Never expected me to write a romance fic, did ya? Okay….So I didn't either…. But the moment I saw the ending movie (It feels so good to say it. I SAW THE ENDING MOVIE. I BEAT JAK 3! (You think I'm an idiot now, don't you?)) I knew it could be made into a great (or what may be the case now, stupid) romance fic. (I con't believe I'm saying that either…romance fic… -shivers-) So here it is, for lack of better title: (plus the phrase keeps coming up in here…)

Without Jak

Everyone was gathered in Spargus' battle arena, Errol was gone, (hopefully for good) and the precursors were conversing with the group. (Their reactions are a different story) It was a certain comment from the wise looking ottsel that caught Keria's attention. "Are you ready Jak? We have something to show you."

Keria looked at Jak, he was standing next to the precursor ship. "What?" He asked. "The universe." Reality rushed over Keria, he was leaving. Jak, the hero from Sandover, Damas' son, and savior of the planet, was leaving. Just as this occurred to her, the hero entered the ship, and it left, he was leaving everything, and everyone he knew behind. Keira wasn't sure how she felt, angry for her friend leaving, shocked he would do such a thing, but mostly sad, there was only one thing running through her mind.

Without Jak. Without Jak, the planet was doomed, she had heard what the precursors said, more adventures. Without Jak, Spargus would be lost, he was Mar, Damas' son, and rightful ruler. But one thing stood out above all else, Without Jak, she herself was lost.

Daxter and Pecker were all ready going at it, it was difficult for Keira to believe, even in this time while she was feeling so alone. Jak had just left, and they were acting as though nothing had happened. But, of course she hadn't looked down to see the scene, she only heard voices, no words, just voices.

Someone walked up to her, Keria expected it was her father, and she only had one thing to say. "But, I loved him." She whispered, tears running down her face. The elf beside her placed his hand on her shoulder, Keria looked at it. The skin didn't have the green tint. It wasn't her father. More importantly, there was armor coming down to his wrist. Keria could only continue crying as she looked into the owner of the hand, only this time they were tears of joy, not sorrow. She was looking into the face of the one she loved, Jak.

Okay, yeah. I know. It was dumb, and I still can't believe I typed 'love'. If you'll excuse me, I need to go blow some KG's up. I finally got unstuck on Jak II, but managed to get myself stuck again. Why can't Samos save himself? Yeah, I know, 'Way to ruin the mood G.A.H.'. Review if you want, I'm off to finally finish the prologue to Operation: Dark Warrior, contrary to what I said moments ago. But I do hope you at least enjoyed this if you took the time to read it.