Okay, I know I've been away for a long while, but you can't blame me. I had college to finish and I've been trying to write this chapter with all of my free time and I had none. Please, please, please don't be mad. I made it extra long to attempt to make up for it and I gave you surprise to at the end...no peeking though...just read...PPPLLLLEEEAAASSSEEEE!!

Chapter XI: 2nd Interlude: A Ball, an Exam, and Everything in Between

Dealing with a stressed out Kagome was something that Inuyasha was quickly becoming used to. It seemed that was simply how she operated no matter how well prepared she was stress always seemed to get the best of her. However, Inuyasha had learned how to quickly defuse the situations, usually with sexual innuendo to divert her attention by making or berate him and blush uncontrollably, or by making her laugh, or just relax with him for a little while if they both had the time. He didn't blame her either when she took out her stress on him because most of the time she didn't even realize she was doing it. That morning had been no exception to that rule.

It was the morning of the 'Toys for Tots' gala that Kagome had planned and as he had expected, Kagome was having a rather large episode of allowing stress to get the best of her.

"And what was my graduate school's roommate's name?" Kagome asked as she hurriedly flipped through a stack of papers, stuffing them into random folders and out of sight into her briefcase.

"Anna Kurtz" Inuyasha replied from his favorite armchair in Kagome's living room. He really was only half listening as he poured over his own notebook, making mental notes to himself as he absentmindedly answered her questions.

Kagome slammed the briefcase down on the counter; startling Inuyasha and making him look up at the face of an extremely agitated Kagome. Her face was red and he could swear a vein was pulsating on her forehead. "NO!" she screamed at him. "WEREN'T YOU LISTENING TO ME? THAT WAS MY ROOMMATE FOR MY UNDERGRAD NOT MY MASTERS DEGREE." She was shaking hard as she clutched the briefcase in her hands, her nails digging into the leather material. "You're not ready and this is a catastrophe because everyone expects you to be there tonight, but if you go tonight you'll blow everything and then I'll lose my job and I won't get another one because they'll say that I'm a liar, which I am and I can't deny it because that will be a lie too and then I'll just be a worse liar. And then I'll have to move back home and work at the supermarket and get old and fat and never get married and I'll die single, alone, and living with a hundred cats!"

Inuyasha did his best to keep his chuckles and amusement to himself. Sarcasm and laughter were his natural reactions to things and as used to Kagome's outbursts as he was, he himself was under a great deal of stress himself. Therefore, carrying his own burdens as well as dealing with hers was a bit trying to say the least. And laughing at her was definitely not the best course of action at this particular time, but he'd never heard anyone carry on a rambling rant like Kagome. It seemed that she was able to jump to every conclusion possible in the shortest amount of time. "I'm sorry, Kagome, I didn't hear you say that. I don't think anyone is actually going to ask me about your roommate in grad school, though." Inuyasha said treading carefully.

"They might though and you don't know her name…" Kagome started to ramble before Inuyasha interrupted again.

"It was a trick question, you had your own room when you went to grad school" Inuyasha said still looking over his shoulder at the flustered girl behind him.

This seemed to relax Kagome slightly as she lessened her grip on the briefcase slightly and her shoulders relaxed slightly. "Well…good. Never mind then…so you're going to meet me back here at 5:30 tonight, right?" she asked attempting to ease her mind by going over the schedule of events that evening.

Inuyasha sighed audibly. It was obvious she'd forgotten and this did not bode well for him. "No, I won't be able to be back at 5:30, I have to meet you there. The comprehensive exam is today from two until six, so I'll meet you there at seven. Remember, I told you about this?"

In half a second all the tension that had left Kagome was back. "No you didn't…I would have remembered, I would have written it down in my planner, I always write things down in my planner when they're important and that's important" Kagome started rambling again, this time thumbing frantically through her daily planner. She stopped suddenly as she found the right page and as she read the notes in her planner her shoulder sank and the color drained from her face. "It's right here" she said in almost disbelief. "I missed it. How could I miss something so important, now the whole day is going to be ruined, I have to re-schedule everything and then I won't look professional, or like I have a bad taste in men." Kagome started rambling on again, clearly absolutely paranoid about the coming evening.

Inuyasha rolled his eyes at her, but was no unsympathetic. Placing his notes aside got out of his chair and went over to Kagome. "Kagome" he said startling her and making her spin around to face him, her hair whipping him in the face as she spun.

"What" she said in a half angry, half startled yell.

Gently, Inuyasha grabbed Kagome by the forearms. "Calm down…you're freaking out for no reason. Everything…is going to be…just…fine" he said punctuating the last two words and using a calm soothing tone.

"But what if…" she began.

"Just…fine…" Inuyasha repeated, interrupting her.

Kagome opened her mouth to interject once more, but Inuyasha stifled it by repeating himself once again. "Just…fine…"

He looked her directly in the eyes for a time before speaking again. "Now breathe and relax." He said, gently commanding her to comply as he slowly let go of her forearms.

Kagome did so, breathing deeply in and out. "I just want tonight to go well and for everyone to like you. Is that such a bad thing?" she asked feeling slightly meek and pitiful.

"Not at all," was his reply. "Just as long as you keep your head about things. You're brilliant, Kagome. And I'm not going to screw this up for you, I've told you that. I wouldn't do that to you. Because I am going to be perfect for you tonight and everything is going to be better than the best little scenario that I know you've cooked up in that crazy little head of yours, m'kay?"

Kagome nodded her head and let out a long sigh filled with all the tension she'd been holding in. "Okay. I'm sorry for freaking out and I don't mean to be on your back like some kind of freaky tobacco monkey. It's just how I am when I get stressed."

"I know, but you don't need to apologize. I've learned to deal with it. Besides, wait until I get stressed. I guarantee you'll want to kill me".

"Yeah, how come I haven't yet? You're always so freaking calm when it comes to this stuff…I mean…mainly. For God sakes, you've got an exam in a few hours that's probably the most important one in your life until now. Why are you so incredibly irritatingly calm?" She asked.

"Honestly…no freaking clue. I'm just like that. Who knows though; maybe I'm heading for a heart attack at 30." He joked.

"Well, I hope not. If you die then I'm going to have to miss work for your lame funeral" Kagome shot back a smile on her face.

"Ouch, that hurts. That's a little dark for you isn't it?" Inuyasha asked laughingly.

"Well…you deserve it right now" Kagome shot back. "Okay" she said breathing deeply again. "I'm going to go have a stress free day at work and I will see you…when I see you" she said opting not to remind him when he was supposed to be there.

"I'll see you tonight and if you're good, I've got a surprise for you. Can't wait to see you in that dress by the by." Inuyasha added making his way back to his books.

Kagome smiled appreciatively at the comment as she gathered her things. She had bought herself a brand new dress a few weeks before with Sango's help. It was just a simple black dress, but Sango continuously referred to it as Kagome's new, 'Hot Little Number'. It wasn't what she was going for with the dress. She wanted something tasteful yet elegant as was the case for most young women, she supposed. She didn't particularly see it in this dress, but if it was as Sango described it, then that wasn't so bad either. It was never a bad thing to make yourself noticeably attractive to the opposite sex. And even though she told herself it wasn't, it was for that reason she had only shown it to Inuyasha briefly, hoping that when he actually saw it on her, it was would be a pleasant surprise. "Thank you. Just make sure you look, equally good in that tux, okay?" she said grabbing her keys and heading to the door. "Ta ta, muffin" she called as she left.

"Have a nice day, chipmunk" he called after her, although not looking up. As he heard the door close he himself breathed a sigh of relief. He was stressed out about this test quite a bit, actually. Fortunately, Kagome had been too distracted herself to notice the degree of reading he had been doing over the past two weeks.

Myoga had announced the exam date and Inuyasha had wasted no time in hitting the books even harder than usual. The amount of coffee he had ingested over that period of time, he was sure was going to come back to haunt him years later, but at the moment he didn't have time to listen to his body's demands for things like sleep. That had been his life, wake up, food, read, class, food, read, class, read, food, read, read, sleep, repeat. So much hinged on the outcome of this test that he had to constantly shake the consequences of doing poorly out of his head. In fact, he had completely lied to Kagome about being stressed. He just knew that taking it out on her would be a bad idea and therefore had taken to going to the gym in her apartment building and taking it out on the heavy bag. A good half hour of hitting something as hard as he could usually did the trick and that way he wouldn't take it out on Kagome which would have only lead to stress for both of them. Despite what Dr. Anikage had told him he was basically in based on his in class performance, he knew that that would count very little if he should fail. Myoga's philosophy had always been that if you couldn't perform when it mattered then it didn't matter at all. It was especially true for medicine because mistakes meant people's lives.

