I read this over and over and over and over. Can you believe it's been a year since I started writing this? WOW. Edited it a bit-mostly grammar and such. Kept the story the way it is. Also took out my annoying little A.N. Hmm…hope I get some readers!


The story takes place when Naruto and the gang are 17 years old- it's Christmas eve and following the real Naruto plot… 4 years ago when the gang was 13, Sasuke Uchiha: the last remaining member of the Uchiha Clan (Minus the murderer Itachi of course) a rookie of the famous rookie 9 and team member of team 7 (Kakashi) left Konoha to become a follower of Orichimaru.




Text — flashbacks/dreams/etc.

Text —Song lyrics

TEXT—Sound effects

(text)- necessary A.N.

Disclaimer: I do not own "Naruto" or the song "Last Christmas"


Last Christmas; part 1


Last Christmas I gave you my heart, but the very next day, you gave it away…

The line of lyrics repeated itself over and over again in the mind of Naruto Uzumaki. It just wouldn't stop…


Sweat rolled down the side of Naruto's forehead. "I'm r-ready!" he stuttered. "I can do this!" Naruto encouragingly told himself. Like Hell! Naruto was SO NOT ready…

Naruto stood there F-R-O-Z-E-N as an iceberg, in front of her apartment. 'This year's Christmas party just had to be held here…of all the damn places.' He groaned. "Sigh…" the seventeen year-old just couldn't. He just couldn't face after what had happened exactly one year ago.

Naruto's hands suddenly gripped tighter on the present-filled sack that Naruto was currently holding.


"Sigh…Too bad I won't be able to see Kiba's face when he opens the gift I gave him!" Naruto said to himself as he grinned jokingly. Naruto had given a pair of FALSE-K9-DENTURES, for both Kiba and Akamaru.

Naruto then walked over to the entrance of the apartment and-


-dropped the "Santa sack" on the ground, beside the entrance door. "Too bad," was all Naruto said before he stuck his hands in his pocket, turned around and walked off into the night.

HaHa…hee hee…heh heh…giggling…. (Imagine sounds of fits of laughter...its pretty hard to describe it.)

Naruto then heard much laughing from an apartment room above. He spun his head around towards the direction of the laughter. Through the balcony's screen door, Naruto was able to recognize the guests who were already present at their annual Christmas-eve party.

Naruto saw 5 people near the screen door. Naruto raised an eyebrow, was that a pineapple he saw on someone's head? "Heh..." Naruto chuckled. It had to be Shikamaru because there was a girl with long hair that was wrapped in his arms. The girl was obviously Ino. Beside the two lovebirds was what seemed to be a "two-headed" person. 'Kiba and Akamaru.' thought Naruto. He grinned-a thought about his present came to mind.

Then, next in line was a man with a very "round" head. "Lee." he said. Then finally, beside Lee was a girl. Naruto recognized the extravagant figure, short hair… Naruto froze. He slowly bowed his head and shoved his hands in his pockets. He spun around and continued to walk down the path.

This year, to save me from tears I'll give it to someone special…

'Haruno Sakura-chan…' Naruto thought bitterly. How long had it been since they had last spoke to eachother? "Probably…a year." Naruto told himself. They hadn't even spoke to eachother, since the incident that happened last Christmas. Sakura tried to talk to Naruto, many times too. But each and every time, Naruto would walk away and avoid Sakura in anyway possible. He just couldn't…not…now, maybe, not ever.

Last Christmas, I gave you my heart But the very next day, you gave it away…

Naruto raised his head. His eyebrow suddenly rose. "Heh," he chuckled. Of all places…Naruto had found himself at the Ichiraku Ramen Bar.

He slowly walked through the curtains and sat on a stool. "Surprised to see it open on the holidays…" Naruto said. "Yo!" said a deep voice. Behind the kitchen's curtain revealed an old man. It was the chef and owner of Ichiraku. "Eh? Naruto-kun? What are you doing here!? It's Christmas Eve!" said a higher pitched voice behind the man. Out popped a young girl. It was the chef's daughter-Mizuki. "Ahh…I…uh…" Naruto stuttered. What was he suppose to say? He ditched the annual Christmas-eve party he was supposed to go to? Naruto suddenly felt hot steam under his chin. It was a bowl of miso ramen! Mizuki smiled warmly, as she placed the steaming hot bowl on the counter space in front of Naruto.

