I, from my gracious heart and to the pain of my fingers, have had a breakthrough idea.

From all yall reviews from Chappie 6 when I was reading them, a conclusion came to me.

If I continue this story as Severus and Harry… I will be slandered from reviews from those who don't like to male/male. (I like anything that's written well with a good storyline and plot)

If I don't… I will be slandered by reviews for all those who want to know what happens with Sev and Har.







From now on Revenge is sweet if you can it from hell is a story with a Severus and Harry main romance.


From now on my new story Revenge is sweet if you can do it form heaven is a story with a Harry and Hermione main romance (go into my user and read it!!!). In this brother story to Revenge is sweet if you can do it from hell, Harry is still a God, James and co. still come back. BUT. The story line will change once we get to the sorting part. There will also be some differences in the build up to the sorting- Harry's appearance, etc.

Revenge is sweet of you can do it form hell has the Hell bit because Severus's father was the reincarnation of Hades. In Revenge is sweet if you can do it from heaven- who knows that Hermione is really a mudblood? hint hint


Hope yall are mkai (ok) with this development, and I hope you continue to review, read, and enjoy.


Revenge is sweet if you can do it from Hell

By Urd Molony

Chapter eight

All eyes in the great hall swiveled around to stop on the face of-

Neville Longbottom?

"Ahem. Well I-I want to be re-sorted! Er- as well. Please. I mean if that's ok and everything-"

"Dude. Chill. Of course we can be resorted." Ginny Weasley gently chastised, standing beside Neville and starting to guide him up the hall towards the sorting hat.

"Dude? Chill? Where on earth did you find those words?" Hermione gasped in outrage as she too, stood up and walked alongside with Neville and Ginny.

"From dad. You know how he is. He bought home all of these books and dee-vee-dees about surfing"

"Ahhhhh. Surfing. A wonderful sport, surfing. Simply spiffing. A wonderful chance to see Nifflesquams" Came the breezy voice of Luna Lovegood.

At the front of the hall, where the four young adults stood, tall and proud (although Neville was admittedly, a bit… shy. AKA- almost having a panic attack at what he'd done and whispering to himself about all the ways his grandma would kill him, Dumbie was moaning in pain, with his head in his hands at the head table, lemon drops falling out of his mouth, forming a gooey yellow puddle on his beard.

"Ha ha ha!!!!!! Shame Moony! You owe me 100 galleons! I TOLD you that Hermione would want to get changed!"


"Yes Looooooooooooooooooser?"

"Shut the hell up" Came the deeply annoyed and amused- but mostly annoyed- reply and a loud 'THWAK '.

"Owwwwiiieeee. Mooonnnyyyyyyyyy, that huuurrrrrrtttttttt." Sirius whined pitifully, much like a dog who had had his bone took off him… and then hit with it.

"Good." Came the unmoving reply. Severus sat quietly snickering in glee at the pain the Wolf had inflicted on his archenemy.

"Ah-HEM." Minerva glared at her professors and age-old friends, who looked honestly chargined and made zipping motions above their mouths, before turning back to the young adults that now stood before them.

"Now, I really don't want to have to do the whole speech thing so lets get right to it… Neville?"

Neville, thanks to a well-placed push from a redheaded girl behind him, ascended the stairs and picked up the sorting hat, turning and sitting on the stool with it on his head.

"Ahhhhhh, Longbottom. About time you came back here. You've changed much these past few years. "

"R-really? M-Mr Hat?"

The rip curled into an unmistakable grin and made short wheezing coughs- hat laughter.

"Oh yes boy. You've grown up, but I must tell you. I find no reason to move you from your house. You are very brave and have quite a few ideas that I think Madam Pomfrey would be in a tizzy about if she had to heal whoever got them, but have not the cunningness enough to be a Slytherin."

"Ohh…I…I unders-"

"BUT. You have come up here, knowing that the house would condemn you. And so… I will let you choose your house."