Inuyasha glanced at his notes a few times, his eyes staring blankly at the pages and pages of notes he had taken. He felt like even he had studied himself to his limits. He felt he just couldn't retain any more and studying any more would simply be useless and only add to his pressure. He needed to take his eyes and his mind off of these notes and the test that would inevitably decide the outcome of perhaps the rest of his life. And there was nothing more appropriate to do then to indulge in that hypnotically sense numbing pastime of watching Kagome's enormous television. He closed all of his books and notes and stored them away in his room to adhere to the adage, "out of sight, out of mind". He grasped the remote in his hand and poignantly turned the TV on. However, to his horror, he found that the first thing his eyes witnessed was some syndicated episode of ER. Growling slightly at his misfortune he changed the channel again in hopes of alleviating his bad luck only to find that fate was playing games with him as the next channel had an episode of 'Scrubs' on it, and the next Grey's Anatomy. He slammed the remote down on the couch next to him. "COME ON" he shouted to no one in particular. He attempted one more channel only to find that General Hospital was on the next channel. He flipped the TV off and angrily stomped up to his room. "I'm going to work off this steam" he shouted at the TV as he reappeared from his room dressed in navy blue sweatpants and a red sleeveless t-shirt and grabbing his workout bag and a towel was gone.

Taking the elevator down to the bottom floor stomped into the gym angrily and directly over to the heavy bag, which hung in one corner of the wall. Dropping his towel and workout bag on the floor he immediately took a swing at the bag with all his strength causing it to swing backwards awkwardly pulling on the chains that held it to the ceiling.

"Easy Inuyasha, take it easy. I don't want to have to buy another one of those" one of the front desk clerks said looking up from his clipboard to lightly joke with Inuyasha.

"No time to take it easy, Hiten. No time at all" Inuyasha said, although taking Hiten's warning seriously and reduced the power of his strikes. He began lightly punching the bag causing indentations to form up and down the body of it as the material gave way to his strikes. His moves became faster and faster and his strikes stronger an stronger until his movements were little more than a blur of motion to the naked eye. He smirked to himself as with each strike he could feel tiny bits of stressing leaving his body, almost as if the contact with the bag was transferring from his fist into the hard fabric of the heavy bag. It was almost intoxicating, the thrill of this violence. He supposed it was the demon blood in him, calling for him to hit harder and strike deeper as if the bag itself were alive and the exposed flesh of some hapless victim of the half demon. He did his best to control these thoughts, but he felt himself give in little by little to the thrill of it, striking the bag endlessly as he focused on his punches.


Hours later an even more irritable Inuyasha was sprinting down the street, leaping clear over, people, cars, and various other structures, that seemed to spring up to block his path. He had let his demon blood take over and as a result he was now mere minutes away from missing his final exam. And having left the apartment without wallet, had no money for a cab to get him there, although he supposed that with New York traffic that this method would be faster. He glanced down at his watch and read the time.

1:53 PM it flashed almost haughtily at him. 7 minutes to go, and ten blocks away he read as he vaulted over a hot dog stand. He growled out loud as he dodged people left and right, catching frightened and angry looks both. It seemed as if all of New York was purposely trying to slow him down as he continued his helter-skelter race to get to his exam on time. As if on a cue, a man turned a corner just inches away from Inuyasha. Dodging nimbly to one side he missed the man by centimeters, but smashed his right shoulder into the brick of the building. Suppressing a shout of pain he did manage to successfully curse out the man as he sprinted onwards.

He glanced at his watch again and to his dismay, it read 1:57 PM. Alternating between his watch and the street before him, he watched as the seconds ticked mercilessly onward. 1:59.22...23...24. Reaching the entrance to the med school he thundered inside like a bat out of hell and up the stairs to his exam hall just as his watch hit 1:59.37. He reached the doors to the lecture hall and leapt towards them, like a sprinter towards a finish line, succeeding in losing his balance and tumbling full force into his exam and ending up sprawled on the floor causing a loud crash. 'Made it' were the only words that registered in Inuyasha's head. He breathed in deeply still on the floor and slowly began to pick himself up before he realized that the room was dead silent. Glancing up he saw the faces of his classmates all staring at him. Turning his head he saw the bemused expression of Myoga and the clearly irritated expression of Kouga.

"Charlie Chaplin ladies and gentlemen" Myoga said indicating Inuyasha who was sprawled on the floor earning some polite chuckles from the members of the class. "Take a seat, Inuyasha" Myoga said giving him a face that read that he was clearly not pleased about Inuyasha's punctuality. Inuyasha nodded, still breathing heavily and plunked down heavily in the nearest seat. The students next to him quietly gathered there things and moved a few seats away, noses wrinkled in disgust. Inuyasha frowned angrily, but then realized that he must look frighteningly awful at that moment. His cheeks were read, his hair a mess, sweat dripped off of him from his workout and the subsequent marathon he had run to get there in the nick of time. He rummaged through his gym bag and with the little luck that fate threw his way that day, retrieved an old, very battered and faded looking 'Snoopy' pen.

"Now, as I was saying before these latest...theatrics. The essay portion of this exam will commence shortly, please keep your eyes on your paper as any wandering of your eyes will result in your immediate failure of this examination.

Inuyasha continued to breath heavily as he half listened to Kouga talking in front of the class. It was standard a pretty standard exam talk, one that he'd heard a hundred times before.

"And now if someone would kindly stop panting we could begin." Kouga said directing his attention to Inuyasha once again. Inuyasha glanced up, only to realize as both anger and embarrassment reddened his cheeks that his tongue was hanging out of the corner of his mouth and that he had been panting like a dog, thanks to the dog demon half of his heritage. He quickly withdrew his tongue and shut his mouth tightly glaring angrily at Kouga, who had clearly just one upped him.

Kouga continued on, while Inuyasha pretended to listen, while silently trying to focus on the task at hand. He had planned to arrive much earlier, with time to focus and grab something to drink during the arduous four hour exam that lay ahead of him, with the two hours of essay writing followed by a practical exam.

"You have two hours...begin...now" Kouga said, watching the clock on the wall to hit the new minute exactly.

'No use crying over spilt milk, let's just do this' Inuyasha thought to himself as he repositioned the pen in his hand and commenced what he was sure was to be four hours of pure hell.


Kagome stood agitatedly shifting her weight from one foot to the other outside the steps of the 'Trump International Hotel and Tower' where the gala was being held that night. She had left work and the Christmas/Holiday Party her office had held a little early to prepare for her evening, showering, get her hair and nails done and putting on her dress. The dress was elegant, tasteful, and just the right type of sexy for the night. The black skirt fell to the floor and swooshed around her as a halter top, with a modest neckline, displaying just an appropriate amount of cleavage to make men's eyes wander, and hopefully double the size of a certain someone's. She felt rather like she was back in high school and getting ready for her senior prom, with a few of her girlfriends. In fact, having already endured the comments of a few of her already inebriated co-workers of, "Where's your date? Stood up again, eh, Kagome?" and the like so far that evening, she had begun to get nervous. It was already past seven o'clock and there was no sign of Inuyasha.

She tried to reason that he was on his way and that maybe his exam had run long, but the irrational part of her brain told her that she had forgotten to tell him where it was or what time even though she knew she had told him at least a hundred times as well as posting various sticky notes in his room just to remind him. She wrung her hands while her eyes darted all over the street in an attempt to pick him out from the people still meandering inside to the event taking place. Maybe he had stood her up. Maybe he had taken his exam and didn't need her, just packed up his stuff and had left her high and dry. She forcibly shook those thoughts from her head, she would not doubt Inuyasha's character like that again. He had been so good to her and gratitude was the only thing she would show him.

"Nice night, isn't it?" a voice whispered in her ear causing her to jump at least a foot in the air.

Whirling around her startled eyes met flirtatious ones. "You are late, sir" she couldn't help, but scold as it was the first thing that entered her mind.

Inuyasha chuckled dryly. "By like five minutes. And I was making myself look handsome for you. Don't you want everyone in there to think, 'gee not only is he a doctor, but he's cute too?'"

Kagome pouted without a real reason to, merely because he was so agitating and poked him hard in the ribcage because she knew she had to relent. "That doesn't matter...but you're right. I would like that too. I just want you to be punctual while you're at it." she said frowning.

