Finally! I got the prologue done! Wow...two Jak fic's in one day... I'M ON A ROLL!

A/N I'm going to stick with most of the script from the game in this chapter, but I might change it here and there. That, as well as what their doing while speaking.

To most everyone it would have seemed to be a normal day in Sandover Village, but to four elves, whom we know as: Jak, the hero who defeated the dark eco sages previously known as Maia and Gol. Daxter, the reason Jak did so, and blabbering fuzz ball. Keira, the green haired daughter of Samos, and part-time mechanic. And lastly, (defiantly least to me, but, hey, I'm just sayin') Samos, the sage of green eco, and blathering loghead. "Today's the big day, Jak."

Samos advised, walking up to the two elves and ottsel. "I hope you are prepared, for whatever happens."

Jak didn't seem to pay the last part much attention. Keira however, seemed slightly offended. "I think I figured out most of this machine. It interacts somehow with that large Precursor Ring. I just hope we didn't break anything moving it here to the lab."

She countered. "Easy for you to say! We did all the heavy lifting!"

Daxter shouted. Keira smiled warmly at Jak, knowing fully well that he had done most of the lifting, and that Daxter had almost destroyed the thing on multiple occasions. At this moment, Daxter decided to test the machine out, only to be reprimanded for attempting so. "Daxter! Don't touch anything! Though the Precursors vanished long ago,the artifacts they left behind can still do great harm."

Samos chided. "Or great good! If you figure out how to use them."

Keira corrected her father. Taking this as the time to activate the machine, Jak reached out and pressed the ruby-like button. The rift gate's center turned purple. "Looks like Jak's still got the mojo!"

Daxter exclaimed, earning a peeved look from the channeler. This was interrupted by a voice of reason. "Interesting... it appears to be reading out some preset coordinates."

Keira noted, both Jak and Daxter looked back at her. Suddenly the bridge began to fall apart, as the ring began to rotate, and the sky turned a darker shade of purple than the inside of the rift gate. "Wow, look at that!"

Daxter said unnecessarily. "Finally! The last Rift Gate has been opened!"

A monstrous voice roared, as creatures that we know as metal heads flooded out of the ring. "Aaaaargh! What are those things!"

Daxter cried, ducking behind Jak. "So THIS is how it happened..."

Samos said to himself, no one commented on this because the head of the monster appeared right after the metal heads had finished streaming out. Although Jak did make a mental note, and decided to think about it later. "You cannot hide from me boy!"

The monster bellowed. "Do something, Jak!"

Keira pleaded. "What's this do?"

Daxter asked while pointing at, and occasionally pressing buttons. "Or that!"

He exclaimed while looking at another button. Then he looked in a different direction with a whole new set of buttons. "How 'bout this one! Everybody, press all the buttons!"

The ottsel yelled, Jak, seemed to know what he was doing, and pressed the ruby-ish button again. "What was that thing!"

"Hang on everyone!"

"YYAAAAAAHHHHHH! I want off this thing!"

Three of the riders yelled, three being Daxter, Keira, and Samos, obviously, because Jak couldn't speak.(Dare ya to figure out who said what! Oh…right… you played the game, you already know….)As the machine began to fall apart it's four occupants were sent flying in different directions, although Jak and Daxter where sent in the same direction, but they wouldn't be together long. Before they could no longer hear each other Samos shouted to Jak, but it was lost in the vortex. "Find yourself Jak!"

The two quickly found themselves (Okay, I don't mean that based on what Samos said. Loghead……) on a concrete covered ground and surrounded by metal buildings. Daxter threw the lead pipe he had accidentally brought with them down. It made a loud clank. (I think that's why the KG came, because they heard that. ITS ALL DAXTER'S FAULT!) "Okay, I swear that's the last time I ever, EVER, touch any stupid Precursor junk!"

He yelled, matching the pipes volume. (I don't swear, typing or not, just to take care of that.) A shadow was cast over the pair, they looked up to the source. It was a face no one would forget, the face of the Krimson guard commander, Errol. (You spell it your way, I spell it mine. I'm just used to the two r's. Okay… Why am I rambling on about Errol and spelling?) One of the KG stepped forward. "There he is. Move in."

He commanded, edging in on Errol's authority. "Step away from the animal!" The other demanded of Jak, he never obeyed this order though, because Daxter did just that. It didn't make much difference to guards though, the rodent was just moving away from the kid. "YYAAAAHHHH!" Daxter yelled as he fled. Errol turned to the guards. "Forget the rat. The Baron wants him!" Thecommander said pointing to Jak, whom he currently turned to face. "We've been waiting for you."

He said, leaning over so he could face the boy directly.

"Don't worry Jak! I'll save you before you know it!"

Okay, I just left it hanging because I feel too lazy to do anything else. I'm still moping about my romance fic... now I'm going to blow stuff up.