A/N: This is the last "Chapter" for this story. This last chapter is an Epilogue. I'm adding several new characters in the sequel, but you'll only meet one in this chapter. You'll just have to read the sequel. R&R.

9. Epilogue

He was handsome. He was tall; about six foot three. He wore only the most exquisite suits of the time, confirming his financial status. His hair was that of dark, dark brown, almost the color of ebony. His skin was pale, yet took on a golden hue, which brought out his blue-green eyes. He was simply marvelous the way he carried himself about the place. He was graceful with every step he took, never the opposite. He worked hard to earn the place he was in.

Gerard Destler was just like any other person, but with a harder past. His mother died when he was five, and his father was an abuser and a drunkard. He knew something else went on in the family, but when he questioned his father, he only got a whipping. When he had enough, he ran away from home when he was seven, living on the streets until he discovered his talent for singing.

From there, he worked his way up, earning and saving his money, all the while collecting more as he gained respect. He purchased a small manor in a quiet part of Paris, when he was twenty. He was twenty-six now. He had a career as a member of an Opera Chorus. His tenor voice was rare, and his employers always marked him as a favorite and most recommended. Soon, he would be in the limelight. Just how soon, he didn't know, but he knew that it would happen sooner or later.

It was a life one could only hope for. But there was always something missing. Everything he lived for was music, and nothing more. He didn't have a family to go home to, or friends to talk to, though he talked to his managers, but they really weren't interested in HIM; only his voice. He was a lonely man when he sang, and he was a lonely man when he walked over the threshold of his manor. He wished with all his heart, that someday, someday soon, that he would find someone to love, and in return, she love him back forhis heart,not his voice. Sure, he could have any woman he wanted, as they always blushed when he smiled or walked by. Some of them even went so far as to flirt with him, or stalk him. ButGerard was a hopeless romantic. He did not care about society's view on love. They only married for money, or high family names, then money. He wanted to marry for love, as that was what he never had. He only loved music, but music wasn't a human that would love him back. Because of this decision, he waited for the "right" one. He would know which one was to be his when he saw her. He just knew it.

A/N: Okay, see if you know where I'm going with this one…Gerard won't show up until later, but at least you know a little about him. Later as in…the sequel later. Don't worry, I've got the first chapter written out, I need to type it, and also type up a prologue. I promise to try and get it in soon. Sorry it was short, but I needed a "filler" and an ender. R&R.