Meg slowly crept along the glowing hall, her eyes sparkled as she though about Dominik. Even behind his mask, he was breathtaking. They had sat and talked for nearly an hour about music. And Dominik was romantic and charming. Meg tip toed into her room, praying that Anna was still awake. She pushed open the heavy wooden door, cringing as it creaked.

"Meg!" Her sister's big green eyes sparkled.

"Anna, you would not believe it!" Meg said at the same moment, and both girls laughed, falling onto the bed. Meg took Anna's hands and whispered breathlessly, "You first."

"No, you first!" Anna giggled, and Meg couldn't help but notice that her sister, who normally was not crazy or giddy or anything was practically glowing with pleasure She was smiling broadly.

Meg smiled back, "Very well, I met the Phantom's son!"

Surprise and then confusion crossed Anna's pretty face. "You couldn't have."

Meg stared back, "But I did, his name is Dominik."

"No it's not, it is Joshua, and I only know that because I met him myself in the Opera stage room." Anna replied firmly, "So you could not have met him."

But Meg shook her head, causing her long hair to go flying. "Well it must not have been the same phantom because he was in the Angel room. He is tall and blond and blue eyed."

"No!" Anna jumped up, pacing the room, "He is tall yes, but very broad with darker hair and deep green eyes."

Meg rose as well, walking the length of their shared room. She did not doubt that Anna was telling the truth only that it confused her. Suddenly a thought passed threw her, obviously! How had she not thought of it before?

"Anna," She turned to her sister, who was now brushing her long hair, "I think the phantom has two sons, and we each met one tonight!"

Her sister only rolled her eyes, "You just thought that Meg?"
Meg could only glare at her sister and blow out the light so that Anna could not see the blush that was creeping up her neck and across her face.

Meg slipped into bed next to Anna, curling up in a ball facing the wall. She could feel Anna next to her start to breath a bit slower. The room was peaceful, and Meg could not stop thinking about Dominik's deep blue eyes, the way they sparkled when he had smiled, or how he had passionately spoke of the opera he was working on with his father; and she had longed to gently pull of the mask, so that she could have seen his face. Beside her, she heard Anna sigh.

"What?" Meg whispered, turning so that she could see her sister siluetted in the moonlight.

"Its only that he was so … so mysterious and … I cant explain it. He was singing, and his voice! Oh! It was deep and strong! Ah, I shall dream of him tonight!" Anna whispered.

Meg only smiled gently at her sister, "So shall I!"

The next morning, Meg woke up to hear her sister moving about the room, humming her song she was auditioning for that morning. Meg lay in bed, not wanting to move from the warm bed.

"Anna?" She called, and her sister turned, and Meg could see that her sister was completely ready for lessons and the day. She was wearing a charming red dress; high waisted with a long skirt that had lace peeking out at the hem. Lace also edged both the collar and the sleeves. Her long hair was piled on her head with the beautiful curls cascading down her back.

"Yes?" Anna replied distractedly, glancing at the clock that sat on the dresser, "You need to get ready to go."

Meg nodded, "I know, but are you going to tell any one…I mean about the whole phantom thing?"

Anna smiled, "Maybe only Nicole." But Meg only nodded, and reluctantly crawled from bed. "Alright, I am going to warm up, but please don't be late."

Meg smiled, shaking out her braid, and letting the wavy blond curtain fall around her waist. "I will not be!" She waved as Anna skipped from the room, and then quickly threw on her own clothes, a blue skirt with a white silk blouse, and then bent to lace up her satin dance shoes. She really was pleased with Anna getting a leading roll, and she only prayed that she out did Sophia in the auditions!

Nicole was waiting for Anna, and as soon as she saw her, Nicole hissed. "we have to talk." Anna had only nodded, and she couldn't help but notice that Nicole and Joshua had some of the same features, the same oval eyes and nose.

"Yes," Anna finally replied breezily, "we do!"

Nicole stole another glance at Anna, "are you feeling alright? You look like you are nearly bursting with joy."

"Oui, I shall be when I get the leading roll!" Anna laughed and slipped into the room. Girls were milling about, forming tight groups, or warming up alone. Anna saw Sophia with her regular herd of young followers, and waved slightly. Sophia, only after seeing that it was Anna and not Meg smiled and waved back. It was all Anna could do not to roll her eyes.

She heard a commotion coming from the entrance, and knew with out looking that it was Meg at last making her entrance, for despite the fact that Meg could slip into her vague moments, her twin was fun and out going, a characteristic the Anna some times envied, and was at the same moment thankful she did not possess.

Meg was laughing with Nicole and another dancing girl names Lana Stephan, a young English girl that was one of the best dancers at the Opera. Anna wanted to join them, but at that moment, Maestro Jacques Le Moure entered the room in his regular bustle, clapping his hands.

"Young Mdms. Auditioning for Louise please step foreword!" He clapped his hands. "Hurry! Hurry!"

Meg stood next to Lana and Nicole, listening to Mdm. Giry gives another long lecture on that fact that the girls' Pointe should be perfect and that each jump be as the last one. Me caught her friend's eyes, and trying hard not to laugh. They had teased her about the fact that she was glowing, and Lana had asked if she had met a boy. Meg had only shook her head and given them a mysteriously smile. If Lana only knew, she figured that Nicole had figured it out because of the look she had given her, but thankfully had not said anything.

The hours passed quickly, and at last Mdm. Giry clapped her hands, "Very good ladies, classed dismissed!"

Anna stood listening to Le Moure, as he spoke with Mdm. Giry. At last he looked at Anna, "Alright Anna, you got the part. Now go." Anna nodded, curtsied.

"Merci!" And then ran from the room to find her sister. Meg was speaking with Nicole in the hall.

"Meg, Nicole!" She called, nearly running to them, "I got the part!"

Meg smiled and hugged her sister. "I am so glad!" As soon as she let her sister go, Nicole said, "We need to talk Anna, Meg, but privately." She started walking down the hall, "Please follow me." She led them to their room and shut the door. "So, you met my brothers…"