chapter 7.

eventually harry was brought out of his stupor when the goblin coughed to get his attention.

"sorry about that. could you please take me to my vaults then?''

''certainly lord potter-black-slytherin-ravenclaw-mystere ( pronounced mist-stair the veela family that lilly came from).'' harry groaned at the use of his full title. 'can my name get any longer?'

'' please just call me lord of one of the names, no need to call me lord potter-black-slytherin-ravenclaw.''

''as you wish lord slytherin'' 'wow! lord slytherin i like the sound of that. maybe ill use that as a title. maybe not just yet though. hold on! if i am slytherins heir than that means that old voldy isnt wich means... i didnt get my parstle tongue ability's from him! but wait... wouldnt voldemort be the heir i mean he is older than me and the oldest are supposed to be the heirs'

"excuse me but isnt there another heir of slytherin?''

''no. there are some people that have lord slytherins blood in them but not as much as you have. the closest person to being the heir is one tom riddle jr. but since he is a half-blood he would not inherit the slytherin fortune until lillith evans died. but seeing as she gave birth before her departure the fortune would go to you, a pureblooded wizard.''

'' thank you''

''its not a problem. now shall we visit your vaults?''

'' yes please, i would like a list of all non-money items in my vault first though.''

'' that can be arranged.'' with that the goblin snapped his fingers and five portfolios appeared. they each had one of harry's family names on it. harry picked of the folder with potter on it. the potter line apparently held alot of property. 'holy crap this whole folder's full of nothing but properties!' he then grabbed the folder entitled black. ' mutts things'
in the folder there was only one property, grimauld place. the rest were mostly dark arts books and dark artifacts. harry grabbed the slytherin folder. in this folder there was nothing except salazaars and rowena's wedding rings, and a snake that was created by salazaar and rowena themselves. in ravenclaws vault the items in it included only books and items used for rituals that increase intelligence. the mystere family had many things that disguise you.'probably so the veela members wont get mobbed by people trying to hook-up with them.'

"thank you take me to the ravenclaw vault first.''

''as you wish.''

the ride to ravenclaw's vault held many dips and sharp turns. as the cart sped deeper underground it grew colder. about 10 minutes down there was icicles growing on the cart. harry's teeth were starting to chatter and his body to shiver. just as he was about to curse the goblin into the next dimension the cart came to a sudden stop. the icicles on the cart fell of from the abrupt stop. harry pulled out his wand and put a warming charm on himself.'i didnt want to use it on the way here or else i would have dropped my wand.' stepping out harry looked around and it seemed to be snowing. 'snowing! what the hell! well that explains the cold. but why is it snowing in here in the first place!'

"why is it snowing down here?''

''well as you probably have heard the vaults are gaurded by dragons. the most old and prominent families have dragons gaurding them. the slytherin,ravenclaw and black families wanted there vaults in the ice dragon section of the bank. the potter family wanted theirs in the fire section of the bank.''

'' what about the mystere vault?''

" that would be in the france division of gringotts and i do not know their security measures.we only know the contents of the vault.''

''i understand. take me to the ravenclaw vault.''

''of course.''

the goblin led harry to the ravenclaw vault. the door was made of a soft glowing silver metal that had a huge raven carved in the center of it. the door was about the size of the great halls entrance. He walked up to it and put his hand on the door. the door then slowly opened with a loud creaking sound. the sound of ice breaking off the cieling were the door was swinging outward could be heard a mile around. when the door opened up showing harry the contents of the ravenclaw vault harry had one thought in mind.'hermione would have an orgasm!' and it was true. the vault itself was massive and had pillars and collumns filled with books. in front of all the towering rows of books stood a pedastal. harry walked up to it and saw a book turned to a blank page. flipping through the books harry found that all the pages were blank. harry closed the book and on the cover it said search. turning to the goblin harry asked what the book was and why it was on the pedastal.

'' well lord slytherin if you look on the front it says search and there is a box under it. you have to write the books title or subject/keywords and on the inside the pages will fill out all the books that meet youre search matches. tap your wand on a title and the book will automatically transform to that book. to change it back to the search catalog tap the book cover three times with your wand.'' said the goblin sounding bored.'ill just look around for ten minutes...' harry began walking toward a book shelf when he noticed a door to his left that was blocked from his vision from the pedestal. looking into it he found all the items required for knowlege increases rituals. he also saw two goblets full of what looked like potions on a small table on the center of the room. they both had small cards under them. the cup to the left said it was a rememberall potion. this potion would make anything he hears from after he drinks it remember clearly.' i already have the ring but i guess it couldnt hurt...' picking it up harry drank it only for it to be refilled again. 'hmm... tastes like grape juice.' the other goblet was a potion that would make him think faster.'cool ill drink this...' harry drank the sour apple potion and it filled up again. ' i dont think ill be needing any knowlege increasing rituals now!' harry step out and grabbed the book on the pedastal and walked out to be greeted by the goblin.

''take me to the slytherin vault.''

''as you wish sire.''

the slytherin vault was very close to the ravenclaw one seeing as it only took a couple of seconds of a ride. harry stepped up to the door and found a archway with a beutiful black purple and red snake picture on it. 'i need to speak! how did i know that? must be the potion.'


/who dares disturb the vault of the great salazaar slytherin?/

/tis i the heir of slytherin/

/so you are, you may pass/

the doors swung open slowly to reveal a

There it is, Chapter 7! Un-beta'd!