surprised by the sudden strike; he hadn't been struck by anyone in such a long time that this stinging sensation on his cheek almost felt like a foreign feeling. "You hold no such power to ask such personal questions, whether you be a grandchild or servant of mine!"


Sesshoumaru looked to his father, an unreadable look coming to his yellow-colored orbs. "Grandmother Su," he fixed his gaze on the old youkai, "I am sorry. I did not mean to offend you. And I assure you I was raised the correct way; I merely stepped out of line and said something I shouldn't have. Please excuse such behavior and I will make sure not to do a unwanted repeat."

"Grandma Su, it's okay." Inuyasha tugged on the sleeve of her robes. "I can tell him what it was like while I was living with you. It won't hurt me at all."

"Shush, Inuyasha," she reprimanded.

From there on, Sesshoumaru learned to respect all and every noble family member that was of a head more powerful than he. He was only allowed to bully his little brother, Inuyasha, however, the little runt could take only so much before he'd start wailing and run to his mother. Sesshoumaru enjoyed doing this for a short while, but the fun of it died away quickly, making it a dry sense of humor to terrorize his younger sibling. Of course, purposely hurting Inuyasha meant that he was to receive punishment, but it was never something too unbearable.

One day Inuyasha approached his older brother and said, "my stay with Grandma Su was not very fun. I was not allowed to do anything that was considered childish. I was more than happy to be back here in this palace with you."

"Like I would be thrilled to have you back . . ."

"Don't be a meanie!"

"We are only half-siblings, and I think of you as nothing more."

"Well," Inuyasha sadly smiled, "I'd tell you more about my stay with Grandma Su, but it seems like you really don't care about me, anyway."



Mrs. Higurashi humbly turned around to look at him. "Yes?"

"She's gone to the well," Sesshoumaru said, "and she has yet to return."

"The well?" Souta recalled going there before, and he didn't remember seeing his sister there at all. "I went there earlier, but there was no one there. Well, Buyo decided to run inside, and when I went in there to retrieve him I didn't see Kagome anywhere." Sesshoumaru slightly tensed at hearing what Souta was saying. "Maybe she went out with her friends."

"That sounds a lot like her; she could never turn anyone down who asked for a favor, especially if they are her friends," Mrs. Higurashi added.

Sesshoumaru wanted to scoff, do anything to show his disregard for the girl's stupidity. Who would be willing to do anything, and I mean absolutely anything for a friend, regardless of what the favor could be? For example, if she was asked by a friend to go jump off a cliff, would she do it? Sesshoumaru wasn't sure how far Kagome would go for a friend, but he could take guess at it.

"I can go look for her," Souta offered. "I know where all her friends live, and I can go ask."

Mrs. Higurashi sweat dropped - she had no idea that her son was so knowledgeable when it came to his sister's friends. Since when does he know where all of Kagome's friends live? "If you're willing to go do that, then I suppose it's all right. Come back safely, okay, honey?"

"I will, mom."

With Souta gone it was only Mrs. Higurashi and Sesshoumaru that were left inside the room. The demon lord would have continued to remain silent, if it weren't for Kagome's mother trying to talk to him. Spark up a conversation no less.

"So, how has Kagome been treating you as of late?" Sesshoumaru blatantly stared at her, not saying anything at first. "Ah, well, I don't mean to pry, but it'd be nice to get some feedback on my daughter. Her dream job is to become a doctor one day so that she can help injured people. Her starting off with you is a good start as any."

"I am not her patient," Sesshoumaru stated.

"I didn't mean it like that." Mrs. Higurashi was getting more and more tense, with the way Sesshoumaru kept staring at her, his golden-colored eyes suspicious of her every movement and words. "Medicine has always been her forte, whether she ever acknowledged it or not, but at a young age she took great interest in medicine and wanted to learn all she could about it. How this came about though, is not something I'd like to openly tell someone not within the family. I'm not trying to offend you, of course."

"I care not for such idle nonsense. Human medicine does not outsource the medicine from my time."

Mrs. Higurashi's left eyebrow began to twitch, having a nerve painfully struck by Sesshoumaru's acid-like words. "I see . . . That's good to hear."


"This is bad."

Kagome's two companions stared at her in puzzlement. "What is?" Sango asked. "Other than Kaede's village, that is."

"Sesshoumaru . . ." Kagome bit her lower lip nervously. "I need to go back to my time, because Sesshoumaru is over there. He must be wondering right now what's happened to me. I told him that I was going to inspect the well but I didn't expect to be sucked to the other side. What am I going to do?" Miroku and Sango exchanged wary glances, but said nothing. "He's left alone with my family now . . . What if he attacks them? I'll be guilt-ridden for the rest of my life!"

