Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha and co, only Rumiko Takahashi-sama owns the show...Damn! I don't own Harry Potter, Ms. J.K. Rowling does. Damn it all! ( LOL!)
Well I had an itch to right this story! So enjoy and Review!
Chapter one: Change's and Hogwarts
Dumbledor sat in his office at Hogwarts. He had knew this day was coming, the day She was coming! The one with extraordinary power! The one to save the world and bring Magick back too the muggle world! A day when wizard's can walk out into the open world, instead of hiding.
Dumbledor began to write a letter to her, inviting her too Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
Kagome sat at the base of the God Tree. She looked up at the sea of stars. 'We defeated Naraku, the Shikon no Tama is complete. Kikyou... she died again and I have my soul back. Midoriko she came too me in a dream and...'
Kagome laid in a field of flower's. She got up and look around only to find Midoriko staring at her. "Child, come here. I must tell you something very important." Kagome walk over to her and bowed deeply "Hai, Midoriko-Sama!"
"Kagome-Sama, their is no need to bow. I'm am here to tell you that you are not the reincarnation of Kikyou, but that of yourself. And the Shikon no Tama, wish's that it's master to be stronger. So I am granting this wish!" Midoriko said. She lifted her hand and touched Kagome's forehead and in a flash of light, Kagome changed.
Kagome's senses, speed and strength increased fifty fold, higher than that of a demon. Kagome look at Midoriko and then a mirror appeared in front of her.
Kagome was shocked. Kagome's hair color was now ocean blue and it grew down to her ankels. Kagome grew a lot taller, making her as tall as 6'11. Her body filled out in all the right places. Kagome had an ocean colored fluffy tail and wings and her eye's turned into a silver color. Her skin had green/blue scale's on it, as did her wings.
"Midoriko?" Kagome's voice came out more suductive. "Kagome, I see you are shocked and want to know what you are. You my dear, are half Dragon and half Angel a rare mixed. And I shall give you your training. And you can also Shape Shift into anything you want!" She lifted her hand and again touched her forehead. In a flash of light Kagome Training was complete.
"Kagome, I must go but before I leave, I'll give you a element Dragon. A Dragon, the size of a large dog came into view. It was the color of silver with blue eye's. It had long wings and a sharp spiky tail. "This Dragon can talk telepathically to you, at anytime." Everything went black.
---End of Dream---
Kagome knew she had to leave this world and she would take Shippou with her. Of course she would visit this world. She had fell out of love with Inuyasha. And he knew that they where only friend's. Kagome had told them about her dream and what she was and that she had too leave, but would visit.
Kagome got up and left towards the well, with Shippou in her arms and her Dragon, "Element" following close behind her.
Kagome had put an conceling spell on herself, Shippou and Element.
---Kagome's era---
Kagome jumped out of the well and left for her house. She opened the door to find her mother home. "Hello Okaasan!" Kagome's mother got up and walk over too Kagome. Kagome towered over her mother. Kun-loon look up. "Kagome, what happened to you? Last time I saw you I was the taller one..." Kun-loon said.
Kagome shifted uncomterble. "Uh Okaasan..." Kagome told her about her dream and how she changed. Kun-loon was shocked, but accepted what her daughter was. " Oh, How Kawaii!" Kun-loon screamed. Shippou start to run, but Kun-loon grab him and started cooeing him. Kagome sighed. "Who's this Kagome?" "That's Shippou, my adopted son. He a Kitsune!"
Shippou struggled and tried to get away from his grandmother. "Okaasan! HELP!" Shippou wailed. "Okaasan, stop torturing Shippou!" Kun-loon reluctantly gave Shippou to her daughter. "Can I see your true form and dragon form? PLEASE!" Kun-loon begged. Kagome droped her concling spell. Kun-loon eye's bluged slightly and her jaw droped. Kagome smiled and led her mother outside.
Kagome chanted and a bright light enveloped her body and their stood a dragon as big as a five storry house. Her scale's are the color of ocean blue and she had two sharp horn's on her head. She change back into her normal form.
Kun-loon hug her daughter tightly. Kagome told her mother good night and went up too her room and fell asleep with Shippou in her arms.
---In the morning---
BING BING BING SLAM "DAMN YOU ALARM CLOCK!" Kagome yelled, waking Shippou up. "Okaasan, whats that 'bing' sound?" Kagome then noticed Shippou in her arm's cuddling with her tail.
"Sweaty, that's an alarm clock, that's supposed to wake you up.." Shippou nodded then cuddled up and went to sleep. Kagome smiled and got up while putting Shippou in the bed. Kagome grab some cloth's and left for her bathroom. After showering Kagome got out and dressed.
She wore a blue tank top that said "I'm to hot for you." and tight black leather pants.
Kagome ran down stair's and checked the mail. "Bill, bill, bill, Hogwarts, for me?" Kagome take's the bill's to her mother. Kagome walks up too her room and reads the the Hogwarts letter.
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore
Dear Ms. Kagome Higurashi.
We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Since you are sixteen years old and not eleven, (the starting age) please know that you will be taught by me after school, everyday. Hagrid will come and get you today at 12:00 p.m.
Students will need to acquire the following items:
Three sets of plain work robes
One plain pointed hat for day wear
One pair of dragon hide gloves
One Wand
Also the following set of books:
"Book Of Spells Level 5" by Miranda Goshawk
"A Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi" by Phyllida
"Magical Theory" by Adalbert Waffling
"A History Of Magic" by Bathilda Bagshot
"Transfiguration" by Emeric Switch
"Magical Drafts and Potions" by Arsenius Jigger
You may bring, if desired a pet with you.
Kagome was confused, but she knew her question's would be answered.
Hoped you like it! If I get three or five review's, i'll update faster!
:Inu walk's in:
Inu: "Dragon why did you do that!" :Inu growled
Dragon: "Do what?" :Cocking head
Inu: "Not pair me with Kagome!"
Dragon:Inching towards the door: "Uh... I thought that it would'nt do good in this story...
Inu:Growls and then lunges at Dragon: "You bitch!"
Dragon:Beat's the living crap out of Inu: "I'm NOT A BITCH, YOU ASHOLE!"
Inu:Cry's in pain:
Dragon from hell
Ja ne