"Heh…" Naruto grinned at the young girl. "Thanks Mizuki-chan." he thanked kindly. The little girl had really lightened his mood. The girl nodded. Her face was totally crimson. Mizuki giggled, and ran off. "Merry Christmas Naruto-kun!" she called, and she disappeared into the back room, most likely to hang out with her family. Naruto looked at the bowl hungrily, it looked so delicious.

"On the house." Said a voice in front of Naruto. Naruto smiled and he began to eat his delicious bowl of miso ramen. The chef chuckled and went into the back room. "Merry Christmas!" he called and disappeared as Mizuki did. Naruto smiled as his attention was quickly turned back towards his ramen. "ITADAKIMASU!"

Sllllll…sluurr…. slluuuurrrppp.

Naruto quietly slurped up the noodles of his ramen. Okay, not that quietly. Naruto looked down at his dark blue suit, he had gotten some soup on the sleeves! "Uhg…" he groaned as he attempted to wipe some off. Naruto then looked down at his orange tie. Why had he gotten so dressed up tonight…? He loosened it, and returned to his ramen. That's when Naruto noticed something white slowly falling down into his ramen. "Dandruff?!" Naruto stupidly said. He suddenly felt chilly. Naruto quickly spun around and saw more white specs falling from the sky.

SNOW. Naruto's eyes were blank. The night was just like this when it had happened. Almost exactly…

This year, to save me from tears I'll give it to someone special…

Exactly one year since he had told her…exactly one year. Naruto hadn't meant to. It, just sorta happened. Why had he done it? Why the hell did he do it? Well, technically, his Christmas card was the cause of Sakura's suspicion. Then Naruto had told.

But If Naruto hadn't done it, he would be a happy camper at this very moment! HAPPY! He was supposed to be HAPPY for crying out loud. "It's Christmas Eve, and I'm miserable…" Naruto groaned. He continued to munch on his noodles.

As Naruto's feeling developed, he became a little shyer around Sakura… Sure, growing up it obvious to Naruto that he "liked" Sakura Haruno. Naruto knew himself that he had a crush on her and it had always been that way since their academy days. But something was changing…The feelings were starting to change.

Once bitten and twice shy …

Naruto began to avoid Sakura, trying to sort his feelings out! But no matter how hard Naruto tried to stay away from Sakura, she would always find a way to Naruto.

I keep my distance but you still catch my eye…

"Naruto!" Sakura yelled. "Oh shit..." Naruto replied. Sakura walked over to Naruto. "Why have you been avoiding me?" she asked curiously. Was there a hint of jealousy in her eyes? Naruto just stood there, staring at Sakura.

Tell me baby do you recognize me? Well it's been a year, it doesn't surprise me…

It was Christmas Eve. (Last year) Naruto was as nervous as hell. Why? He had bought Sakura a beautiful silver bracelet. Naruto had planned to give it to her privately; it was to show Sakura how much he cared.

Ever since Sasuke Uchiha, Naruto's best friend and Sakura's long time love interest had left Konoha, Sakura had been different. She felt as if there was no man out there for her. She had deeply fallen in love with the lone Uchiha, and was determined to make him love her back.

What she didn't know was, that Sasuke did indeed, secretly, love Sakura back, but only cared for her safety and happiness. That's the reason why it was never known to Sakura. So Sasuke's enemies wouldn't harm her. Naruto of course, being Sasuke's best friend, had known this all along, but had never found the courage to tell Sakura-the girl that he had liked for many years. If Naruto were to tell Sakura this, where would hope be for himself. He just couldn't tell Sakura. No, not yet. But he promised that he would for himself and Sasuke. Someday.

Sakura never dated anyone, and she concentrated a little too much on her work as a medical-nin…



"Pick up Sakura-chan!" Naruto cried into the telephone. Tears were practically coming out of Naruto's eyes.

BEEP. Hey! It's Sakura! Well, sorry, but I can't come to the phone right now. BUSY BUSY BUSY! Heheh. Well, leave a message! BEEP.


