Disclaimer: I own nothing here, all characters etc. belong to Tolkien.

I know Aragorn married Arwen, but I always thought that A/E would be good together. This story is based on the fact that Tolkien originally planned that in his first draft. Hope you enjoy the story

In The Still Of The Night

It was the middle of the night and all was quiet. Aragorn wearily entered Medulseld. He had been watching to see if the beacon outside would light. Legolas had come to relieve him, bidding him to get some rest.

As he entered the main hall, he was surprised to see a figure stood by the fire. The flames cast a soft glow upon golden hair and he realised it was Eowyn. Aragorn paused for a moment, absorbing the magic of the beautiful sight before him.

Reluctantly, he cleared his throat, so that Eowyn would know she was no longer alone. Aragorn started towards her as she looked at him. "My Lady," he greeted her, "It is late, why are you not asleep?"

Her voice travelled softly across the room to him, "My Lord," she acknowledged his greeting, "I could not sleep with this darkness that is upon us. The visions I have when I close my eyes disturb me greatly." Eowyn shivered as she spoke and wrapped her arms around her body, as if trying to warm herself.

Concern gripped Aragorn as he hurried the small distance between them, removing his cloak and placing it around her. Eowyn looked up and smiled at him gratefully, "Thank you My Lord."

Aragorn reached out and gently turned Eowyn to face him. "Please Eowyn, do not call me that. I have a name, use it."

A shy smile appeared on her face, "Very well…… Aragorn." The reflection of the firelight danced over her face, enhancing her loveliness. Aragorn felt something clench in his chest, some strange powerful emotion came over him. This woman before him was so special, he wanted to protect her, keep her safe from harm ever reaching her, but at the same time he wanted to give her the world, to let her run free and be the person she dreamed of being.

He loved her, he realised, and by the light and emotion he saw in her eyes, she loved him back. Before Aragorn could stop himself, his hand reached up and cupped her cheek.

Surprise came into Eowyns eyes, but she did not pull away, "Aragorn," she said his name breathlessly and then stopped with a small gasp as he stroked her quivering lips with his thumb.

His hand slid around to the back of her neck and he gently urged her towards him. Leaning forward he lightly brushed his lips across hers, and then drew back slightly, his eyes questioning, giving her the chance to pull away if that was her wish.

Eowyn's response was to put her hands upon his chest and lean into him, never drawing her eyes away from his. "Eowyn," he breathed, swiftly claiming her lips with his own. His mouth roamed slowly over hers as she responded by melting into him, returning his kiss. Gently his lips caressed hers, and a moan of pleasure escaped from her. As her lips parted his tongue traced along her bottom lip before entering into a loving duel with her own. Aragorn felt Eowyn start to tremble with the intensity of their kiss, and gently broke away, resting his forehead against hers, both of them breathing hard.

After a few moments Aragorn lifted his head, "Since I can remember, I've been searching for something, something that has been missing from my life. I know now that I have found it. The missing part has been you." He pulled Eowyn into his embrace, "and now that I've found you, I have found love."