"Hey, no frowning and no picking fights with me tonight. I'm your incredibly endearing boy toy for the night, so try, even though I know it's against your nature to enjoy yourself, alright?" he said, kindly ignoring the jab to his ribs. "You look beautiful by the way" he said giving her a slow once over with her eyes.

Kagome couldn't help, but feel the heat rising as Inuyasha's eyes roved over her figure, but also couldn't help the smile secretly to herself that she had attracted the attention of her comrade. "Thank you" she said appreciatively. "You don't look so bad yourself" she returned giving him the same once over that she was given. It was true, too. She already knew that Inuyasha cleaned up nicely. She couldn't deny that as she had fainted the first time she had seen him, shaven and partially naked true, but this was enough to truly take her breath away. Dressed in a simple black tuxedo he looked especially debonair and best of all apparently oblivious to the fact. "Not bad at all" she said letting her eyelids finish the gaze up his form.

Inuyasha cleared his throat and in rare occasion of nerves raised his eyebrows in shock which in turn caused Kagome to smirk with pleasure. He recognized that smirk for sure and was certain that he was a bad influence on Kagome. Recovering quickly he chimed in. "Well, I'm glad I have passed inspection. Now then...shall we go in there and wow them?" he asked offering her his arm.

Kagome shaken from her flirtatious banter with Inuyasha came crashing back to reality. "I think so, just let me go over the checklist in my head." she said grasping onto Inuyasha's shoulder for a moment while she thought aloud. "We've got you, and me, dressed and ready, hair, makeup, bag, notes, tickets..." she rambled off before turning to face Inuyasha again. "You're sure you're ready and memorized about everything Inuyasha?" she asked, her eyes looking up at him apprehensively.

"Absolutely" was Inuyasha's simple response.

Needing no further encouragement, she softly place her arm in Inuyasha's still outstretched one and with a deep breath said, "Then... let's... go" and began to take confident strides forward.

Inuyasha was amazed. Moments ago, she was the fluttery and nervous and now, a young, vivacious, confident young woman was at his side. He couldn't help, but look at her in admiration as the two walked inside.

Catching him staring out of the corner of her eye, Kagome slowed their pace and turned slightly towards him. "What" she asked in hushed tones.

Inuyasha smirked, "Just thinking how lucky you are to have a guy like me on your arm to make you look good, is all" he joked.

"Hardy har har" Kagome retorted, sarcastically. "Focus, now and be on your best behavior, alright?" she commanded more than asked.

Inuyasha just kept on smirking, "Whatever you say, chipmunk, whatever you say".

Inside of the hotel, the pair crossed the lobby silently as Inuyasha took in the sights of the posh hotel. Arriving at the entrance to the grand ballroom, where the gala was to be hosted and handing their tickets to the doorman swept inside. In the ballroom hundreds of people roamed around talking and laughing, each dressed in elegant gowns or handsome tuxedoes. Inuyasha could not help, but gape at his surroundings. From the marble floors to the high vaulted ceilings it was the very picture of elegance and taste. Great arched windows, with a beautiful view of the twinkling city lights surrounded them as gentle music from a string ensemble played quietly in the background. At the rear of the hall was a small stage with a Christmas tree so tall that it almost touched the ceiling. It was decorated with tiny lit candles instead of the white twinkling lights. The whole tree was decorated as if it were from over one hundred years ago, with hundreds of tiny antique looking decorations and a paper chain encircling the girth of the tree and finally topped off by a gorgeous silver star at the very top.

Noticing that Inuyasha's speed had slowed to more of a trudge than a walk, Kagome looked up at him and grinned at him with her pearly whites, very pleased by his reaction. "You like?" she asked.

"Very much", was his initial response. "Did you do all of this?"

Kagome nodded her head, her smile growing broader. "Yes, I did. Does it seem familiar in any way to you? Can you guess the theme?" she queried gently, guiding him to the right of the small staircase they had descended to get out of the way of the still incoming guests.

Taking another glance around Inuyasha tried to place the sense of familiarity that seemed to come from the way things were decorated. "Well aside from reminding me of Christmas, yes...I just can't place it" Inuyasha admitted.

Kagome giggled slightly, brushing an errant hair out of her face and tucking it behind her ear. "Well , Uncle Drosselmeyer should be along shortly." Kagome hinted to see if he that would help. Drawing only blank stares from Inuyasha she sighed, rolling her eyes at the young man beside her. "The Nutcracker...it's a ballet...Tchaikovsky... it's a holiday classic. I loved it and this way instead of just celebrating raising money for the kids we can remind everyone of their childhoods too, I suppose. I used to love it when I was a little girl. And this way we can invite the kids too" she said gesturing out into the mass of people.

Shifting his gaze to the people milling about on the floor, sure enough there were young kids all running around inside dodging adults in a low key way, up to whatever mischief they were involved in. "Heh, " he sighed, "Who's kids?".

"The city's" Kagome answered simply. "'Ambassadors' from all of the orphanages in the city. Toys for Tots this year with the money raised tonight charity is going to give these kids a holiday they deserve and funding trips and such throughout the year." Kagome helped explain.

Inuyasha smiled toothily, "I can't believe you did all this. I mean, usually it's just toys for Christmas, but this...I mean. You're something else, Kagome. That is perhaps the kindest thing I've ever heard of." Unable to resist he pulled Kagome into a tight embrace lifting her off the ground.

"Inuyasha" Kagome cried in shock and surprise. "Put me down, put me down, you'll wrinkle my dress". She slapped him on the shoulder, but couldn't help herself from laughing a little bit. Obliging her, Inuyasha placed her delicately back on her feet. "Thank you. I thought you were going to be on your best behavior tonight, Inuyasha" she teased.

Inuyasha rolled his eyes at her. "And who says that's bad behavior? Besides, I excuse myself due to your surprising acts of saintly charity, Miss Higurashi."

Kagome scoffed and hit Inuyasha in the arm again. "Oh, stop it." she said turning away from him.

"Hey, what's with the continued hitting of the me, recently. I'm going to start bruising and then what kind of healthy relationship is this going to be, eh?" Inuyasha teased.

"Oh, be a man, already" Kagome shot back at him. "Now, come on, let's get our seats before Uncle Drosselmeyer gets here. We can start by talking to the people at my table. It'll be good practice for the big fish, later on." Kagome said grabbing his hand and leading him through the party to a table to the left of the stage.

Already seated at the table was a small group of men and women sitting and talking or listening quietly to the music or other people's conversations. Waiter's also swept in to place bowls of delicious smelling soup at everyone's place as the evening began to get underway. Glancing upward to see Kagome coming one of them spoke. "Ah, Kagome good to see you. Was afraid you weren't coming. Inuyasha, good to see you again" Totosai said nodding his head to acknowledge the two newcomers and rising from his seat slightly to shake their hands warmly.

"Totosai, good to see you, sir" Kagome commented lightly shaking his hand and seating herself with the aid of one of the servers.

"Totosai" Inuyasha said mimicking Kagome's action and shaking Totosai's hand firmly.

"Always a pleasure, both of you. And Kagome, would you cut it out with the formality, the 'sir' thing just makes me feel old and I my dear am still a spring chicken" Totosai said giving her a flirtatious wink.

"That you are...sssss...Totosai" she caught herself saying. Turning her attention back to everyone else at the table she spoke again. "Everyone, I'd like you all to meet Inuyasha Takashiro, my boyfriend."

The occupants of the table sent forth a multitude of 'Hello's" and 'Pleased to meet you's' Inuyasha's way. To which Inuyasha responded with polite nods of his head and a general, 'Hello everyone' before sitting down himself.

"So how did you and Kagome meet then, Inuyasha?" one of the other guests asked as everyone settled in to begin their meal.

Kagome froze as she was reaching for her spoon her eyes wide, thankful that her gaze was down so that no one could see her reaction. She realized with building horror that she had never actually addressed that. They had decided a story of how long they'd been dating, but had never once come up with plausible story. No one had asked them that question, yet. She wanted to smack herself in the head. Of all the stupid and moronic things not to come up with Kagome couldn't believe she had forgotten that of all things. Before Kagome could panic anymore, Inuyasha started speaking.

Setting his forest green cloth napkin across his lap and using the spoon to help him gesticulate Inuyasha began. "Funny story, actually. We met out on the cold mean streets of New York, actually. I saw her being hassled by these two gentlemen, so I intervened on her behalf and when you get to play the knight in shining armor, is there a better way to a woman's heart?" he asked inciting chuckles from those seated around him. He continued, "Anyway, we started talking and before you know it, she asks me out."