Naruto stood there at the Christmas party, trying to keep it cool. You know, act like him-Naruto Uzumaki! He actually had a good time, believe it or not. The party that year had been held at Shikamaru and Ino's apartment. It had always been neatly organized, clean and peaceful, but at the moment…ehh…ughhh….

"WHOOT WHOOT!" screamed a voice. "WOOF WOOf!" mimicked another bark. The yells came from the middle of the room from Kiba and his faithful companion Akamaru. They were standing on the coffee table, in the middle of the room. "YOU BASTARD!" Ino screamed from the top of her lungs. "GET OFF MY COFEE TABLE KIBA! YOU'LL PUT FOOT MARKS ON IT!" she continued to scream. "Ehh…I told you Ino-chan. I told you hosting the Christmas party would be VERY TROBLESOME. It always is…sigh…TROUBLESOME…so troublesome." Shikamaru said in his usual "how troublesome" voice. He stood beside his girlfriend shaking his head in annoyance.

"Heh, Heh." Naruto chuckled along with the rest of the rookie 9. Hinata giggled beside him, and Shino just shook his head in disgust. Choji was laughing his head off as he dug into the bag of pretzels. Naruto then noticed a head of pink appear from the hallway. It was Sakura. Naruto quickly turned away, instead talking to Hinata. "Naruto-kun…?" Hinata asked. Through the corner of his eye, Naruto watched as Sakura went into the balcony. THIS WAS HIS CHANCE!!!

Hinata and Naruto had gotten closer over the years. But Naruto was still clueless about the way Hinata felt…Hinata raised her eyebrow. She too, had noticed Sakura appear from the hallway. "Naruto-kun?" Hinata asked again. "Uhh…I'll see you later." Naruto said and he followed after Sakura.


He stood there in front of the balcony's screen door, frozen. He tightly clutched the black velvet box in his hands. Naruto then opened it up to reveal a beautiful silver bracelet. It had a silver chain and a heart charm on it. It was just soooooo CUTE!

Inhale. Exhale. Naruto's breathing suddenly came back to normal. 'I'm just gonna give Sakura-chan this bracelet. Why the hell am I so nervous?' Naruto asked himself. He grinned as his head shook.


Naruto closed the box and carefully placed the box in his pocket. "It's now or never." Naruto said aloud.

(Happy Christmas!) I wrapped it up and sent it…


Back in the living room, Hinata watched quietly as Naruto entered the balcony and closed the door behind him. "Sigh…" she sighed as she turned back to mayhem on the coffee table. 'Good luck…' Hinata thought encouragingly, yet, she was still pretty sad. "Naruto-kun…" she whispered to herself.

(A little glimpse of the mayhem happening in the living room… Skip ahead if you want to get back to Sakura & Naruto)

A vein popped out of the side of Ino's forehead. "Errr…." she growled as Kiba began to dance on HER beautiful ANTIQUE coffee tableKiba took another sip (a big one) of his beer. He quickly emptied the bottle that was in his hand. The vein grew larger.


Kiba stupidly dropped the bottle right beside Ino. "ACK!" Ino screamed and she hopped into Shikamaru's arms. The lovebirds immediately blushed like crazy.

Hick! Hick-up…

"Eh…heh…heh" Kiba laughed. Oh yah. He was drunk. Shikamaru turned his head away from Ino to Kiba. Shikamaru stared blankly. 'I gotta get this dunce home…' he thought. "Yo…Shikamaru!" called Kiba. Kiba began to dance again. "She…is…so…." He paused, and jumped off the table. Kiba leaned his face closer into Ino's. "HAWTT." He finished with a wide grin on his face. "So HAWT, heh…heh…I could-"

WHAAAAA! …. Thwump.

Ino was suddenly on the ground. The room fell silent. Shikamaru had dropped her? Everyone turned to Shikamaru…His face was for some reason, dark looking. He was glaring angrily at Kiba. "Heh…heh…. heh…" Kiba continued to chuckle. Ino looked up at Shikamaru. "Uhh…Shika-kun?" Ino asked.

Twitch. Twitch.

"Sorry Kiba. Didn't catch you the first time." Shikamaru said angrily. "Uh?" Kiba replied. "YOU little bastard!! I'll give you 5 seconds."


