Ten Years later
The sizzle of intense light slicing through flesh indicated the end of the battle. The tattooed figure of evil glared disbelievingly at this reality. Then he was falling backward. Falling down the long, deep pit to an incinerator. The creature that heralded darker times fell to his doom.
But none of that mattered to the Knight. The only thing that kept coursing through her mind was if her love was still alive. She rushed to where his fading lifeforce still flowed. "My love," she called desperately, scooping the limp figure up in her arms. Cradling his head in her lap, one hand came up to caress his bearded cheek.
"No, it's -- it's too late."
"No! You can't leave me Qui-Gon. I need you. Anakin needs you."
Sparkling cerulean eyes gazed up at the honey-toned face of his truelove. His own free hand mimicked hers to lightly touch her smooth cheek. He could stare endlessly into her beautiful green and gold cat-like eyes. They were so unique and captivating. He was only too thankful that she be the last thing he see. "Promise…. Promise me you will train him."
All she could do was nod now. Words would no longer form. She had so many things she wanted to say and yet nothing came out. She wanted to know why he didn't wait for her. They could have beaten this foul beast together if only he had waited. Desperately she pulled him closer, knowing all too well that these were their last moments together. With each passing second he was fading further and further away from her.
"He… is the… chosen one." She kept nodding absently, while her heart tore in two. His broad hand cupped the side of her face. "I… love… you."
"I love you too." And then he was gone.
- s - w -
He drifted on a cloud of pure light. It was all warmth and peace and love. It was the most wonderful place he had ever been.
He couldn't recall exactly how he got there and had no desire to leave. Yet there was something deep down that told him this wasn't the end. Not exactly as he thought it would be anyway.
It was then that a soothing cultured voice called out to him, "Master Qui-Gon."
He knew that voice. It was familiar to him. A sound he had known so well at one point in time. Now he only heard it in his dreams and it often brought sadness and regret to his thoughts. Not because the source brought sadness but because he no longer had the pleasure to enjoy it. It was stolen from him and left him with many regrets. Still he searched out where the voice had hailed from.
"Master Qui-Gon Jinn. I have been waiting for you."
A figure emerged from a halo of light. At first all he could see was the silhouette of a young boy but soon the brightness faded into a world of colour. And he could now take in the features of one he had missed for a long time. "Obi-Wan."
"Yes," he smiled. "I have been waiting for you. I told you we would meet again someday."
The older Knight quickly stretched out and pulled the boy to him. "I have missed you."
"I know. So have I. But I have been watching."
"From within the Force."
"Is that where we are?"
"Yes, your life has ended in that world and the Force has welcomed you back. We had been taught that when we pass into the Force we melt into the lifestream, but as you can see that is not so. She has taken us in but we still retain who we are."
"So, what happens now?"
"We wait for the others to come."
"The others. Tahl." He glanced behind him. It was more of a symbolic gesture than the fact that he knew where to look. There was a bit of longing in his voice for the things he left behind. But this peace that surrounded him, he doubted he could find the will to leave it.
"They will come, in time. Fortunately we have bought them more of it. Made their lives better." The young boy sounded so calm and serene that Qui was almost too lost in the feelings to register the words. At least it took a couple of moments for them to sink in.
"We bought them time? I do not understand."
His old apprentice smiled. "When you first became my Master, I could not fathom how deep the living Force could be. I knew it was there, flowing beneath the surface of life but something that was far beyond me. I envied how easily you could touch it. I have always been surrounded by the unifying Force. It has been my womb. I have been favoured with visions for all reasons. I saw some of the same images that drove you to New Apsolon all those years ago. They were only snippets - not even enough for me to grasp a glimmer of what they meant. Not until you and Tahl made your vow."
"You knew of our vow, even back then?"
"Not at that moment. While I was Balog's prisoner, I had enough time to truly understand the visions I had been granted. And I knew that the path I chose was the right one."
"You told me that you saw two possible futures. One of pain and darkness. The other of hope and light."
"Yes, and I also said that one day I would be able to share those visions with you. You need not worry about Tahl or Anakin."
Qui-Gon looked into the stunning sea-mist gaze in shock. "You know about Anakin?"
"Of course I do. He was part of my vision too. And I want to thank you for telling him how lucky he was to have been your Padawan, even if it was for so short a time. It meant a lot to me." Qui-Gon had indeed told his new charge about what Obi-Wan said on their way back to Naboo. It wasn't meant as a boast but as a valediction. Anakin was so unsure of his place and the words comforted him somehow.
"How….?" Qui-Gon couldn't believe his former apprentice had known about so much. Then he recalled that Obi-Wan had told him he would take a Padawan again. "You saw what would happen in the Council room?"
The young boy nodded. "I think it is time for you to see." With that Obi-Wan reached up and lightly touched Qui-Gon's forehead and closed his eyes. He heard the soft voice whisper in his mind, "This is the path that was originally planned for us."
