I do not own any Sega trademark. Just the Sonic games.

Hell's Experience

Chp 1: End of Peace

Once upon a time, when hell broke lose…

Tails was at the Mystic Ruins when a comet was flying right at his home. "What the heck?", he exclaimed as it collided into his home causing it to blow up. He ran to his destroyed home to see a spaceship with Shadow inside. "Shadow?"

Shadow jumped out all dizzy and threw up on Tails and exclaimed, "Man! I got hell of drunk!" Then he passed out.

Tails, who was not only angry about his home destroyed by a stupid, drunk, passed out hedgehog and having Shadow's puke all over him, but was also angry that the Blue Tornado was destroyed as well. "Dammit! Now I have nowhere to live!", he exclaimed.

Then the world's fastest hedgehog ran into Tails and they both fell down a nearby cliff and only survived because Tails saved them both by flying. Sonic then walked around all dizzy, puked on Tails, then passed out.

Tails grew furious and started kicking the remains of his house until he hurt his foot, then he cried like a baby.

Then Knuckles appeared in a blue cape and ran to Tails. "What's the problem here sir?", Knuckles asked imitating a superhero voice.

Tails just stared at the red echidna with a WTF look on his face until Knuckles puked on him and passed out. Then he was just plain disgusted.

Later that day…

Shadow woke up to find himself in the ruins of someone's home and saw Tails cursing like there's no tomorrow. "Damn, what happened?", he asked Tails.

Tails shot him an evil glare and answered, "Nothing, you just flew here in a spaceship into my house, puked on me, and passed out. That's all." Tails gritted his teeth and gave Shadow the finger and walked off.

"Where am I?", Shadow asked himself. He got up and walked around. He then saw Sonic sleeping near a cliff that he could fall off of. "It's that faker.", he said.

Shadow ran next to Sonic and got an evil idea into his head. He started to push Sonic off the cliff. Sonic then woke up and saw Shadow.

He looked at the cliff below him and asked Shadow, "What are you doing?" Shadow who was surprised jumped back and accidentally knocked Sonic off the cliff.

"Oops… Oh well, that was the plan.", Shadow said running off with a victory smile that said, "No more faker! Hell yeah!"

Sonic was rescued by Tails who was still cursing like there was no tomorrow and then Sonic ran after Shadow with fire gleaming in his eyes.

Sonic caught up with Shadow and tackled him and yelled, "SHADOW! YOU CRAZY SON OF A… I missed you buddy!" Then Sonic started hugging Shadow who threw up in the sickening presence of 'faker'.

"Faker, get off me or die.", Shadow threatened. Sonic jumped off on ran in circles for some unbeknownst reason. Shadow was just stricken by the fact that 'faker' just hugged him and fainted.

Knuckles drove by in a black low-rider that had flames on the side and he wore a lot of bling-bling. "What's up homies?" "Fairies!", Sonic replied. "Ooookay…", Knuckles said. "Weirdo", he thought. "Fairies and ponies and flowers and…", Sonic started until he fainted. "Did my brotha forget his pillsizzles?", Knuckles asked himself.

Tails walked by and asked, "What am I going to do? I have no home." "My homie without a home? Brotha, I hook you up 4 sure.", Knuckles replied. Tails looked at Knuckles with another WTF face and shrugged.

Shadow woke up and ran over to Tails and Knuckles. "I need a place to live. I destroyed the Ark when I got drunk earlier today.", Shadow explained. Knuckles and Tails stared at him with WTF looks on their faces and Knuckles said, "Umm sure."

Sonic ran towards Tails, Knuckles, and Shadow and bumped into Shadow. "Man, what happened to me?", he asked. "You forgot to take your pills and kept saying fairies and crap like that, hugged Shadow and made him pass out, then came over here and asked what happened and I answered you forgot to take your pills and kept saying fairies and crap like that, hugged Shadow and made him pass out, then came over here and asked what happened and I answered you forgot to take your pills and kept saying fairies and crap like that, hugged Shadow and made him pass out, then came over here and asked what happened and I answered …", Knuckles started again.

"Shut the hell up!", Tails yelled. "Don't be hatin.", Knuckles replied. Shadow and Sonic shook their heads and Sonic said, "I blew up my house when I was drunk earlier today and I need a place to live." Tails, Knuckles, and Shadow stared at Sonic with WTF looks on their faces. "Umm…sure, you can live with me, Tails, and Shadow.", Knuckles replied. Shadow yelled, "HELL NO! THERE IS NO WAY I'M LIVING WITH FAKER!", and he stormed off.

Sonic smirked. "You're afraid of me, aren't you?", he mocked Shadow. Shadow stopped and turned around and said, "Please, why I would be afraid of you faker? I'll take on your deal Knuckles."

"Then it's set dog! We gonna bust a cap in that house for sure!", Knuckles exclaimed.

Sonic, Tails, and Shadow stared at Knuckles with yet, another WTF look on their faces and Tails said, "Knuckles, that doesn't make any sense. Are you still drunk?" Knuckles then puked on Tails and passed out. Tails yelled, screamed in fury, and started cursing as if the world would end in two seconds.

Even later that day…

Sonic packed a blanket and a teddy bear from his mother (he has separation anxiety). Shadow had packed an X-Box, PSP, Gamecube, and a blanket for his supplies. Knuckles had no need to pack. Tails packed the ruins of the Blue Tornado, lots of paper and pencils, and machine parts.

"Where is this house Knuckles?", Tails asked. "It's someplace called 'The White House.", Knuckles replied. Tails looked at Knuckles with a "Are you stupid?" look. "The President lives there moron!", he exclaimed. "Nothing we can't handle…"

End of Chapter One. Review me if you like.