Studying the Flood

Test 7

Note: Yes! It's finally here! Test 7! Thank you all for reading and reviewing my story, especially Pheonixmaster and Agentamus or something. This is the first story I finished that has chapters!

Experiment 7. The Test Gone Wrong (Originally Testing the Suit)

Jack and his team of scientists finally finished the suit that even flood couldn't penetrate. One scientist, Brian, volunteered to wear it, and go in a flood filled chamber. After learning how to take off, put on, and use the suit's features, Brian was ready for the test. The scientists were eager to see if it worked. Brian put on the suit, and he stood in the middle of the small chamber, with a nervous expression. He waved and smiled, Jack waved back, but gave him a concerned look.

"Hello? Brian, is the radio working well?" Jack said into a microphone.

"Yes, it works fine," Brian replied, pounding the side of his helmet with his knuckles.

"Ok, we're going to release the flood, don't panic," Jack said.

The door on the right side of the chamber opened, and a flood infection form quickly sped toward Brian.

Brian stepped back, until he remembered he had a suit on. The infection form tried to pierce its tentacle into the armor, put it didn't work. The scientists cheered for a moment. The infection form scurried up the armor all the way to the neck. It pierced the neck armor with its sharp tentacle, and stuck it on to Brian's neck. Everyone gasped as they heard Brian screaming in the radio. Brian was tugging on the flood, attached to him. Blood sprayed through the gap, and made spots of blood on the white floor.

"Should he kill him!" a scientist asked frantically.

"No, leave him," Jack ordered him.

Everyone watched in horror as the flood completly broke the neck armor, and started digging into the neck. The spinal cord and bones could be seen. The flood dug into the flesh madly until it decapitated him. Brian's bloody head dropped on the floor, and rolled around. The body dropped to its knees, then fell down on its stomach. The flood inserted itself into the body. Blood sprayed and dripped everywhere. After twenty minutes of staring at the bloody, decapitated body, scientists screamed as the armor burst open. It revealed a bloody, and messed up chest. The blood started to turn green, and the skin on the chest was wrinkled and worn. A huge tentacle stuck out of the head, and Brian's clothes started to get tattered as the muscle grew. The legs turned bigger and lumpy. The toes were dry and cracked. The infected Brian stood up, and started pounding its arms at the plex-glass.

A scientist horrified, pressed the illegal experiment button that the UNSC gave them to press if they were doing an illegal experiment. Jack, enraged, punched the scientist on the head.

"You fucking traitor!" Jack yelled.

The control scientist quickly fired the guns in the chamber, and killed the infected humans. Jack was furious. He kicked the scientist, cursing, and swinging his arms in the air. He would be jailed or even executed. Jack punched a scientist, and he ran out of the control room. He quickly ran into the evac pod station, and he disabled all put one pod. He quickly got in the pod, and he piloted it out into space, away from the space facillity. He stared at the Halo, that was very near to the facillity. He decided his will hide there.

Meanwhile, the scientists in the facillity were angry, and dismayed.

"That bastard disabled all the evac pods! We're doomed!" a scientist yelled.

Suddenly, the dead body of the infected human exploded, blasting the glass and the doors. Lots of infection forms scurried out, and sped towards the scientists. Everyone yelled in horror. They all stuck onto the scientists. Blood sprayed everywhere, and some scientists were already dead.

"You have violated the law of the UNSC, we will blast your sorry-ass facillity goodbye," a voice said from the radio.

A UNSC cruiser sent two nukes at the facillity. It blasted it into debris and pieces. Fire and debris burst everwhere. That was the end of the testing. The scientists partially infected and killed, and the facillity destoryed. The fate of Jack is unknown. For now...

Note: That's it! I will make a story about Jack eventually! Thank you! Please review!