The group at the table all laughed genuinely. "Really, just out on the street like that. People in this city rarely talk to each other, let alone help someone. It seems like you've landed a real keeper, here Miss Higurashi." one of the group chimed in.

"Well, wait. Sure, he's chivalrous, but what does he do is the question?" asked another.

"I'm a doctor...well, med student, actually" Inuyasha began.

"Where do you study?" asked another of the group.

"NYU Medical. I'm halfway through my second year" Inuyasha answered.

"Wonderful, my alma mater, you know." the same one said proudly. "Is Myoga still teaching there or has he finally retired?"

"Oh, he's still there, stubborn as ever" Inuyasha responded. And so the conversation continued, moving away from Kagome and Inuyasha's relationship and onto other things with Kagome hardly saying a word. She just sat and watched Inuyasha talk, chiming in occasionally when asked or interrupting Inuyasha to add in bits of her own. All in all though, she was just so happy with the way he had handled the situation. Without breaking a sweat he had told a slightly extended truth as to their meeting. He was doing wonderfully though, being witty and charming and humorous on occasions as well.

However, before conversation could continue, the lights in the ballroom began to flicker and dim, slightly causing the children to glance around curiously and the adults, who were aware of what was going on to sit and focus their attention on the double doors leading into the room.

The doors suddenly burst open and in walked a man, dressed eccentrically in period 19th century clothes, complete with buckle shoes, three pointed hat, vest, a long wig and an eye patch covering one eye, but despite the rather fearsome pose this gave him still managed to seem intriguing more than scary.

"Good evening all, I'm not late am I?" the man asked tipping his hat to everyone in the room to which a few people acknowledged with scattered responses of 'no'. "Oh good, good. I'd have hated to be late. Although it seems I'm just in time. Say now, I was told there were some kids here, is that true? Where are all of you hiding, can you kids come on up here and help me with something?" he asked generally, scanning the sea of people to find the kids. "Oh, come on now, don't be shy." he encouraged.

Slowly out of the woodwork of people the children crept forward, wide eyed with curiosity. "Santa?" one of them asked wondrously and the crowd chuckled.

The man smiled kindly and gave the kid a wink. "No, I'm not Santa, he's a little busy tonight, but he asked me to stop by. Just call me Uncle Drosselmeyer" he said tipping his hat to them. "Now, now that's not right." he said looking beyond their heads towards the bag of the ballroom. "That's not right at all. This is supposed to be a party isn't it, but it's not quite right yet. I say, do you think that you could all help me out with something?" he asked kindly.

A few of the kids nodded still gazing at him wide eyed with curious anticipation.

He knelt down slightly so he could look all of them in the eye. "You see that great big tree over there? Does anyone notice anything wrong with it?" he asked kindly, indicating it with a slight nod of his head. All of kids were silent until one little girl spoke up. "It's...not lit up?" she asked shyly.

"Precisely, what a smart girl you are. Would you all help me light that tree up?" he asked walking up to the stage.

The kids all following him stared at him some grinning broadly now, but a few slightly confused. "But we don't have any matches and we're not s'posed to play with them" one of the little boys said.

Drosselmeyer smiled, "That's very true, but we don't need matches here tonight. Just a bit of magic" he added in a slightly hushed voice.

"Magic?" the same little boy asked, his voice full of wonder at the thought.

"There's no such thing as magic" an older girl pouted indignantly.

"Really, now?" Drosselmeyer said turning to look at the tree. "What about this then" he said. Then leaning down towards one of the candles he began to blow ever so slightly one the candle and sure enough it began to smoke, slowly at first then gradually more until a tiny flame rose from it flickering gently in the room. "Magic, like so many things exists only if you believe in it" he said gently to the awestruck children.

Inuyasha leaned forward in his seat, just as mesmerized as the kids. Kagome placed a hand gently over his smiling, glad to see that he was having as good a time as the kids were. She silently placed a finger to her lips and pointed at the kids, indicating that he should pay attention.

"Go ahead, now you try" he said indicating a little girl with brown hair done up in pigtails. Slowly the little girl he indicated rose up and walked to the tree looking back nervously every once and again before stopping in front of the tree.

"Why don't you try that one there" Drosselmeyer said indicating one with a finger. "And remember...just believe"

The little girl nodded her head and leaned towards the candle he had indicated and scrunching up her face blew gently on the candle just as he had done and sure enough, first a little smoke and a flicker until the tiny flame had sprung to life. The smile on her face started small, but then erupted on her face into a grin that went from ear to ear.

"Now kids, would you all do me a favor and on the count of three help me light up these candles in one big breath, hm?" he asked to which all of the kids nodded vigorously, happily shouting as they did. "Okay now...one...two...THREE" he said and with a giant breath all of the kids blew out and in a burst of light the candles on the tree all lit up starting at the bottom and spiraling all the way the top earning a chorus of cheers and applause from the adults seated at the tables.

"Now, can you tell me who Emily is?" Drosselmeyer asked picking up a package wrapped with dark blue paper covered with stars and tied with a white bow from beneath the tree.

The little girl with pigtails stepped forward again beaming brightly. "That's me!" she exclaimed.

"Well then," said Drosselmeyer, dropping to a knee. "Then this is for you." He handed it to her and gave her a small pat on her head as she blushed and mumbled a 'thank you' to him. "And all of you." he continued. "I think there are some presents underneath this tree in need of opening"

The kids needed no further encouragement and set about wildly trying to find their gifts, tearing off the paper and yelling loudly to one another as they compared their various gifts. As the kids continued their assault upon the gifts, Kagome turned her attention back to the silver haired hanyou sitting next to her. Before she could ask Inuyasha's opinion he gave it to her.

"I still can't believe you did all of this for these kids, I mean I really wish I could properly articulate what I want to say to you and just how...proud I am of you, but I can't. So it seems I'm just going to keep talking until I run out of praise for you" Inuyasha gushed.

Kagome smiled and leaned her head onto his shoulder and giving his arm a quick hug. "You can keep praising me, I don't mind."

Once again they were interrupted as Drosselmeyer spoke up again. "Well everyone, I've got to be leaving, but thank you for having me. And if you kids want to come see me sometime you all have tickets to come see 'The Nutcracker' at the New York City Ballet. Come and say hello and remember, never stop believing" he said giving a sweeping bow and exiting the ballroom to the applause and cheers of all inside. The children were escorted out moments later as the evening was wearing on and closing in on all of their respective bedtimes all of them waving to the crowd and saying goodnight and goodbye to everyone and with a large chorus of thank yous as well.

As Inuyasha waved to the kids he leaned to Kagome again. "Tickets to see a ballet? You think they'll like that?" he asked her.

Kagome nodded her head. "I think so. It really is wonderful to see...I mean not everyone will like it of course, but I think its important to expose kids to a little bit of everything, not just TV and such. How often are they going to get to see something like this in their lives, hm? Who knows maybe some of them will be inspired to dance someday."

Inuyasha nodded his head, but said nothing. "So that guy was from the ballet then?" he asked.

Kagome nodded again, "Yes, we asked the ballet if he would come and do this for us and he was more than delighted to. I'm glad really. I thought about having Santa, but I thought...I don't know...I thought it would be different and a little more memorable for them" she said earnestly, her forehead wrinkled as she thought about it.

Inuyasha grasped her hand lightly and gave it a gentle squeeze. "Hey now, we're having fun tonight. No forehead furrowing. And I think that you certainly did do that. The thing with the candles was amazing. I think you just added a little something special to their lives just with that, Kagome."

Kagome snorted in an attempt to alleviate the butterflies in her stomach and stood up, making Inuyasha do the same. "Well thank you" she managed to get out. "Come on, though. You have to meet more people. This evening is far from over. Kagome excused the two of them from their table and began to scan the crowd for signs of people of note.

The crowd, with the departure of the children had done similar and begun to mingle and talk again, the band that had been setting up in the corner began to play some holiday music to get the party in full swing. The next group to meet up with Kagome and Inuyasha was not by their doing.

"KAGOME!" a voice yelled across the crowd, attracting Kagome's attention. Unable to see anything, Kagome was startled when she was grabbed in a tight hug by a petite brunette.

Kagome 'oomphed' as the breath was knocked out of her. "Sango...SANGO! I'm so happy you made it. Are you having a good evening?" Kagome asked bubbly and happy once she realized who it was.

