Chapter 1: Peace?

K, a tad OOC but oh well! we all know that Krad loves messing with Dark, but what happens when he takes it too far? Ok, in this fanfic Dark is trying to mend Krad and Dark's differences and Krad is not helping any, in fact he is causing another war! Who knew that…blah de blah blah (gotta read to find out)…could start a war for revenge!

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters of DNAngel…wish I did…

Dark: (end of his speech) So I was thinking that we could get together and work out our differences…

Krad: (in a teasing voice) ooooo…Are you asking me out? I didn't realize you swung that way… (acts scandalized)

Dark: (blushes) No, I didn't mean for it to come out that way! What I met to say…

Krad: don't you mean: what I "meant" to say?

Dark: yea, that's right, what I meant to say-

Krad: meat…

Dark: meat?

Krad: yea, you said it wrong again, its said like this: what I meat to say…(trying to keep his face straight)

Dark: (looks bewildered) Noooo, its: what I met to say, no wait! What I meat to say….arrrggg! Stop it!

Krad: (looks innocent) What? I'm not doing anything…(starts whistling)

Dark: Yes you are! Your correcting my speech and then going overboard and confusing what I "meant" to say…

Krad: nah, you do that all on your own, and by the way, its actually: what you "mart" to say…( tries to cover up his snickering)

Dark: (frustrated) Quit it! We are totally off topic now thanks to you! Now, anyway, I'm going to write the rest of this conversation cause I'm tired of being interrupted! (gets out piece of paper and starts writing a paper about truce and peace)

Krad: (curiously looks over Dark's shoulder) You spelled that wrong….and that…and that…and tha-

Dark: (looks up with a glare at Krad) Shut up! Your not my grammar teacher now are you? No, your not! So just go and s-

Krad: oooo, little Darky-kums still has a grammar teacher! How shocking! (puts hands over eyes as if to make the fact disappear but seems to have a thought and looks at Dark with mischievous eyes) awwww… little sweetums, that's ok! We can work through this and maybe you can pass next yea- (is patting Dark on head like a little kid while holding back gales of laughter)

Dark: (bats away Krad's hands) Stop it! I am not a little kid! Will you PLEASE! Get serious, its not like this is getting us anywhe-

Krad: (is on phone plainly ignoring Dark) Oh, Takeshi! Latest news update for you, wanna here it?…. (in singsong voice) something to do with Dark….yea, uhu, you really sure you want to know?…really really sure?…really really really sure?…fine! I will tell you! (in a conspirators whisper) Dark still wets his bed…really! Its true!…(glances over at Dark who is advancing on him) Got to go, Takeshi! Make sure its out in the newspapers by morning…uhu…bye! (makes somewhat of a less than graceful exit by running full tilt away from Dark)

Dark: (after him) come back here! When I get a hold of you there will be no peace talks! There will only be….revenge! REVENGE! Did you hear me Krad? Krad!

Revenge? What revenge would that be, Dark? Find out in the next time because Krad may have won the battle, but has he won the war?