
a Scryed fan fiction by Tasogare no Hime

Disclaimer: I do not own Scryed, or Les Miserables. Both are used without permission, no money is being made from this use.

AN: Tas-chan here with another miny fic. I've never read Les Miserables, but I have seen the musical and I adore it. Listening to the sound track inspired this.
Also just to warn you this has not been betaed don't say I didn't warn you.

Ryuhou had taken her to see Les Miserables to help her get acquainted with city life when she had first joined Holy. Even back then she had identified with Eponine. She had cried at the death scene, something she could not even recall doing when her mother left her in the hands of the thugs she had been rescued from. Perhaps, Scheris though solemnly looking back she had wept because she had seen a premonition of her own future.

Here however there was no stage, no curtain, no song,... no comfort. Only her decision, her death or his. Would her Marius marry his Cosette, and live happily ever after? Would he ever think of his Eponine? She knew her choice was already made for her, her fate decided the moment she found him at deaths door.
There would be no standing ovations for her last grand performance, and no encours. He would live though and that was enough for her. As she pressed her lips to his to give him her breath,her heart beat she almost smiled at the softly singing voice in the back of her mind.

...And rain will make the flowers...