"Oh my God, Kagome, I'm having a wonderful time. It was so magical, it reminded me of being a little kid again. I mean I know I knew about all of this on paper, but seeing it was just a different event entirely." Sango gushed.

"That it was boss lady. You know how to throw a heck of a party" a voice from behind Sango said. Adjusting her gaze to look over Sango's shoulder she saw Miroku. Releasing Sango she ran over to him and gave him a hug as well.

"Miroku, I'm glad you made it too. Thank you so much." Kagome said she said releasing him and taking a step backward. Something was a little different here and she wasn't quite sure what. "Wait a minute..." she said as it dawned on her. "Wait a minute...are you guys ...here...together?"

Sango blushed bringing up her hands and waving them in front of her. "Oh...NO...nonononono, of course not..."Sango began ranting.

"We're just here as friends" Miroku said calmly, saving Sango further embarrassment, although he added a 'for now' at the tail end, under his breath that only he and Kagome could here. He gave her a wink which she returned, knowing that they had just made a silent pact to keep secret.

"How did you know?" Sango asked clasping her hands together and clearly embarrassed.

"Well" Kagome said looking the two of them up and down. "You do look a little like you're going to the prom together...no offense. You kind of match a little bit." Kagome admitted.

"Well" Sango said pulling up the skirts of her gown. "This actually is an old prom dress. All my money goes to tuition so...no money for new dresses." she said, but smiled still. "What about you...where's your boy toy?"

"He's right..."Kagome said turning around, but there was no Inuyasha to be found. "He was right here a second ago...ugh, I turn my back for two seconds and he takes off. Gods he's exhausting, boy do I need a..."

"Champagne" Inuyasha said re-emerging from the crowd, champagne in hand. He gave a wink to Kagome as he handed her a glass. "Figured that now that the kiddies were gone they'd pop the bubbly." Turning to Sango and Miroku he raised an eyebrow for a moment before smiling and extending his hand. "You must be Sango and Miroku...you work for Kagome. Nice to meet you...I'm Inuyasha Takashiro...or mystery doctor...or the boy toy was it?" he asked.

Sango eyed Inuyasha up and down before taking an almost threatening step forward. "Okay buddy...so you're him. How do I know that you're treating my Kagome the way she deserves." she asked stepping straight up to him, hands on hips, and not backing down until she would get an acceptable answer.

Inuyasha didn't say anything for the brief moment and then spoke. "I am always wrong and whatever Kagome does or says is always right without question and it is my job to make her life easier not more complicated with my idiocy."

Sango blinked and then took a step away. "He's okay by me." she relented. "Welcome to the family. Miroku, anything to say?" Sango asked casting a glance back at Miroku who still stood behind her silently, but he didn't answer fast enough as Sango scoffed and continued. "Of course not, you're useless. KAGOME, girl talk, now...boys...chat amongst yourselves...we'll be back soon." Sango said grabbing Kagome's arm and quelling her protests as she dragged Kagome away.

Inuyasha and Miroku stood looking at each other for a moment before Inuyasha finally broke the silence. "Women...huh?" he queried in a very male comrade like way.

"I ...like... women" Miroku responded somewhat awkwardly.

"Me...too?" Inuyasha responded in the same way looking Miroku over strangely. They stood in silence again for a moment before Inuyasha broke out again. "Sorry...this is really weird...I guess girls just kind of expect us to simply be comfortable and talk about sports or something while they go talk about us"

Miroku nodded, "I know I mean, it's hard enough meeting new people, let alone being left alone with them."

"Yeah. Don't think we're friends though just because we both have the same view about it. This isn't a movie" chimed in Inuyasha.

"Yeah, I know," responded Miroku as the two sized each other up once more. "However, for lack of better things to do, you want to come with me while I get a drink, Inuyasha?" he asked.

"Absolutely" Inuyasha responded smacking Miroku on the back as they weaved their way through the crowd over to the bar.


Sango had walked clear across the ballroom so that Kagome and her could talk, Kagome being pulled helplessly in tow, her attempts to slow or stop Sango falling on deaf ears. Finally, Sango released Kagome from her iron grip and plopped down at a vacant table.

"So..."Sango said leaning forward as Kagome sat down, rubbing her arm where Sango had gripped so tightly.

"So..." Kagome asked, confused by what Sango was asking her.

"What's happened since we last talked...any more stories...presents...intimate moments...spill" Sango said leaning closer to Kagome with every word.

"Not...really" Kagome said to the uncomfortably close Sango.

Sango sat back disappointed for a moment, allowing Kagome some breathing room, but shot back another question a moment later. "Well...what did he buy you for Christmas?" she asked hopeful for any bit of dirt.

"He didn't" Kagome said automatically before realizing what she had said.

"HE DIDN'T!" Sango shrieked standing up. "How could he not. What's the matter with him? Are you upset? I'd be upset!"

Kagome grasped Sango's hands in an attempt to calm her down to get her to sit down. "YET" she said loudly enough to overpower Sango's rising volume. "Not yet is what I meant. We decided to give each other our gifts to one another tonight." she quickly lied.

"Oh," said Sango, quickly sitting. "Well, that's different. What did you get him?"

"It's a surprise" Kagome answered in an attempt to steer the conversation.

"Oh come on...details...what did you get him? Book, movie, naughty lingerie?" Sango asked wiggling her eyebrows.

Kagome shot up mortified, "Nothing of the sort we haven't...we don't..." Kagome said fumbling for words.

"Maybe the naughty lingerie would help, instead of the boring stuff you wear." Sango commented.

"How dare you call my underwear boring, it is NOT boring" Kagome retorted, not sure if she could be more embarrassed.

"I'm just saying" Sango said putting her hands up and shrugging her shoulders. "Seriously though, what did you get him?" she asked.

"Well..."Kagome conceded. "I found this old style doctors bag at this little shop in the East Village and I thought it might be something he'd like. And I had this picture of the two of us framed and ...well yeah...I just hope he likes it" she answered. She hadn't really meant to get him anything as she didn't want to put him in the position of having to buy something for her so she wasn't even sure how or when she was going to give it to him.

Sango practically melted into a puddle on the floor. "Aww, that's so sweet, absolutely adorable. I bet he'll love it."

Kagome smiled and shrugged her shoulders. "I sure hope so. Anyway, though. You have doing a nice job of steering this conversation away from yourself. You and Miroku are here together. Want to talk about it?" Kagome asked wiggling her eyebrows in perfect imitation of Sango.

Sango immediately stood up and turned her back to Kagome, her mortification evident as her blush made even the back of her neck turn red. "I think we should go back and see what the boys are up to, Kagome." she said spotting the two of them at the bar and making her way through the crowd.

"Don't think this is over, Sango. You're not getting away with this that easy. We will talk about this." Kagome shouted as she followed Sango through the crowd over to where Miroku and Inuyasha were.

Miroku and Inuyasha both looked a little ridiculous. Both were laughing hysterically and Inuyasha was slapping Miroku's back, both had glasses of some type of alcohol in their hands.

"Well, it didn't take you guys long to bond" Kagome commented.

Inuyasha's eyes were shiny with the tears he had from laughing. He used one finger to wipe away the tears from his eyes as he composed himself. "Oh, hey Kagome, yeah. He's not a bad guy, this one. He has a great sense of humor anyway. And alcohol is a wonderful male bonding tool. Oh and by the way, Kagome" Inuyasha said taking her by the arm and bringing her to the side slightly. "You know how I was joking about anyone asking what your measurements were at this party...well..." Inuyasha said trying to keep a straight face.

Kagome's mouth dropped down to the floor. "What?! Miroku...wha...why were you talking about my measurements, Inuyasha" Kagome said in an intense whisper, gripping his forearm tightly. "And you had better have a ...a...damned good reason" Kagome said the fire in her eyes showing that she was not to be messed with at the moment.

Inuyasha patted her reassuringly with his free arm as the other was caught in her vice like grip. "Relax, Kagome. It's for a gift from, Sango. I know, I thought he was being a pervert too, but it's legitimate. She just doesn't know your size and asked Miroku to ask me."

Kagome calmed down slightly, but did not release the death grip she had on his arm. "Oh...well...that's different I suppose. What did you say?" Kagome asked him.

Inuyasha smirked, "I told him, I wasn't sure myself and that I would ask."

Kagome blinked in surprise. "That's it...nothing...further...no...additional details about things" Kagome tried to articulate, rolling her hand in an attempt to allow her more clarity of speech.