Suddenly images came, one after another. Just after Tahl went missing, he saw the slaughter of the Rock Worker's settlement. No one was left alive, he saw the body of a child not even a cycle old amidst the group of young ones. He saw Tahl's death and his near fall to the darkside. He saw numerous trials ahead of them. He saw Anakin and how he was freed. An awkward moment in the Temple's spire. His own death on Naboo. How his young Apprentice became a Knight and did what he promised his Master. He saw Palpatine rise to power and sway a boy. A boy who became a man who would slaughter his fellow Knights. Massacre upon massacre at the hands of the boy he himself brought into the Order to be their saviour. He saw a lonely Obi-Wan carry a heavy burden as he watched desperately over their last hope. And death. Eventual rebirth but not without further hardship.
The images were merely images, but it was the emotions that they carried that brought tears to his eyes. This was what his Padawan, a boy no older than fifteen, witnessed in his vision long ago on New Apsolon. A young Jedi who accepted death earlier than he should have. There wasn't enough time for him to let it fully sink in when Obi-Wan said, "And this was the path I chose."
He saw Tahl and himself bringing Balog to justice. Tahl's constant presence keeping him forever grounded. Trials that they faced, yet always overcame. They had found Anakin and managed to free both him and his mother. He saw that even though they were reluctant the Jedi Council granted his request to take Anakin as his Padawan Learner. His death on Naboo. Tahl accepting the task of taking Anakin. Because of her love, Anakin soon discovers Palpatine's deceit. The Sith defeated. A wedding on Naboo. Changes in the Order for the better. The birth of twins. A new generation of peace. A peace that would last a long, long time.
The two versions had similarities yet were vastly different. One future bright, the other dark. Two very distinct and separate paths. One choice. A choice that rested on the shoulders of one very special boy. He glanced up to lock crystal blue with aquamarine gems. There was sympathetic understanding in the young face.
"You see, even if you survived on Naboo, the first future would have come to pass. No it was not evident in the vision initially but existing within the flow of the Force you learn to read deeper into its messages. Anakin never wanted nor needed a father or brother. His downfall was always his mother and how he couldn't save her. Padmé would only mirror the fate of his mother and drive him quickly down the path of the darkside.
"What he always needed was a mother. When he left Tatooine, he needed to find new purpose. Tahl's need to fill your vacancy is great. And despite what she may say, she does need help every once and a while." Qui-Gon couldn't help but smile at that.
"It is because of their mutual needs, that they fulfill those specific roles for each other. And her boundless patience, love and understanding yet firm and stubborn nature is exactly what a growing Anakin needs right now. The relationship you and Tahl shared opens the eyes of others and soon others follow in your footsteps. The ability for Jedi to love again alleviates another point in which Anakin must hide his true feelings. Tahl is even present at their wedding. He will think clearer and see the world for what it can be rather than a hindrance to what he could be. He will become a better, stronger man on this path. He will be the chosen one you believe him to be."
For some time Qui-Gon simply absorbed everything Obi-Wan had told him. The choices presented were difficult. And if he were in Obi-Wan's shoes, would he have made the right choice? Still his thoughts wandered back to a concept he had never pondered before. Jedi are raised without attachment, yet he learned to accept it. They do not have parents and perhaps that was something the Order missed. As he mulled these thoughts over and over, he recalled words he heard once. Unwittingly, he repeated them aloud. "Men are what their mothers made them."
"Everything will turn out for the best. Our friends will arrive when the time is right. Shall we wait for them?" His eager expression touched the man's heart and made him smile.
"There is no one I would rather wait with than you, my Obi-Wan. We shall welcome them all, together."
The End
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Thank you all for reading! I truly appreciate all your reviews! I hope you like how this turned out. I know I'm happy with it. I may not have had this end in sight when I started writing but I feel it fit well with where my muse wanted to take it. Don't forget to review one last time. I will respond to those who do by Sunday. For my anon reviewers I will update this last chapter Sunday night.
Thanks again all!
K-Rock – LOL, Um I didn't mean to prove you wrong. It was where I intended to go in the first place. The actual challenge was to re-write the 'Death of Hope' where Obi is blinded/dies instead of Tahl. Blinding, while it can be angst ridden didn't appeal to me as much as this did. Sorry! I'll take a look at SD and get back to you. Work's been busy lately so I will try and let you know something this weekend. I hate snow. Hoefully sunny FL will be in my future soon! Hehe Very cute, missy. And it's a good thng you ducked. :p ttyl.
Charie – Here you go. I have a fresh box waiting for all my readers! I hope you like this last piece and that it makes up a little for what I did. Thanks again!
Love you all! Even you lurkers out there! Thanks for the hits!
Ari :D