By: Crimson Terror

Disclaimer: I don't own GA

The day was boring. Billy and Mandy sat on the couch staring blankly at the TV. Hoss Delgado was on and Billy was NOT going to miss Hoss Delgado. Grim then started complaining.

"Gosh, mon, I hate Hoss Delgado," whined Grim.

"Shut up, Grim!" screamed Mandy in an irritated voice.

"Well sorry, man, but why do we gotta watch ANOTHER episode of Hoss Delgado beating the living daylights out of yet ANOTHER mindless zombie!"

"Because, like a mindless zombie, you agreed to bet on a game of limbo with us, and, you LOST the bet, so NOW you have to do anything we tell you to do", yelled Mandy, "GOT IT!"

"I still don't see why you like Hoss so much, especially after he got defeated by Eris and banished to the Puppet Dimension."

Billy then stood up and started yelling. "I wish Nergal Jr. wasn't still mad at us after what happened at Summer Camp and school." Billy then looked up at Grim slowly, putting on the best sad little puppy face he had. Fake tears then began running down his now purple cheeks.

Grim sighed, "Fine, but if I get in any trouble from traveling through different dimensions, AGAIN, I swear..."

Mandy interrupted Grim, "Can we just leave already, you pathetic excuse for an angel of death?"

Grim then took his scythe and swiped it through the air. A giant cosmic rift like cut appeared in front of them. Inside they could see nothing but green waves of nothing. They all then jumped in it, falling down through the empty matter. After falling for tow seconds they landed with a "thud" on the ground.

"Yay!" shouted Billy, "We're here!"

"Don't get yourself in trouble, Billy." said Grim, "Nergal has been doing some redecorating since we were last here, so it's a lot bigger than before."

As Billy walked further and further, he began to overhear a voice. It sounded like the voice of no other than his disgusting Uncle Nergal.

"Ha, ha, ha!" Nergal laughed in the darkness, "With my now bullet-proof plan, I SHALL RULE THE WORLD, and maybe, just maybe even THE UNIVERSE."

As Nergal ranted on, Billy decided to listen. "Now, all I have to do is find the other six people to help me finish the prophecy." Nergal then pulled out a giant scroll. As Nergal unraveled it, Billy noticed a title at the top, "THE SEVEN DEADLY SINS PROPHECY OF BADLINESS". Then, as the scroll became completely unveiled, Billy gasped in despair. He then ran for Grim and Mandy in shock.

"Grim, Grim, Grim, Nergal is planning to rule the world… again!"

Grim laughed, his eyeless sockets filling with tears. "Nergal has NEVER succeeded in ruling the world and never will."


Grim suddenly had a serious face on. "THE SEVEN DEADLY SINS PROPHECY OF BADLINESS" is the worst, most horrible, disgusting, horrific, prophecy ever to be written!"

Billy then told Grim and Mandy to follow him. As they got closer, they could hear him still ranting on. That was when they saw the entire scroll. On it was something beyond horror.