"No, nothing else." Inuyasha conceded.

"Okay, then" Kagome said nodding her head.

"Well?" Inuyasha prompted.

"Well? Oh...right...well, um. What does she need?" Kagome asked.

Inuyasha smiled. "Just waist, my dear."

"Well, okay then...29...okay?" Kagome finally permitted, although with slight reservation. It was always a touchy subject with women, she couldn't help it.

"29, gotcha" Inuyasha said with a nod of his head. Sensing the hesitation though he gave Kagome a quick hug. "Always knew you were a tiny little thing. You look great." he smiled disarmingly and went to reveal the newfound information to Sango and Miroku.

Kagome smiled, shyly, still self conscious, but happier all the same. She watched as he spoke briefly to her two colleagues, and seeing Miroku nod in acknowledgement and Sango slip a pen and paper out of her purse to write it down on. Her blue eyes watched assiduously as he spoke with her friends apparently cracking a small joke because they all suddenly laughed, making Kagome do the same, even though she hadn't heard. Catching her gaze on him, he turned and smiled, gesturing his glass towards her and saying something else to which Sango and Miroku nodded and wandered off arm in arm. Inuyasha sidled up to Kagome, giving her a playfully irksome smile. "What?" he asked.

Kagome shrugged her shoulders. "Nothing"

Inuyasha let out a sigh, took a sip of his drink and stood by her side.

Kagome cocked her head to one side to look at the glass in his hands. "What are you drinking?" she asked.

"A Manhattan" he replied.

"Ooh, sounds good, let me try" she said whisking the glass from his hand and taking a sip.

Inuyasha uttered a word of protest, but Kagome had already took a drink anyway. He prepped himself for an expected reaction, inhaling sharply and closing his eyes, but it didn't come. Opening his eyes slowly, he met Kagome's eyes, who were staring at him curiously. "What?" she asked bewildered.

"You like Manhattans?" he asked shocked.

"Yes...I do." she answered.

"But it's like pure whiskey and vermouth" he said, still taken aback.

"What...because I'm a girl I can't like Manhattans" Kagome said giving him a wry grin.

"No, I just didn't expect it is all. I never knew you were such a lush" he said grabbing his drink back.

"I am not a lush" she protested as Inuyasha grasped her wrist and led her towards the bar. "Whatever, wino, let's get you one too".


The gala event continued on into the night, several more times, Kagome brought Inuyasha over to meet and greet several of the more important executives from her company. Although, to Kagome's amazed disappointment she could not find the CEO Mr. Whytecrosse, anywhere to be seen at all. After speaking once more with Totosai, she had learned that Mr. Whytecrosse had called it an evening and left moments before she had brought Inuyasha over to intrude on their circle. And although, Kagome had initially panicked, she had smiled and excused them politely and as they walked away had whispered reassuring words to Inuyasha, instead of vice versa. "It's okay, he'll here things from other people and that might be a better way to hear about it...he form opinions quickly and he's...well... he's a jerk." she had said, whispering the last part to Inuyasha making him chuckle.

The lights in the ballroom suddenly dimmed causing everyone to turn and look at the stage again. "Attention, everyone, your attention please." a voice called from the stage. Everyone's attention shifted and conversation slowly died down as everyone turned to see, Totosai, microphone in hand waving the other hand at everyone in a quiet down sort of way. "Good evening, Ladies and Gentlemen, for those of you who do not know me I am Totosai and I am the Senior Vice President at Whytecrosse Advertising and before the evening continues a moment further I would like to make everyone aware and hopefully get her to say a few words as well, of the extremely bright, gifted, and creative mind behind this entire evening. Please, everyone give a warm round of applause to Miss Kagome Higurashi." Totosai spoke enthusiastically and applauded as everyone else did the same. Kagome was overwhelmed and if it weren't for Inuyasha gently pushing her towards the stage would not have been able to get her feet to move forward.

She took small steps forward as the crowd turned and applauded as she made her way to the stage. Accepting Totosai's outstretched hand and hoisting herself up on the stage she took the microphone with a nod and a mouthed thank you to Totosai. She held the microphone in both hands and cleared her throat as she scanned the sea of people.

"Well, thank you everyone, thank you very much" she began, a little unsure of what to say. "I wanted to make this as special and evening as I could, not just for everyone here, but for the kids too. I hope that tonight we can remember that while we are here enjoying ourselves, that this was also a campaign to raise money for underprivileged children so that they might have a happy Christmas and holiday season. I want to thank everyone for their kind donations and support and I hope that everyone continues to enjoy themselves this evening. Happy Holidays" Kagome concluded.

"Happy Holidays" the crowd responded raising glasses of champagne, wine, and various liquor to her speech and then giving her a smattering of applause again as she left the stage again.

"So you were the one in charge, hmm?" a voice said, causing Kagome to turn and look into the face of a man she did not recognize.

"Yes, that's me" Kagome responded politely giving the man a gracious smile. The man slowly extended a hand, smiling charmingly.

"I must say, you've done a wonderful job orchestrating this whole thing, I heard several people speaking about how much money this campaign has raised for the organization." the man continued.

"Thank you, I'm pleased to hear that. Mr..." Kagome said trailing off.

"Forgive, my manners. I'm Dr. Kouga Yubari, pleased to meet you" he said, his blue eyes dancing mischievously.

Kagome gave breathed out audibly in a sort of a half laugh sigh type sound as she extended her hand and shook his. "Kagome Higurashi, nice to meet you too". She couldn't help herself, he was a cute and attractive doctor. As if on cue music from the band began to play and Kouga tilted his head.

"Would you care to dance, Miss Higurashi. I'd love to discuss this further with you" Kouga asked giving her another dazzling smile.

Kagome cast her eyes down, flustered for a moment. "Thank you, but you see I..." she began, but was cut off as another voice jumped in.

"She's spoken for" Inuyasha said slipping a protective hand around Kagome's waist. Kagome turned to look up at Inuyasha who had a look of extremely forced expression of politeness on his face and an intense gaze in his eyes.

"Inuyasha, so this is the lovely Kagome you've been speaking about so much. I see your talk about her hardly does her beauty justice." Kouga said giving Kagome a wink.

Kagome furrowed her brow for a moment. "I'm sorry, you two know each other?"

Kouga scoffed and looked at Inuyasha as if aghast at the very thought. "Dear Inuyasha, you mean you haven't told her a thing about me. I'm almost hurt by that, but I'll forgive you. Inuyasha and I are old school chums. We'll all have to get together some time and have a nice little reunion. My card" he said handing it to Kagome who took it automatically. "Inuyasha" he said giving a slight nod.

"Kouga" Inuyasha replied with the same crisp air of formality and watched as Kouga cast one more smiling glance at Kagome before retreating into the crowd.

Kagome watched with interest. "What was all of that about?" she finally ventured to ask.

Inuyasha turned to look down at Kagome and gave her a reassuring smile. "Oh, nothing, just an old acquaintance of mine from before I met you. Don't worry about it, it's nothing" he said trying to steer the subject away from the encounter. He pulled her out onto the dance floor and swung her into his arms. He gently placed a hand around her waist and the other in her hand as Kagome placed a hand on his shoulder. The two swayed in silence for awhile dancing slowly to the strains of 'As time goes by' from the band.

"I never knew you could dance" Kagome finally said breaking the silence.

Inuyasha cast a glance down at her. "Feh, I'm good at a lot of things" was his response.

Kagome rolled her eyes, but laughed softly. "Yes...yes, you are Inuyasha".

"How else am I supposed to woo the ladies if I can't dance?" Inuyasha said twirling her sharply making Kagome squeak a little as the sudden shift of momentum caught her off guard. However, not to be outdone added her own retort.

"What you mean the unending egotism and sarcasm doesn't do it every time?" she teased.

"Hey, I am a gentlemen" Inuyasha said earning another snort of laughter from his black haired dance partner. "It worked on you didn't it? You think I'm charming. We are 'dating' after all" Inuyasha threw back at her.

Kagome rolled her eyes, but snuggled into Inuyasha's chest as the two swayed. "Touché, sir, but only because I don't feel like arguing with you further" she said.

"Why not?" Inuyasha goaded.

Kagome looked up at him blinking her chocolate eyes and gave him a smile. "Because this is nice" she said returning her head to its former position so she could continue to breath in his cologne.

