A/N: A couple of reviews raised the issue of how the others will react to Phoebe and Cole getting together again. Throughout the story Piper and Paige had been nothing but supportive of Phoebe, so as far as that's concern it's a non issue here. Maybe it's not realistic characterization but this is my own little fantasy world. ;-) Originally I wanted to write the story where Paige is dead-set against it but I never got a good idea to develop and run with so it didn't go anywhere beyond a little hint of that back in chapter 4.

And varnish7, I actually quite agree with you about the whole Phoebe getting Cole to trust her again thing. That part of the story was a bit weak I feel. But that whole chapter was a tough one to write. I just used the convenience of magic to push the story along. I never claim to be a good writer (quite the opposite in fact, again barely passed English class!), only that I wanted to write down the ideas I had in my head into a story.

So having written pretty much all I set out to write when the rare burst of creativity first came about, let's move ahead and wrap this thing up.

Thank you to everyone who took the time to review. It got me to see this story to the end. And to those who didn't, I can only hope you enjoyed the story as well. I have no way of knowing one way or another. Although I suppose anybody who hated this wouldn't be reading at this point anyway. (And I better stop before this note is longer than the chapter itself.)


Phoebe stands in front of a primary school feeling an incredible sense of déjà vu as she waits for her daughter and nephews. She could not believe after all that has happened in her life, she was finally living this moment for real. The events that had transpired over the past few years were nothing short of amazing. There were bumps along the road to be sure, not the least of which was having Leo taken away from them. It had devastated the entire family. But it had also done what it was meant to do; it gave them all the fire and determination to succeed in their ultimate battle against evil.

The war began not long after the Angel of Destiny took possession of Leo. The Charmed Ones were helped along the way by other witches, fairies, leprechauns and the occasional goblin and ogre. Cole surprisingly proved to be an invaluable element on their side despite his lack of magical powers. With his vast knowledge of evil and demonic schemes, he acted as a behind the scene General; planning and strategizing each step of the way. When the other side found out his existence they sent their top assassins to take him out. They had nearly succeeded after luring the sisters away on a false battle leaving Cole vulnerably alone. Luckily they were able to figure out the trap that was set and made it back just in time. Paige was able to heal Cole, as she had fully developed her healing power, with nary a moment to spare. In the end, they had prevailed and permanently defeated the demonic side.

The world is by no means the Utopia that the Avatars had envisioned. There are still wars around the world; diseases, famine, injustices still exist but without demonic influence, it is a far better place than it once was. And as promised, Leo was returned to them when they triumphed.

Having put everything on hold for the war, Phoebe and Cole at long last got married when their lives resumed. Cole had been so instrumental in their side's victory that even the Elders had given the union their blessing. Their elegant yet simple wedding was done to perfection; it was a day no one in attendance will ever forget. Nine months later, they welcomed their daughter Melinda Prudence Halliwell-Turner into the world.

Phoebe is brought out of her reverie as she hears her daughter's laughter. Looking in the direction of the voice she sees the little girl running towards her.

"Mommy! Mommy!"

"Whoa! Hi! What are you doing, my little lady bug?" Phoebe laughs as she picks her daughter up and spins her around.

"Mommy, Chris was scaring me about the demons again."

"What did I tell you about the demons? They don't exist anymore."

Suddenly the little girl saw someone walking up behind Phoebe, a big grin spreading once again across her face as she exclaims "Daddy!"

Phoebe turns around to see Cole reaching her side and she greets him with a loving smile. Taking Melinda from Phoebe, Cole gives his daughter a kiss on the cheek then bends down to do the same to his wife. "How are the two most beautiful girls in the world doing today?"

Phoebe's heart does a little leap. No matter how long they've been together, she never gets tire of Cole's charms. Looking up Phoebe finds herself getting lost in his expressive eyes. The moment was broken when Melinda spoke up.

"Daddy, are we going to the park today?" The little girl asks excitedly.

"Of course baby. I promised last night we would go didn't I?"

"And can we go get ice cream afterwards?"

"Anything you want. How does a big banana split sundae sound?"


"Cole." Phoebe admonishes gently. "Melinda baby, we're not stopping for ice cream. It's too close to dinner. I don't want you ruining your appetite."

"Awwww, mommy!" The little girl pouts. Looking at her father for support, the two of them gave Phoebe their best lost-puppy look knowing she can't resist.

Shaking her head resignedly as a small smile lifts the corners of her mouth, Phoebe relents. "Alright we'll stop for ice cream. But only a small cone! Your aunt Piper will kill me if you won't touch your dinner tonight."

Cole and Melinda dutifully nod in agreement. As Phoebe turns and head towards the jungle gym to gather up Wyatt and Chris, she missed the conspiratorial look exchanged between the two other members of her family. They'll get their ice cream sundae; father and daughter have got Phoebe wrapped around their fingers.