Flying Under Radar

Disclaimer: I do not own many of the characters within this story, but so far, Elena Wolski, her girlfriend Jessie, and Giovanni are all my own work. This story contains references to homosexual behaviour and/or relationships. If this is not your cup of tea, go make yourself a cup of coffee and read a different fic instead. This story is effectively AU as it is independent of any recent storylines, unless these involve Sam liking Jo more, or Phil being an arse, as that fits my plan nicely. Apologies for any random changes of tense and shifts in writing style, some of it is like an episode synopsis, some of it is more like a normal fic scene. This is because I'm planning and re-writing as I write, and some things don't really need much filling out.


Sam and Phil have been called to handle the case of 24 year old Elena Wolski. She was found on the High Street in the early hours of the morning, bleeding heavily from several stab wounds to the chest. Fortunately her injuries are not life threatening and she is recovering well in St. Hughes Intensive Care Unit. Sam and Phil pay her a visit, determined to catch whoever is responsible for such a violent crime.

After gentle questioning from Sam, Elena reveals that her girlfriend was a drug addict, and owes her dealer some money, but is unable to pay him back, as she is in rehab and has already blown all her savings on drugs. Elena herself has no money, having come to work in England to support her convalescing mother back in Poland. She went to see the dealer to explain their situation, but was warned that if they could not pay off their debts before the end of the week, they would pay dearly. Elena worked as many shifts as were available, and found a job for Jessie, her girlfriend, and gave all the money they had to the dealer, but it wasn't enough. The next day, after Jessie finished her shift at the newsagents, she was dragged into a car and driven to a deserted lock-up. She was beaten until she fell unconscious, and left in the freezing cold. When she eventually made her way back to their bed-sit she tried to hide what had happened from Elena, but there was a message scrawled on the back of Jessie's shirt that the battered woman hadn't noticed:

"You will pay!"

Again Elena went to the dealer to beg for more time, but was dealt with by a henchman who simply stabbed the woman and left her out in the street amongst the rubbish.

As she finished telling Sam what had happened, Elena began to find it more and more difficult to breathe. Coughing, she began to say something, but stopped when she started coughing up blood. Promising her that they would come back later, Sam stepped back to let the nurses deal with her.

Walking back to the car, Sam questions Phil about something she noticed in the hospital.

"What was that Phil, when Elena mentioned her girlfriend, you sort of backed off... do you have a problem with her being gay?"

"What? No, course not, I mean, if Elena's anything to go by, Jessie must be really, well, y'know...attractive" He trailed off. Waiting for Sam to say something, not realising that she is silently fuming, Phil pushes the issue.


"I can't believe your attitude Phil! What, the only reason a woman might be gay is if she met another really attractive woman? That appearance is the only thing that anyone might find attractive? You are so shallow it makes me sick. I can't...I don't...grrrrh. Just leave it."

Realising he has really put his foot in it; Phil does the sensible thing, and shuts up. Trying to make up for his comments, Phil opens the door for Sam as she gets into the car, and drives calmly, not even reacting when a teenager in a battered old fiesta pulls out in front of them, yells abuse then roars away in a cloud of blue smoke. Raising an eyebrow, Phil simply mutters that the car is burning oil and definitely needs a service. Pulling into a parking bay back at the station, Phil shoots a nervous sideways glance at Sam.

"Um, Sam, I realise I was out of order earlier, and I was wondering, erm, d'you wanna go for a drink after work, y'know, by way of apology?" Hands in pockets, looking down at his feet and shifting uncertainly, Phil is the picture of schoolboy guilt.

"I'm glad you realise that your attitude was unacceptable Phil, it only took me pointing it out for you to notice" snapped Sam sarcastically. "And no, I don't want to go for a drink with you, your attitude towards women is entirely superficial, all you care about is your next conquest." As Phil starts stammering some kind of comeback, Sam just cuts across him. "I'm going to tell you for the last time, so listen hard: 'I - am - not - interested.' Got that? I'd rather stay celibate for the rest of my life than go out with you, you're insensitive and self-centred. I'm going to find someone to replace you on this case; we can't work around your deep-set attitude problem." And with that, Sam stalked off into CID, leaving Phil somewhat confused as to what had just happened, but understanding enough to take affront to Sam's personal, if on the mark, comments.

Sam had barely sat down at her desk in CID when the phone rang.

"DS Nixon..."

"Hello, it's Nurse Harding from St. Hughes. Ms Wolski had a haemothorax due to undetected internal bleeding, but we've managed to stabilise her, and she is feeling well enough to talk. She's a fighter, this one, won't give up. Anyway, come down as soon as your ready and she'll be waiting."

