Hi, I know that I really should finish a story before I start another, but I have a really bad bought of writers block, ad this idea popped into my head, do here I go.

The train ride home had been exhausting for Harry, he had had to sit and endure hours of Hermione and Ron pussy footing around him trying not to remind Harry in any way of Sirius. Harry for the most part just tried to ignore them both, instead he just looked out the window thinking of all the things in his life that have gone wrong, his parents dying, the Dursleys, the Philosophers stone, the Chamber, and losing Sirius because of his own stupid gullibility, if only he ha listened to Hermione, if only he had not tried to act the bloody hero yet again. And now, now he was heading back to the Dursleys for another summer to do their bidding again and act like a slave with no-one to who understands, or even cares.

Harry crossed the barrier onto Kings cross station, expecting to see his uncle waiting for him on the other side, but no-one was there, no-one had come to pick Harry up, again he had been abandoned. He looked around expecting to see somebody, any body, he had already waved goodbye to the Weasley's on the other side of the barrier ast they had been told that for security reasons that they couldn't be seen together to often in public. Harry sat on his trunk and pondered what to do, he could always call for the knight bus, but travelling that was worse than floo. Then it hit him, he was of cause been followed. He just had to get hold of an Order member and they could take him home.

He looked around, the carpark was bustling with people going in every which direction, he suddenly caught site of a strange looking girl with bubblegum pink hair and a large red balloon. That just had to be Tonks. The child winked at Harry and went towards him.

" hiya Harry, what up"

"The Dursleys have decided to do a disappearing act, they are not here."

Tonks looked thoughtful for a while then a smile appeared on her face. I know what we can do with you. Hold on to my arm really tight I am going to apparate us both into the Dursleys house, that should remind them that they were meant to pick you up. Harry smiled slightly he didn't think it would work, and would probably mean more work for him in the long run, but if it would keep Tonks happy he would go along with it.

He put his hand on Tonks arm and then felt a suffocating feeling as though he was been squeezed through a rubber tube, after a few minutes the feeling stopped and Harry looked around, he was in his Aunty's pristine kitchen. The walls sparkled they were so clean and Tonks visibly withered as she looked around the kitchen, at that moment Petunia came in the room and screamed at the sight in front of her.

Tonks smiled 'I'm sorry to disturbed you Mrs Dursley, I was just returning your nephew home…I'll be off then' She smiled at Harry and disappeared out of the house.

Petunia looked at Harry as though there was some dirt under her nose she then shouted to her husband, explaining that it had returned. The sounding of thumping could then be heard as Vernon came down the stairs looking greyer and more menacing than ever. His bloodshot eyes landed on Harry and he smirked an smirk that would make any Malfoy proud. He turned boldly and lifting an eye said,

"can't you take a hint boy, we didn't turn up at the station today because we don't want you here, maye I need to teach you a lesson."


Well there you are , I hope you like it, but please of you have read this story would you please review, thank you lot of love funkyseaweed sorry abut the shortness.