On the day Sarah returned home from what her parents thought was "two weeks at a spa" the town received a record amount of snow. School had been closed for the past two days which, oddly enough gave Sarah enough time to cram in two weeks of homework. Everyone was wondering what caused this surprise blizzard. Sarah knew what, or actually who, was to blame and was grateful.

She was just finishing up her algebra when she heard Toby and Merlin come in from playing in the snow. Karen yelled at him for tracking snow into the house.

"Take those wet things off, and what is that wet dog doing inside the house?"

"But it is cold outside mommy," Toby said.

"The garage is plenty warm enough for him. Go to the garage Merlin."

Merlin lowered his head and padded his way toward the garage. Toby quickly took all of his wet clothing off and ran upstairs to Sarah's room.

"Sarah, open up!"

"What is it Toe? I am a little busy," Sarah said through the door as she cracked open her civics book.

"Jerry wants to know if you will come to his castle this weekend."

Sarah sighed, "Well tell Jerry that I am a little busy at the moment and if he wants to ask me something he can ask me directly."

"What?" Toby asked

"Never mind Toe, just tell him that I am busy."

"Okay," he sounded a little disappointed. She heard him close the door to his room.

Sarah felt a surge of energy in her room.

"Well now that is just rude," someone said from behind her.

Sarah turned around and found Jareth sitting on her bed.

He smiled at her and said, "How dare you turn down a perfectly good invitation."

"How dare you think I can drop everything in the blink of an eye when I am just starting to get things back on track," Sarah said as she sat down next to him.

Jareth put his arm around her, "I guess things here would be a little hectic for you."

"It's just strange. To me it feels like two months have past yet here it has only been two weeks. I mean I called one of my friends and she asked me if I was still upset about Ryan, because apparently he misses me."

"Well what did you tell her? I hope you aren't planning on…"

Sarah interrupted his rant with a kiss. She knew that would be the only way to get him to shut up and let her finish.

She pulled away and said, "I told her that I have started a new chapter in my life and Ryan is most definitely not in it."

"Well good. Now back to my invitation, it would be wise of you to accept it."

"Jareth I just got back. Besides I am going back to the Underground with you in two weeks for the masquerade."

"That is why it would be wise for you to come this weekend. You are going to be the hostess, remember? Almost all the monarchs of the Underground will be there. I have hired a tutor to help you learn the proper etiquette for a gathering such as this. I just want everything to run smoothly so you can enjoy the night."

"Jareth everything will be fine. If I leave early that Saturday, it will give me six days your time to learn everything."

"I guess if you are okay with that I have to be," Jareth said.

"Well how about this. You have that huge library in your study. There has to be a couple books about 'proper etiquette' in there. Send them to me and I will thumb through them before next week."

"Alright, but I don't think you understand what you are stepping into Sarah."

"It will be fine. Besides I need to get my life back here in order. Oh and by the way do you think there is any way this snow could clear up by tomorrow?"

"I don't know what you are talking about," Jareth said jokingly as he pulled Sarah closer to him.

"Oh I think you know exactly what I am talking about Your Majesty," Sarah stated as Jareth kissed her fully and passionately on the lips. It sent shockwaves down her spine. A few moments later Jareth was gone.