Inuyasha had no witty response for that. The way she had looked at him was so disarming and sincere and he was enjoying the way they seemed to fit nicely as they swayed to the music. Besides, the silence that now pervaded the air between the two did not seem awkward at all. It seemed as though it simply was a time to be silent and that was just fine with him. He tried to think of something to say, inhaling deeply, but instead took in scent of her perfume and said nothing. He settled his head gently atop of hers and although he knew it wasn't right or his to decide enjoyed himself because she was there and he was there if just for one moment.

It was again Kagome who broke the silence. "Inuyasha, there's a creepy little man, watching us" she said somewhat urgently.

"Hmm?" Inuyasha responded almost drunkenly, eyes heavy from the feeling of warmth her body had given him and the scent of her perfume.

"Right there" Kagome said, nodding her head in one direction, towards the man.

Inuyasha glanced over quickly, but Kagome grabbed his face and forced it to look at her. "Don't look, don't LOOK" she hissed at him.

"Well, what else am I supposed to do about it?" he asked her.

"I don't know...act natural" she whispered at him.

"Then let go of my face" he said arching a brow at her.

"Oh, sorry" she said quickly letting go of his face.

Inuyasha, however, unable to let his curiosity go unsatiated turned to look at the man Kagome had spoken of and laughed aloud. "Kagome, I've been meeting your people all night, I think it's time you met mine."

Kagome look at him startled and confused. "What...who?" she asked tucking a loose strand of hair back behind her ear.

Stopping their dance he lead her over to the 'creepy little man' that she had pointed out earlier. "Kagome Higurashi, allow me to introduce you to Dr. Myoga Mioshi, my professor at NYU Medical and my advisor as well". He said presenting her to the tiny man.

"A pleasure, my dear, a genuine pleasure." the small flea demon said giving a surprisingly extravagant bow for someone his age and gently placing a kiss on her hand. Standing up straight he gave her another slight nod. "My dear, this evening has been wonderful. You've done a simply marvelous job and I'm honored to meet the one responsible for tonight. I'm going to speak to the University about sending a great deal more funding towards this you can be sure of that" he said still smiling.

Kagome was absolutely flabbergasted. A moment ago he had been a creepy little old man staring at her, but now...well, looks could be deceiving as she had lived and learned. "Thank you, so much" she said feeling as if she wanted to hug the tiny man.

Myoga smiled again. "You're very welcome, my dear, very welcome." Turning to Inuyasha he scowled. "And you, you big lummox, it took you long enough to introduce me, I've been standing over there for five minutes at least."

Inuyasha was stunned. He had been far nicer a moment ago to Kagome than he'd ever seen him in his life and now was suddenly just as sullen as ever towards him. It came with the their type of relationship he supposed. "Hey, Myoga, quit your bellyaching, you met her didn't you." he said giving back to his professor just what he'd been thrown. "How'd they let you into this thing anyhow?"

Myoga glared up at the half dog demon, "I might ask you the same thing. How'd he manage to get into this, did he bribe you?" he asked Kagome, who just chuckled silently into her hand. "I got in because I'm obviously important...the wife drags me every year" he started to grumble, but changed his tune halfway through. "However, I can honestly say that this is the first year I've enjoyed myself. Bravo, you kids go have fun now, I've got to go find the wife and get home to start grading those papers. Do you think you could have written anymore there, Master Takashiro. You're going to keep me up all night with your ridiculous writing" he walked away scowling. "Lovely to meet you." he said excusing himself.

Kagome blinked for a moment watching the tiny man retreat, "Well that was interesting. He's so funny. How come you've never mentioned him before?"

Inuyasha practically choked. "Yeah, he's funny when you're not his student. That man is a slave driver" he said jerking his thumb in the direction that Myoga had left.

Kagome smacked him on the arm and turned a haughty look at him. "Probably because you're difficult...respect your elders. Now come on, we've got loads more people for you to meet, now look pretty and be my arm candy." she demanded.

Inuyasha groaned, "How much more of this do I have to take?"

"You signed up for it buddy boy. The night is young, so are we, and to quote Robert Frost, we have 'miles to go before we sleep.' Now come on, you need to come talk to the Board of Directors." Inuyasha inhaled deeply, straightened his bow tie and extended his arm. "Lead on, boss lady, lead on".


Much later that evening Kagome and Inuyasha arrived home at the apartment. Kagome could not keep from smiling. She kicked off her shoes as soon as she got in the door and threw her coat on the coat rack. "Oh, what a night" she said collapsing face first on the couch.

"You think it went well?" Inuyasha queried.

"Well?" Kagome said sitting bolt upright and shifting herself to look at him. "You...were...brilliant, tonight, Inuyasha I mean it. Really, it couldn't have been more perfect. The way you talked to my fifty thousand bosses was just great...they all liked you, they said so...I mean...you were witty and charming and funny. You made Mr. Dakin laugh, I've never seen him laugh...not once. And you didn't seem nervous, were you comfortable? You seemed comfortable, because I thought you'd be incredibly nervous." Kagome started to ramble.

"Whoa, whoa, there. Slow down, first of all I don't know how you have this much energy, this late. And secondly, yes I was nervous, but I was doing my best not to show it"

Kagome just gave him a warm smile and reached out to take his hand and hers. "I just need to thank you again. For everything, this whole...cockamamie scheme, moving in here...you made me finally be able to relax a little and think that this just might work. And feel just how lucky I am to have you in my life. Like a gift from some higher power." she said laying her head on her arm for a moment. "Which reminds me" she said letting go of his hand and jumping up from the couch. "I got you a Christmas present and I just don't want to wait so...close your eyes" she said giggling like she was twelve.

Inuyasha put his arms up in protest. "Kagome, you didn't have to..." he began, but was cut off as she silenced him with a finger.

"Ah, ah, ah. Not another word. I know we thought we shouldn't, but I wanted to because you're much more to me than just a roommate." she stopped smiling and looked at him dead in the eyes and swallowed audibly. "You're probably the best friend I ever had" she said attempting to smile and tears welling up in her eyes. Before Inuyasha could respond though, she'd broken away and ran to the hall closet. Opening the door she pulled out a gift bag and a small wrapped package. "Here" she said extending the gifts toward him.

Inuyasha could not say anything, he just managed to smile and stare goofily. He sat down on the couch and Kagome sat down beside him as he first opened the gift bag to reveal the medical bag inside.

"Do you like it?" Kagome asked, her voice filled with trepidation.

"It's brilliant" Inuyasha said smiling. "How did you find this?"

"A little shop in the East Village...I was just browsing and boom. I mean, I know its not practical or anything I just thought that it might be nice or something."

"It's brilliant" Inuyasha repeated. "And very thoughtful" he said smiling as best he could.

Kagome smiled, happy that she had made him happy. "Wait, there's more, open the other one" she said grabbing the other package and placing it in his lap.

Inuyasha smiled again and obliged her, gently tearing off the colorful paper, or at least attempting to. "Geez, did you use enough tape...it's like you wrapped it in tape and no paper. You went tape crazy" he joked.

"I was thorough" Kagome protested.

"If that's how you want say it, that's fine with me" he ribbed her a little further.

"Fine then, I'll take it back from you" she said reaching over to grab the gift.

"Sorry you can't, it's mine now, my gift and no take backs. Those are the rules, which I just made up" he said holding it away from her so she could not reach it.

Kagome huffed, "Fine, but be nice, it's the holidays"

Inuyasha nodded and tore away the remaining paper. Inside was a framed picture of the two of them that had been taken when they had taken a random trip to the Zoo over Thanksgiving when both had realized that neither of them had been. They had gotten a reasonably friendly tourist to take it for them. The picture showed both of them in front of the penguin exhibit, which Kagome had wanted to go in so badly and had Inuyasha and Kagome seated next to the cage where a few curious penguins had come to the glass, much to Kagome's delight.

Inuyasha said nothing, but took Kagome's hand in his, shocking Kagome a little. "Thank you, so much...this means a lot." he said his voice trembling slightly with unexpressed emotion.

"It's no big deal" Kagome said trying to keep from feeling flustered under his gaze.

"No really, I mean...do you know the last time anyone got me a Christmas present...it's been...God, I don't know how long...years...I..." Inuyasha struggled to find the right words.

Kagome couldn't help the tears from pouring out, but she leapt forward and hugged Inuyasha tightly to her surprising Inuyasha a little. She sobbed silently as she clung to him. She just wanted to hug him tight enough so that all of the memories of his past would disappear so that he might be able to have a happy future.