Ino sweat dropped as she watched her boyfriend chase Kiba all around the room. "What happened to my SHIKAMARU??" she called as she pulled herself up. "Sigh…he needs more rest." That was what she blamed. Yes. Not Kiba. Ino blamed Shika's "Lack of Sleep." "SHIKAMARU FROM NOW ON I FORBID YOU TO PLAY COMPUTER CHESS

Briiing! Brrring! 11:50 p.m. – Christmas eve

(…………………………………..Back wit Naruto and Sakura)


'Here I go...' Naruto said. Step. Step. Step. He slowly walked closer and closer towards Sakura. At the moment, she was facing the other way, leaning on the railing, admiring the view of the Konoha streets. "Sigh…" Naruto heard her sigh. Sakura then shivered a bit. She began to rub her hands together, attempting to make herself warm. That's when Naruto realized that it had lightly begun to snow. 'No wonder Sakura-chan is cold…' Naruto thought.

"Uh...yo!" Naruto greeted. He grinned, but he was totally nervous under the smile…."Eh…Hi Naurto…" Sakura greeted back. Naruto walked over beside Sakura, he then finally noticed the beautiful dress Sakura was wearing. All night he had tried so hard to avoid Sakura, right now, Naruto felt so stupid. Why the hell did he want to avoid her anyway? Sakura looked absolutely stunning. Through the corner of his eye, Naruto stared in awe. She wore a black dress with pink hems. It was a sleeveless that wrapped around her neck. 'Sakura-chan…' Naruto thought happily.


Sakura shivered again. She wrapped her arms around herself. Naruto smiled and took of his jacket. He kindly wrapped it around Sakura's arms. She lightly blushed. "Thanks." She mumbled. Naruto just smiled and returned to his position. A minute or so passed in complete silence. It was now or never. Naruto quickly pulled out the black velvet box and placed it on the railing beside Sakura. Naruto tried to give himself confidence. 'This is for ME and SASUKE.' Naruto told himself.

Blink. Blink.

"What's this Naruto…?" Sakura curiously asked as she gently took the box into her hands. She began to examine it. "O-open it Sakura-chan…" Naruto said. That's when he remembered something else--in his pocket. "Ahh…hold on a sec?" Naruto asked. Naruto reached into his pocket and grabbed out his card. It was very special, just for Sakura! Naruto handed it to her. "Merry Christmas!" Naruto greeted. It was now 11:55 p.m. Christmas eve.

Sakura smiled warmly as she began to read the card. 'Merry Christmas Sakura-chan! Lighten up a little okay?' an image of Sasuke suddenly appeared in Sakura's mind. She knew what Naruto had meant…

'Love, Naruto.' Sakura looked at Naruto. 'Love?'

Love: A word that never really made any sense to Sakura. She could never really truly understand it, nor could she define it. 'I wish I knew what it meant now…' she thought.

Sakura reached for the velvet box. She was afraid of what was in it. What was Naruto trying to tell her…?

"Naruto." Sakura called. Naruto blushed lightly. "What?" he asked. Sakura sighed. "What are you trying to tell me?" she asked curiously. 'I Love you.' Naruto thought. 11:55 p.m.-Christmas eve.

With a note saying "I Love You" I meant it…

Why was it so hard to say it? Yet so easy to think it. Damn. Sakura slowly opened the box. "Ah." She gasped. The bracelet. 'So, beautiful.' Sakura thought. But, she wasn't sure if she could accept it…

A couple of minutes passed as sakura silently admired the bracelet, and Naruto admired Sakura. 'It's now or never.' said a voice in Naruto's head. 'I'm sorry Sasuke…'

"Naruto." Sakura asked again. "What are you trying to tell me?" she asked again. "Eh…I...I…Love you…." Naruto squeaked. Sakura's eyes widened. 'How do I tell him this?' Sakura asked herself. "I…Naruto, I…Love you too…" she paused. A bell rang again: 12:00 a.m. Christmas day.


Naruto slowly stirred the remaining ramen in his bowl with his chopsticks. "Sigh." Naruto spun around behind him. The snow fell softly to the ground. So carefree…unlike Naruto. 'I told you, and I thought you felt the same.'