"Oh! Oh thank you! I choose Hufflepuff!" Neville finished off in a strong voice, no stutter heard.

Complete silence.

Confused looks.

Muffled laughter from the God's, who quickly shut up when Lily raised a rolled up Daily Prophet.

The entire hall looked at Neville in shock as he got off the stool, standing tall and proud, and walked towards Luna Lovegood. He took her hand and started to lead them not to the Hufflepuff table, but to the Slytherin table. Luna went readily, looking extremely happy, calling out,

"I think I'll go into Hufflepuff if that's all right Mr Hat."

The hat, once again the rip curling into a smile, replied

"By all means, don't let me keep you two apart."

Neville and Luna nodded their thanks from the Slytherin table where they sat across from the God of Light and Sword and Draco Malfoy, who were both shaking hands and talking adamantly with their friends.

Ginny Weasley's quickly took Neville's place, the hat about to go onto her head-


Ginny stopped in surprise and stood back up, placing the wiggling hat back onto the stool.

"Blimey girl! You have things in your head that would make Voldemort want to castrate himself before you got to him! You belong in Slytherin, a natural! Go." The hat finished almost pleadingly as it shrunk back a little from the fiery-headed girl.

Ginny smiled sweetly at the hat and skipped along to Slytherin, winking at a group of third year Gryffindor's who all promptly fainted off their seats. She sat down on Harry's free side, throwing her arms around him.

"Its so good to see you again Harry. I thought I'd never see you again…" She bit off, her brown eyes filling with unushed tears.

"Id never die without first beating you at Quidditch game one last time Gin."

"Ha! Like that'll ever happen again!" She said bravely, wiping away the shining pools in her eyes.

Hermione smiled at the bonding and walked to the hat, placing it on her head.

"Its been a while Ms Granger."

"It certainly has Exior."

"Are you ready now? Are you sure you want to go there? You'll be close to him. Very close. Can you resist until he permits it? "

"Yes. I've hid long enough Exior; it's time he knew. Lets do this." Hermione said in a strong voice, her eyes looking straight into the brim of the hat over her eyes.

"Very well. I wish you fortune my dear… SLYTHERIN!"

The conversation, lost to the rest of the hall, was mirrored by the combination of fear and courage in Hermione's eye's as she started to move towards the Slytherin table. She sat next to Draco, purposely looking him in the eye as she lowered herself onto the bench. Draco looked straight back, not able to keep the gleam in his eye to be unseen. Hermione, not noticing it, smiled at Draco and hugged him, whispering words of greeting, doing the same to Harry but with less chest-pushing.

All the while, the school hall was a mix of moans and swear words (Ronald Weasley, his minions and Dumbie) and a whole lot of cheering (everyone else in the school) .

Minerva, now sitting back in her seat, the God's and Wolf smiling smugly to each other and shooting death-defying glances at Dumbie now and again, pronounced in an extremely happy voice.

"Well, if that is all-"










The orange heads of George and Fred Weasley soared through the doors of the Great Hall, landing perfectly from their brooms in front of the hat, much to the surprise of the new Slytherins who looked on at the pair in shock and ecstasy, Ginny doing a jump of joy off her seat, red sparks fluttering around her.

"We have decided-"

"After finding out that-"

"Harry's come back to us!-"

"That we want to be-"

"Re-put into the school!'


The two Weasleys quickly fell to their knees and started bowing in front of Minerva, their eyes pleading, but mischeviable as a small rolling was heard, undetectable from most beyond their, Remus and Minerva's ears.

Minerva moved towards the God's and motioned for the two men to stand up.


Just as they moved a huge billowing cloud of bright pink smoke rose from under Dumbie's seat where now sat-

A goldfish?

Minerva looked back towards the headmasters seat before turning back to the trying-to-look-innocent boys, a wide smile stretching her face into a younger woman.

"You most certainly may."

Kill me if you must! I'm sorry! I didna update for so, so, so, so, so long.

quickly runs into a bombshelter

Forgive me?