"Why are you crying?" Inuyasha said laughing and rubbing her back, trying to comfort her. "Hey, no tears... no tears tonight...it's been too good of a night. Now, hang on a moment...I have something for you" he said gently breaking the embrace.

Kagome was bewildered, "What? Inuyasha you shouldn't..." she began, but was cut off in the same way that she had done to him.

"No, no words...it's a present and I wouldn't have wanted to spend my money any other way so no protests, okay?" he said giving her a gentle command to which she nodded after a moment. "Okay then, wait here" he said as he disappeared into his room for a moment leaving Kagome to contemplate what he was getting. He returned a moment later with a brown paper bag.

"I didn't have time to wrap it so...here" he said somewhat awkwardly placing it Kagome's lap.

Kagome looked down at the bag for a moment and started to reach inside, but stopped. "It's nothing gross, is it?" she asked pleadingly.

Inuyasha just smirked. "Only one way to find out" he said unable to hide his amusement.

Kagome gave him a look, but placed her hand in the bag once more. Slowly she removed the box from inside. She knew immediately that it was jewelry and said nothing as she slowly flattened out the paper bag and cradled the box in her hands. Slowly, with trembling fingers she opened the box to reveal the jade bracelet that Inuyasha had bought for her. She gasped and brought a hand to her mouth.

"Inuyasha I don't know what to say"

"Say, thank you" came his smart response.

Teary eyed again, Kagome turned to look at him. "Inuyasha I can't accept this, it cost too much for you to spend."

"Hey, no protests, if I didn't want to give it to you I wouldn't have. It's nothing compared to what I would give to you. You gave me my life back so this is nothing. Besides, it was between this or socks so..." he said jokingly.

She laughed in spite of her self. "Thank you, Inuyasha" she finally said placing the box on the coffee table with the other gifts and leaning in to give him a hug. She clutched him tightly and he did the same, his fingers playing gently with her hair as she buried her face into his neck. They sat like that a long time on the couch, neither uttering a word just holding onto one another neither letting go as if for fear the other might disappear. Slowly though, they released one another and when they came face to face with the other they froze, unable to keep from looking at one another. Kagome's breath caught in her throat as her lips gently parted. She wanted nothing more than to have him kiss her, long and good like they did in black and white movies and it seemed Inuyasha was more than willing to oblige. He slowly moved in, licking his lips just once and inching his way closer and closer. Reaching out towards her, he gently held her chin in his hand any will power gone. Inches away he closed his eyes...and Kagome panicked. Snapping out of it fearfully she knocked his hands away gripped his face and planted a chaste kiss on his cheek. His eyes flying open the two shared an uncomfortable moment of silence.

"Well goodnight" Kagome said springing up from the couch and fleeing up the stairs. She did not stop until she reached her room and shutting the door behind her she immediately had collapsed on the floor. What was the matter with her. She had almost kissed him...let him kiss her...or whatever. It was ridiculous, positively ludicrous and yet...every fiber of her being ached for her to have done it and as she sat on the floor by the door, head in hands, she knew she had made the wrong decision. She had panicked, and run away scared to her room. She just wasn't good at this and despite any and all complications that it might bring, she just had wanted to give in to this 'bad decision' just once to let go and do what she ached for all over. She was going to need a really long shower for this one.


Downstairs, Inuyasha just sighed. Again, his control had slipped and he had almost crossed the line with Kagome. No matter how much he wanted to just kiss her uncontrollably on those so soft and ever so kissable lips of hers he knew that it was a line he couldn't cross. He would not jeopardize her future like that for his own selfish desires. He had scared her, clearly and now she was upstairs shut away in her room and it was yet another thing that would not be able to face. He hated to think that he was going to spend Christmas unable to talk to her because both were going to have to try and once again forget what had almost just happened. He sighed and picking himself up off the couch went to get ready for bed.


After a long shower, Kagome dried her hair and slipped into some pink pajama pants and a white top. However, tonight she knew she was not going to sleep. She was lucky that she didn't have work tomorrow and that it was the start of her holiday vacation. She did also regret that she was not going to be able to face Inuyasha in non awkward conversation for about a week. As she lay in her bed she glanced over at the clock. 2:45 AM it said in bright green numbers. Suddenly, music drifted into her ears. The same music that she heard every once in awhile and was still unsure of where it came from. Unable to resist the urge to attempt to find where it was coming from she got out of bed and slipped on her bathrobe and slippers. She descended the stairs silently and as she turned the corner was met with a sight she did not expect. There was Inuyasha sitting down at the baby grand piano that she had never touched, delicately playing 'Christmas Time is Here'. She hugged the frame of the archway and listened and watched him play for awhile as the melodic strains drifted over to her. His hands gently stroked the ivory keys and he was in a complete world of his own. Opening his eyes he happened to glance over at the door and stopped playing.

"I'm sorry, did I wake you?" he asked starting to stand.

"No, please don't stop. I was awake" Kagome said making her way over to the piano. "I've been wondering where this mystery music has been coming from...thought I was going crazy" Kagome tried to joke.

"Oh...yeah...that's me...sorry." Inuyasha said looking down to avoid any eye contact with the black haired beauty in front of him.

Kagome opened her mouth to speak, but said nothing unable to find words. "I uh...didn't know you could play" she said finally, forcing a smile.

"Yeah...my uh...Dad taught me. He played in a band when he was younger..." he said eyes still downcast.

"Yeah?" Kagome replied.

"Yeah" Inuyasha said.

Unable to bear conversation any longer Kagome nodded her head. "Well goodnight" she said turning and heading for the stairs.

"Kagome, wait." Inuyasha said. "I just wanted to say I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you by almost kissing you like that" he began unable to keep this swept under the rug any longer. "Just with the presents and the alcohol and the guise we're supposed to be under, I guess I got a little carried away." he said, trying to save some face at the same time.

Kagome turned, blushing, happy that the room was dark so he couldn't see. "It's okay, it was me too though, so you don't need to apologize. I just don't want things to be odd between us. So don't worry about it, we'll both need to just do our best to keep our hands off one another, okay?" she said jokingly in an attempt to alleviate the mood.

"Deal" Inuyasha said chuckling.

"You play very well," Kagome said coming to take a seat next to Inuyasha on the piano bench.

"Thanks, like I said, my Dad taught me." he said nodding.

Kagome nodded as well speaking. "You know, this thing has been in my apartment since I moved in and I have never once played it. I never learned how to play so its just kind of decorative here".

Inuyasha looked at her incredulously. "Really? Well, then I'll teach you a little song, something to wow whoever comes over next with."

"Okay" Kagome said, glad the strangeness had passed.

"Put your fingers here" he instructed.

"Here?" she asked as she gawkily placed her hand on the keys.

"Just like that...now here" he said placing his hand on top of hers and slowly pressed her fingers down making her play a simple, but unmistakable rendition of 'Jingle Bells'.

Kagome laughed and looked up at Inuyasha. "I'm doing it" she remarked.

"You're very good" he responded not looking at her.

"Inuyasha?" Kagome said breathing deeply.

"What?" Inuyasha asked turning towards her, but was unable to say anything else as Kagome took a chance and gently reached up and wrapping her arms around his neck gently brought her lips to his kissing him sweetly. She couldn't believe her own actions, but as she felt Inuyasha wrap his arms around her and respond to the kiss. It was warm and not demanding in the slightest, almost hesitant and shy, but sent little electric pulses all the way to the tips of her toes. She could feel the power in his body resonate as he took over carefully cradling her head as his kiss seemed to explore not just her lips, but her very being. His fingers played with her hair as the kiss sent white hot flashes all along her body making her tingle all over as if she were taking a champagne bath. She felt herself going limp all from this one simple kiss as she surrendered herself completely into his warm and inviting embrace.

Outside, snow began to gently fall, reflecting the city lights on the two from outside, but completely unnoticed as the two continued to share this most tender of moments any thought, sound, or sight of the city outside completely forgotten as they shared the sweetest first kiss either of them had ever known.

To be continued...


There, I did it. I'm so sorry again that it took me forever to do it, but I hope it was worth the wait. Please enjoy and as always I'd love you all to send reviews my way. I make no promises about the next chapter, but rest assured I will be working away at it diligently for all of you. Don't worry, no matter how long it takes me I promise I will finish this story. Probably just five or six more chapters I think, but you never know...that's only a guess. My love to you all and I'll see you next time.


Words of Wisdom from yours truly: "One night, I went outside and decided that for each star in the sky I would think of one thing I love about you. I was doing great until I ran out of stars."