"Thanks" said Sam as she put the phone down, eyes already scanning CID to find someone other than Phil to accompany her on the visit. Eventually her gaze settles on Jo Masters, who is sat at her desk chewing on the end of a biro, eyeing her pile of paperwork thoughtfully. Making her mind up, Sam edges around the desk, perching on a chair next to Jo. Catching her eye, Sam speaks in hushed tones,

"Can you accompany me to St. Hughes; I need to interview that stab victim again."

"But I thought Phil was working with you on that, Sarge" Jo questioned.

"He was, but his attitude could have compromised the case, and I told him so, and now he's sulking. C'mon, I'll brief you in the car"

Nodding, Jo rose from her chair and grabbed her coat, following Sam to the car park.

Having repeated Elena's recollection of events, Jo quirks her head when Sam mentions Jessie.

"So you wanted me on this case for the lesbian perspective, did you?"

"Well, yes, but..." Seeing the hurt look on Jo's face, Sam realised that this case was going to need careful handling if she was to get a result without offending anyone. Well, anyone other than Phil anyway, but he only got what was coming to him.

"Look Jo, you're one of the best DCs, no, one of the best coppers I've ever worked with. You have the caring nature and gentle way of questioning that this case needs. And yes, you're gay, which will work to our advantage, but that's not why I chose you. I chose you because you're, um... you. I'm sorry if you thought I'm using you for your sexuality, but I knew you could handle this issue tactfully, whereas Phil has all the subtlety of a sledgehammer."

Jo smiled lazily at Sam, so that she knew she was forgiven, then decided to tease her a bit.

"Hey, don't mind me Sarge, you can use me for my sexuality anytime" she breathed. Laughing at the look on Sam's face, Jo is surprised to note that she is blushing, and wonders if she is as straight as she says she is.

At the hospital Jo talks to Elena, asking her to help them break the drugs operation. Elena is understandably frightened, but with prompting from Jo tells her the information required for the team to move forward in their investigation. Feeling bad about using emotional blackmail, but realising that it will benefit Elena in the long run, Jo asks about her relationship with Jessie. "I just know that if anyone hurt my girlfriend, no matter what they might do to me, I'd do anything it took to protect her, keep her safe. She's my world, without her I'd be lost." Elena, surprised, asks about Jo's girlfriend. Jo tells Elena her name is Tess, and shows her the picture she keeps in her wallet. The picture is of the two of them larking about in a photo booth. They are the very essence of being young and in love. Jo looks sheepish when Sam sees the photo, and thinks she may have overstepped a line when Sam suddenly walks off.

Sam is in fact overwhelmed by Jo's heartfelt words, and how romantic the young DC can be, shown by the picture of Tess in her arms. Wishing that she could find someone to love her like that, rather than slimeballs like Phil, only interested in their latest conquest, Sam doesn't notice until it's too late that Jo has finished talking to Elena, and walked hurriedly past her, heading for the car. Following Jo out to the car park, Sam is surprised to see that she hasn't put her wallet away, and is staring blankly into the distance, seemingly unconsciously caressing the photograph. Sam reaches the car and asks Jo if she's alright, following such a personal and heartfelt appeal. Jo tells Sam that Tess is getting more and more tied up in her drama workshops, and is never at home when Jo gets off her shift.

"She's growing more and more distant, but nothing has changed in the way I feel about her...That's where all that emotional rubbish came from" Jo muttered, silently wiping away another tear.

But Tess is feeling less and less attached to Jo. She feels that Jo spends too much time at work, and lets it rule her life, especially after being called in to work over Christmas. Sam places her hand comfortingly on Jo's shoulder, and getting a hold of herself, Jo hands her pocketbook to Sam, letting her read for herself the information given to them by Elena. Excited by what she is reading, Sam grips Jo's upper arm, declaring "This is fantastic, there's enough here to take down Giovanni's entire drugs ring!"

The information from Elena is highly significant; it is enough to set up an undercover operation at Radar, the club where Giovanni Del Vecchio has based his dealers.

Sam speaks to DCI Meadows, who okays it for Sam to run the operation. In order to stand the best possible chance of going undetected, it would be best if Sam could send a gay officer undercover, but the only out officer in the station is Jo. Knowing that the last thing Jo needs is to be involved in an undercover operation, the time spent away from home almost certain to destroy her relationship with Tess, Sam is caught between a rock and a hard place; she really wants to put Jo on the case, the talented DC would be sure to produce a good result. Knowing that it would almost certainly be the end of Jo's relationship with Tess, Sam doesn't know if she can make the call, if she wants to be the one responsible for tearing Jo's world apart.

Comments greatly appreciated, and suggestions for improvement welcomed. If I don't get much of a response, I'm not gonna bother finishing this fic, as the storyline needs a lot of prodding before it decides to grow at the moment, so if no-one wants to read it, I won't bother writing it. Sound fair enough to me...