Hogosha Tantei

I've finally managed to finish this godforsaken chapter. I hope that everyone enjoys it.

Disclaimer: If you really think that I own Yu Yu Hakusho or Inuyasha, then would you be interested in buying a bridge from me?


Trembling hands carefully retrieved the weapons that lay at the bottom of the Bone-Eaters Well. A petite figure agilely climbed the ladder and exited the well house. Walking briskly across the courtyard she came to a halt in front of a large tree. Gracefully sitting beneath the Goshinboku's large branches, she glanced up as she felt three auras enter the courtyard. Waiting patiently for the three to join her, she changed with practiced ease into her natural form.

Hip length, raven black hair blended smoothly with silvery highlights. Radiant cerulean eyes lightened to be rimmed with a beautiful amber color. Nails lengthened, while a blue marking began to take form underneath her left eye. Drawing her legs up underneath her, her already petite form appeared even daintier. Brushing her hair behind her elfin like ears, she smiled in greeting as her brothers joined her.

The siblings sat peacefully next to each other, relishing the comfort that the others presence offered. Shifting slightly, the young woman placed her head into her brother's lap as tears began falling from her eyes.

"What am I going to do now?" She whispered brokenly.

The three males looked at each with identical looks of helplessness on their faces. What words can you give to comfort someone, who has lost so much in so short a time? Running a hand through her hair softly, Yusuke answered her.

"I don't know, Kags."

Clutching the soft material of her brother's clothing, she closed her eyes tightly against the onslaught of tears. As she continued to cry softly, her brother turned a meaningful gaze onto the eldest of the siblings. Receiving a curt nod in reply, he turned his attention back to his sister. Listening as Sesshomaru ushered Souta back into the house, he continued to run his hands through her hair.

His heart clenched painfully as he gazed down at the tear-streaked face of his little sister. He would give anything in the world, if it would make her pain go away. Nearly everything that he'd done had been for her. He'd worked for his reputation as a punk because it meant that no one would pick on her. He'd worked for Koenma so that he could keep her safe. And in spite of all of that, she'd still wound up being hurt.

Allowing her to continue to cry, he began to hum softly. Regardless of what everyone thought, he wasn't completely clueless. He understood the responsibilities that came with being an older brother. It had been one of the few things in life that he was utterly serious about. She knew that he would always be there to hold her when she cried. And he knew that she would always be there with a smile when he needed it.

"Otou-san used to hum that all the time."

Chuckling softly, he continued to slowly run his hands through her hair, as he answered. "I know. It used to drive me crazy when he would do it."

"I miss them. Every time that I left I knew that there was a chance that I wouldn't see them again. But I—I always thought that I would be the one to die. I didn't ask for this. I didn't ask for any of this."

As her voice cracked from the strain of her emotions, she buried her face in her brother's leg. Feelings that she'd fought so long to suppress suddenly came rushing out, threatening to drown her in its intensity. She stirred slightly when she heard Yusuke's calm, steady voice begin to speak.

"Remember what you told me after the Dark Tournament? I was still beating myself up about letting Grandma die. You told me that things happen that are beyond our control. You said that these things happen as a test of our will. When you told me that, I honestly believed you." Rubbing his hand soothingly across her back he continued. "You're one of the strongest people that I know, Kagome. You just gotta remember that things change. Just cause they're crappy right now, doesn't mean that you can't find some good in it. If things hadn't happened the way that they did, then we wouldn't have the family that we do now. They'll never replace your 'kaa-san or your jii-san, but we'll be there for you just like they would. I know that I ain't been the best onii-san for you, but—"

"You're wrong." She whispered as she sat up, "You've always done the best that you could. I wouldn't look up to you the way that I do if you weren't a great nii-san. I would have been lost without you."

Smiling as he rose to his feet, he lifted her into a standing position as well. Wiping the last of the tears from her face he spoke, "It's late, you need to get some sleep." Watching her nod and make her way back to the quiet house, he swiftly turned his attention back to the tree.

"Are you gonna stay in that tree for the rest of the night?"

He stood there smirking as an annoyed Sesshomaru hopped lightly out of the tree, and joined him where he was standing. Hearing the other begin to speak, his expression lost all traces of levity and became serious.

"You were right to be concerned."
Not bothering to acknowledge the statement, he waited for the inu-youkai to continue speaking.

"As distasteful as it is for me to become involved in the romantic aspect of our imouto's life, I do not think that we have a choice. She will lose herself if we allow this to continue. I assume that you have the utmost faith in that kitsune?"

Leaning against the tree, Yusuke took his time in answering Sesshomaru. He wasn't sure if he trusted anyone with his sister. But considering that they didn't have a whole of options, he would choose Kurama in a heartbeat. His feelings cleared, he met Sesshomaru's amber eyes as he responded in a firm tone.

"If I can trust him with my life, then I have no problems trusting him with Kagome." Sitting down cross-legged on the ground he continued. "Now we just gotta figure out how to do all of this. Cause you know if she finds out, she'll kill us for messing with this. Not to mention what Kurama will do. And trust me, you don't wanna see what he does with those plants of his."

Looking pointedly at Sesshomaru, he waited for the other one to start coming up with the ideas. It wasn't like he was any good at coming up with plans. Hell, his way of solving things was to hit it until it started working. Somehow, he got the feeling that wasn't the best way to handle this situation though. Another of the many good reasons for making Sesshomaru do all of the thinking part of this, was that it would call for subtlety. Considering that he barely understood the meaning of the wood, he sincerely doubted that he could actually do what the word implied.

"I believe that we should simply give them some time alone."

"WHAT?" Jumping up from his seat on the floor, he stared in stunned disbelief. Ignoring the icy glare he received for his outburst, he waited impatiently for the other to clarify.

"I am suggesting that we simply leave them alone. Provide the opportunities for the two of them to communicate. She is naturally a very open person, with that in mind, things would work best if we leave them alone."

Casting a skeptical glance, Yusuke mentally went over the pros and cons of the idea. A pro was that they couldn't possibly get caught. A con was that Kagome had been really insecure because of that idiot hanyou. Another pro was that Kurama was nothing if not, both persistent and patient. Which considering the kitsune's former vocation that wasn't too surprising. With a little work, it could all be quite feasible. The only trick was going to be leaving without making it blatantly obvious.

His mind made up; the young man began to stroll towards the house, calling out over his shoulder as he went.

"It's a good plan, Fluffy-chan."


Chapter 7 will come out soon, and also it will take place a couple of months after this. Also, the conversation that Ryu and Kurama had will eventually make its appearance…later on though.