Hey guys!

Just wanted to say thanks to everyone who read and reviewed Dirty Little Secret!

Now, just a few notes:

I, personally, love the name Urie. But, it's one of those names you either like or hate. I have a thing for odd and unusual names. And I was asked how you pronounce it… I'm really bad at this but I'll try. I think it would be like… YER-IE or YOUR-E, something along those lines.

And I know that my last two chapters probably weren't my best, sorry. Don't know why but they just weren't.

And of course, SEQUEL!

Mpro1 has given me a name: The Dirty Game. I think I know what you were talking about, Mpro, but, it's possible that I am completely wrong.

Sorry but I can't get it up until the fall. I'm really busy all summer and if I started now, you'd get like one or two, possibly up to five chapters before I go to camp in July. I don't know, if you guys really want I guess I can start now. I did start a sequel for one of my stories in another category but I only put up a preface as a teaser… but I guess I can start it. just be warned that it won't be at the top of my updating list until my other stories are done.

And on the topic of the sequel…

Almost every review that I have gotten for the past two chapters asks about Alex's friends, the ones in England. I take it that you all want him to see them again. So, I am just going to say that he will. Not how you want him to, but he will see them all again.

And, in the books I HATED Sabina or whatever her name was. I don't know why, I just hated her. So, I'm going to clear up everything on the Sabina issue too. I just have to get rid of her once and for all. Jeez, that makes it sound like I'm going to kill her, doesn't it? Well, I never even thought about that… he-he.

And, yep, that's all.

Thanks for reading! You guys all rock tons!

Oh and does anyone have any guesses for Urie's (Alex's) mission?

Talk to you guys later! Read the sequel and, as always, I LOVE reviews so give lots! (For the sequel is what I meant but review this too! I don't know why you would though… hmmm.)

All World Cup games are over for today so I think I'll update Triple Threat. For the past two days my three friends and I have skipped period's four to eight to watch The World Cup! And then we proceed to run around the halls yelling the name of whatever country won. And today me and my one friend skipped art. She told him that she was sick (which is semi true) and had to go to the nurse. Then, ten minutes later, I fake a headache and he gives me a pass to the nurse. "Can I go to the nurse? I have a really bad headache and I have medicine in the nurse and I just need to lie down." Mwahahahaha. Teachers are GULLIBLE! All my other ones let me skip though, my art teacher is so freaking serious though and besides, it's more fun to cut. And art SUCKS so no big deal. One more day of school… AND THERE ARE MORE GAMES! School should always be like this. It's so much fun. Except that after the Netherlands and Ivory Coast game, I played chess with one of my friends and he beat me TWICE with THREE freaking moves! I'm a horrible chess player, I lack the patience.

And I'm completely off topic of DLS and the sequel. Oh well. I always do that.