"Aheheheheh, I don't think he's that brash of a person to attack your family, Kagome," Miroku assured her. "Inuyasha, on the other hand, seems more likely to do so."

"Right now isn't the time to worry about this, though. We still have several injured people we need to tend to," Sango expressed, showing both Miroku and Kagome that now was the not time to worry about something they had no control over. "Miroku, would you and Kirara go to the nearest stream around here and draw some water?"

"You're being a bit pushy now, aren't you?" Miroku dodged an incoming slap to his face by swerving his body to the left. "I'm going! I'm going! Geeze! Come on, Kirara."

I swear," the demon exterminator watched the forms of Miroku and Kirara as they walked away, "Miroku isn't taking this as seriously as he should be. Kaede's lost a lot of people in this village, so it's best if we try our hardest to help those who are still alive."

"Hearing you say that makes me feel terrible." Kagome was at fault, too, supposedly. "I'll go check outside to see if anyone needs anything."


Several people looked at Kagome when she emerged from the tent, and she was well aware that some of them were giving her wary looks. Do I really look that suspicious? "Um, does anyone need anything?" she asked, looking all around her. "I . . . I may not look very experienced in the medicinal field, but I will try my to help anyone in need. So, don't be afraid to ask."

"My child," a woman started. "May you come see to the aching on her leg?"

Kagome nodded. "Let's see." She lifted the child's leg into the air, thus causing her to whimper. "I'm sorry, did that hurt?"

"Mommy's here with me; I'll be fine," she replied. "Your hands feel very warm."

"Thank you. Where does it hurt most?" Kagome felt around the leg - she couldn't see any sort of bruise, but she's had these injuries before too, where you can't see anything wrong but it hurt anyway.

"Here." The child pointed to a certain spot on her leg.

Okay! Here goes! Hope this is going to work! Kagome placed both palms on the indicated spot and focused all her attention there. She, as well as the child, could feel a warm sensation coursing within themselves, and the girl stared at Kagome in amazement, eyes growing incredibility wide. Focus, Kagome, focus.

"There . . ." Kagome opened her eyes and stared down at her own hands. ". . . That should do it, I think."

"It doesn't hurt anymore! Thank you!" the little girl happily exclaimed.

And it was after she tended to the woman's child, did requests by other people began popping up for assistance. The ones that thought she was a shady-looking character no longer thought as such, and they eagerly awaited her ministrations, as she went around the group of people.

Miroku and Kirara came back to see a very exhausted looking teenage girl sitting under a tree fanning herself with a large leaf. Kirara was the first to reach her, and she gently nudged Kagome on one leg. Kagome looked at her and smiled.

"You seem exhausted. What have you been doing this whole time, Kagome?" Miroku asked.

"I was using my powers to help the villagers. I didn't think it would be so effective though . . ."

"Well, you are the reincarnate of Kikyou, so it's only natural that you've inherited some of her abilities." Miroku failed to notice the pained look that came to his companion's face. Kirara did notice, but what can a furry little creature like her do? "In any case, I wonder where Sango is . . . I ought to give her this the water I've brought back or else she'll get on my case, if you know what I mean."

"I know exactly what you mean, Miroku."

"Will you be okay here by yourself?"


"If you say so."

For some reason Kagome felt extremely tired, and she couldn't help but lean her head back against the bark of the tree and close her eyes. I don't think I've felt this worn out in my entire life! Maybe stress and using my priestess powers is the cause for this - yeah, it has to be. I think I'll just rest for a bit . . . here. It didn't take very long before Kagome was fast asleep.

"Is she dead?" Someone pokes Kagome with a stick - she did not stir. "She's not moving."

"Hello?" Another person calls out (quite loudly). Still no response from the slumbering girl. "Hello? Can you hear me?"

"Children! Get away from there! Can't you see she's resting?" A woman hissed, making shooing motions with her arms. "You should be grateful that she's helped us earlier today!"

As Kagome slept, she was swept up in a swirl of strangeness within her dream:

"Ooohhhh, he's so handsome! I can't believe he's actually related to Higurashi!" Someone squealed, a little painful to the ears if one were to be too close to the sound. "Don't let him remain as a mystery man, Kagome! Introduce him to us!"

Sesshoumaru mouthed to her, 'say anything and you're dead'.

Kagome nervously laughed.

"Kagome." The calling of her name was faint, but she could definitely hear it. "Kagome, wake up. If you sleep here you're going to catch a cold. Kagome."

Brown eyes snapped open; Miroku was looking at her in the face. "What's the matter?" Kagome woke up from her dream too soon to see what was going to happen next. She wouldn't have minded finding out . . .

To Be Continued!