Disclaimer, I still don't own harry potter, which is a shame, cus then I would be rich and not suffering student debt! :(

Once again may I apologise for the amount of time it has taken me to upload, it has bee a busy year with starting uni and all, though I should be able to get more done now!


Harry continued to look at Ginny like a fish out of water, his head was buzzing with the information that she had just given him.

"how did we get here?" he asked, looking around the hospital wing which was so familiar yet different. The strong smell of bleach that he had grown accustomed to smelling since he entered Hogwarts was not present, yet everything remained clean, shining in fact. The beds were no longer metal and springing, but hard and itchy from the straw that was filling the mattress, and the sinks which he had expected to see was replaced with a wash basin.

Despite these changes though, he could tell that this was in fact the same hospital wing, the shape and structure was unaltered, and the large window which he had spent hours staring out of in the past, longing to be flying in the clear open air which it showed, was much the same as ever.

"we aren't sure" replied Ginny, uncomfortable of bringing up the conversation that she knew to dread, but knowing that she must. "Ron, Hermione and I had just reached you when the room began to spin, the next thing that we knew was that we were in Hogwarts grounds with four people claiming to be the founders!"

"the founders!!!" Harry exclaimed, he then began to think of the rest of the comment that Ginny had made,

"what do you mean that you, Ron and Hermione had just found me, why would I need finding?"

Even as he said the words he knew that something was wrong the room was spinning and his head was aching much worse than he could ever remember it hurting due to Voldermort. Images began to bombard his head, his uncle hitting him, whipping him, shooting him.

Harry began to shake, his whole body convulsing unbearably, Ginny went to hug him, to offer the little comfort that he could, but Harry flinched, not seeing Ginny but his uncle leering over him, grinning like a maniac. She didn't know what to do, she knew that Harry needed more help that she could give him, as before she could feel his fear and pain. Yet she also knew that she couldn't leave him. What if he was to do something drastic whilst she was away? The school was different to how she knew it, did they employ house elves she wondered and then dismissed, even if they did, they would not respond to her.

At that moment, as though a gift from Merlin himself, another strange figure entered the hospital room. A lad of around 15 who was supporting a bleeding nose. Ginny looked at him as though he was her saviour, ran up to him and ordered him to go and find Helga. The boy looked at her strangely, eying up her strange dress and queer way of speaking. Then noticing the stern expression on her face nodded his head and turned away, he began to run down the corridor as quickly as he could.

Ginny turned back to the person who she had long respected to see him curled up in a tight ball rocking. He was no longer looking like a frightened rabbit, but there was no appearance of life in him at all. His once sparkling emerald eyes which she had so admired were dull and lifeless, his face looked gaunt and strained, as though he had aged years in a matter of second, and he looked thin, thinner than she had ever seen him before. Ginny wished that he was still covered in the blood which has properly blanketed him from been visible, now that it was gone, and he had physically began healing he looked worse than she had ever seen him.

Before Ginny could reflect for too long however, Helga came hurrying in to the hospital wing closely followed by the three other founders.

"how long has he been like this?" she asked Ginny

"about 10 minuets" she replied "I sent this boy as soon as was possible" indicated Ginny pointing to the boy who was still bleeding over the hospital floor. Helga nodded and began to approach Harry as slow as possible a strange looking concoction in her hand. She put the bowl under Harry's nose for a couple of minuets and watch a dark fog come over Harry until he nodded off to sleep.

"that should keep him asleep for 24hours, it is a potent remedy to be sure, but necessary in this case I do believe. Alas if all patients were suitable, it would make my job less worrying, however this is a highly addictive solution as once used the patient will sleep peacefully and have the most pleasant dreams he has ever had for the entire time. Maybe one day an alternative will be thought of but until then…." Helga sighed and drifted off. She then turned to the young man who had been key in getting her to the hospital wing.

"Gregory, what have you been up to? Your father will be most displeased if you have been fighting again!"

"you wound me aunt, as you should know, I don't look for trouble it finds me!"

Ginny grinned recalling the many times that Harry had said this himself, she looked back at the boy he was very familiar yet she could not place from where. She watched as Helga treated his bleeding nose with the practice and skill of one who had done it many times before.

Ginny then turned back to Harry, she sat down next to him and prepared herself for the vigil she was about to undertake, wondering if she should inform Ron and Hermione of what had transpired. No she thought, let them suffer for a while, it should teach them a lesson, if they had not have been arguing then they would have been here and known for themselves what was going on.

Before leaving the hospital wing for a second time, Helga turned to Ginny,

"when Mr Potter awakens we shall need to talk, all 8 of us, until then, keep a good eye on him, and talk to the painting if you need me" she said whilst indicating the picture on the wall which Ginny had missed earlier. At this Helga turned and strode out of the hospital wing leaving a very dazed Ginny I her wake.

Okay sorry it is once again short. Thankyou for all my review, they do mean a lot to me and more would be appreciated. Next chapter up soon,

kind regards funky seaweed