Now I know what a fool I've been…

Naruto could do nothing now. He sighed again. Did he still love Sakura? One year. One year has passed since he had told her. Things had changed though. He had so much time to think. He still wasn't sure. Were the feelings really true? 'I'm so damn confused…errgh…. so confused.'


Naruto's eyes widened. "But." Sakura started. (Remember it's the next day…) Sakura paused again. Tears filled her eyes. Naruto watched in confusion as hot tears slowly rolled down the side of her face.


"Sakura-chan?" Naruto asked. "I don't love you…like that." Sakura finished. Naruto stared at her blankly.

But if you kissed me now I know you'd fool me again…

"Naruto. You're like a brother to me…you're one of my best friends!" Sakura explained. She wiped some of the newly formed tears on her face. "I'm sorry", she whispered. Naruto smiled warmly at Sakura and nodded. He then walked away from Sakura and exited the balcony.

Naruto appeared from the balcony. Hinata, noticing Naruto's glum expression, immediately dismissed herself from the group of spectators and ran over to Naruto. "Naruto-kun?" she asked. A worried expression was plastered all over Hinata's face. Naruto stared blankly at Hinata. Hinata sadly stared. It always got her down…when Naruto was down too. She had to do something to help! 'Ahh…what's-' Hinata thought. A teardrop. There, on Naruto's cheek was the trail of a dried teardrop. Naruto looked down at Hinata. A smile appeared on his face. It was so small compared to Naruto's usual grins…

"Thanks Hinata," Was all Naruto said, and he walked away. "NARUTO!" someone shrieked. Naruto slowly turned, behind him was Ino, holding a sack of gifts. They were Naruto's. "Where yah going Naruto?" she asked suspiciously. Kakashi-sensei suddenly appeared behind Ino. "ACK!" Ino screamed. "Grr…don't scare me like that sensei!" Ino growled. "Heh…sorry," Kakashi turned to Naruto. "I'll take the boy home." Kakashi said. "He's had a rough night." Ino nodded. She was surprised. She had expected Naruto to become the one at the party who would put a grin on everyone's face! She sadly handed Naruto his bag of presents. "Get better." She said. Naruto blankly nodded, when Shikamaru then came out of nowhere. He was strangling Kiba at the moment. "What's happening here?" Shika asked. "Another troublesome event…?" "UHGG! AHCK! S-sorry! UGHH! Cough! ACHK! Lemme go!" cried Kiba. "Eh…Shika-kun! Naruto isn't feeling so well." Ino explained. She too, like everyone else, was ignoring Kiba's cries for help.


Shikamaru dropped Kiba. "Huh?" He turned to Naruto. "Later guys." Naruto said blankly. And he walked out the door.

Last Christmas, I gave you my heart… But the very next day, you gave it away…

Naruto walked slowly outside, snow piling up around. He sighed. 'The worst Christmas, a guy could ever have.' Naruto pulled the sack over one of his shoulders and continued to walk home. "I hate Christmas," he muttered to himself.

This year, to save me from tears I'll give it to someone special…


Naruto gently placed his empty ramen bowl on the counter, chopsticks and all inside. Beside the bowl he quietly placed some money.

"Papa said it was on the house!" a young girl's voice said to Naruto. Naruto looked behind the counter. He grinned. "I know…but-" "Naruto-! You don't understand many words, do you?" interrupted Mizuki. She grinned. Naruto chuckled. Did this little girl…the 11-year-old girl just dis him? Naruto Uzumaki? Future hokage??? Naruto grinned back; "think of it as a…Christmas Bonus!" Naruto explained. Mizuki nodded. She then hopped over the counter and into the stool beside Naruto.

"Naruto. Why are you so down?" Mizuki suddenly asked. Naruto stared at Mizuki curiously. "Uh...nothing…" he lied. Mizuki shook her head. "I know there is something buggin you. C'mon! You can tell me! I do give great advice y'know!" Mizuki explained. Naruto just stared at her for a moment…he then began, "Ehhh…I-my friend…"


Well, I'll stop there, but just for a moment. TBC. I wanna see if people will actually read this fic…


Please Review.