Hope y'all like this new part in the story. R&R and standard disclaimer applies.

Part 5

As they raced towards the scene before them, Sailormoon bagan feeling a sense of dread creep up in her stomach. 'What if Tuxedo Kamn comes?' Then began thinking of worse. 'What if he doesn't? Did he only stay with me long enough to sleep with me? Is he gone forever now?' She kept thinking of these questions, un-knowingly driving herself deeper into the depression she accumulated. She stopped long enough to distract the Youma who was mudering innocent people by taking their energy, draining them fully, not just partly, as past youma's have done.
"Hey, you! What do you think you're doing, these people have done nothing wrong, why must you hurt them?" Sailormoon felt an ache creep up in the back of her throat, threatining tears yet to come. Then, the youma turned around, showing itself as every kid's worst nightmare. Forget Jason, Freddy Krugger, and Michael Meyers, this is what every kid, deep down, was afraid of. It seemed the Negaverse had taken control of a "joke shop", and the youma's dark soul had, just like the movie, possessed a doll.
The doll's name was Chucky. (A.N.: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!)
Sailormoon shuddered at the sight of the oversized doll (4 ft tall) and the wicked, gleaming knife. It seemed that to extract energy the doll had to stab it's victim untill they were dead, their energy releasing with their soul, which was also trapped in the knife. After a quick scan, Mercury figured it out and informed the other scouts. The doll gave a short speech on how it was going to, painfully, kill them and slowly drain them of their energy for the side of evil, then gave a laugh, thus proving that it had the same voice as the one in the movie. Sailormoon cringed at the sound and, suprisingly, so did Jupiter.
"I never did like those 'Child's Play' movies. I used to have this nightmare about Chucky chasing me around my house..."
"You too, Jupiter?" Mercury asked, surprised.
"Me three," Mars said.
"Look, can we just dust the thing, it scares me!" Sailormoon yelped. Mercury typed some more, obviously not liking what she was seeing.
"I'm sorry, Sailormoon, but it looks like we can't just 'dust it' like usual. It can only die the way that it died in its movie; you have to slice its face up, and then it will disintegrate."
"Great, just great. This is all I need right now. After this morning, I'm gonna have to deal with..."
"Sailormoon, look out," Mars yelled. Sailormoon barely dodged the blade of the doll coming straight down on her. It grazed her arm, just barely, but good enough for it to bleed. "Ahh!" she yelped again as he tried again,
... And again
... And again
... And several times in a row after that, Chucky did try, giving her a few more scratches in more places than one. Then, a loud, determined voice said, "Eat ice, creep!" (A.N.: For you, again, V-chan!) Then, Mercury got into her fighting stance and yelled, "Shine Aqua Illusion!" As it seems, Mercury did not aim high, for once, she aimed low. Very low, as it seems, freezing the feet. The doll let out a yell of pure rage, trying to break the ice with his knife. Finally, he began to get it to crumble, swinging harder until it fell away completely. Then, he turned to Sailormoon and said, in his 'doll' voice:
"Hi, I'm Chucky, wanna play?" Sailormoon stood there, just looking at him, with fear in her eyes. Then, he began to attack, swinging his blade towards her again. She ran, just barely managing to hit a hot dog cart on her right side, but it was good enough to make her go down. Clutching her painful side she tried to get up to run, feeling the doll's shadow creep over her. "Hey blondie," he drawled in his 'doll' voice. "I wanna play with *you*. Now hold still, 'cause this is gonna hurt!" He raised the knife right above her head and said, in *his* voice, "Bye, bye, blondie." He brought it down swiftly, and right before it could sink into her flesh, he stopped, clutching his arm, which was bleeding heavily. Or rather, it was his wrist bleeding heavily, a thin straight cut very deep. Sailormoon didn't even look up when she heard the familiar voice distracting the youma, she just got up and ran to her senshi. She just heard Tuxedo Kamen tell her to attack.
Sailormoon took off her taira and yelled, "Moon Frisbee Attatck!" She threw it at the youma, and it sliced one part of its face. Then, Tuxedo Kamen took his cane and put it in the Frisbee's path. It ricocheted off and towards the doll again, slicing its face, one more time. It yelled and dropped its knife, which shattered and the souls and the energy returned to wher they belonged, the energy healing the wounds. Chucky looked towards Sailormoon with hatred, pure unadultered hatred in his eyes.
"I'll come back. I always come back!
"But, dying is *such* a bitch." Then the youma burst into dust, keeping form before crumbling into a pile a drifting away. Sailormoon caught her tiara and put it back on her head. She was very happy about the youma, but then she remembered, Tuxedo Kamen was still there. She stood there and she remembered every little detail of that morning...
"Sailormoon, we need to go back to the temple," she faintly heard Luna say.
... His lips were on her neck, his hands gently pulling her fuku down, giving him access to more of her flesh...
Tuxedo Kamen stood in the shadows, watching her and thinking of her, just as she was doing to him.
... Her breath came in short gasps as he kissed further down, to her chest, over her taught, slightly rounded tummy, and down. He tasted her flesh whereever he could find it, not remembering ever feeling this way about any girl. Yes, he did, a long time ago, it seemed like a dream, a beautiful dream he would finally live out. Gods, how he needed her, how he wanted to make her scream her need for him...
She felt someone nudge her, looking over to see the faithful Sailormercury. "Hey girl, are you okay? You, well, you look a little out of it." Sailormoon nodded as if to say, 'I am.' "Well, maybe you should rest a little bit before we talk about the Negaverse some more. We have to have our leader in healty condition to fight." With that, she began leading Sailormoon to the temple.
... He held her carefully, as if not wanting to break her. She felt weak as he kissed her more and more, making her feel like she was helpless under his gaze, his touch, and his care for her. Such deep caring, as if it were something deeper...
She was aware of the Senshi pulling her to the temple once again. She glanced back, not knowing why, and she saw him, looking right at her, as if in a trance. His eyes glazed, as hers were just seconds ago. She, once again, saw the look of lust in his eyes. She turned away, but felt his eyes on the back of her, tracing over her as his hands could -would- do again. The look in his eyes had affirmed it, that it was not his intention to hurt her. Gods, she wanted more of him, and she knew she would never get enough of her love.
... As he looked at her with the longing in his eyes that were slowly fading, he began to think. 'If she had never even been kissed, I doubt she has ever had another man deep within her, as she wants me to be. Gods, she's so innoccent, and sweet. Maybe I sould tell her that... no, I'll tell her later. She shouldn't know, at least she is not yet ready.' He thought some more, settling himself fully over her lithe, petitte body. 'Sailormoon, I promise, I will love you forever. Nomatter what, we will be together. This will not be just a one-night stand; this will be the beginning of us. Forever, you and me, forever.' With those last last thoughts, he buried himself in her, feeling the shell of loneliness fall completely away forever. She screamed his name, as he wished she would always do, and for once, he let himself be overcome with emotion.
He screamed her name, too...
She looked to him one more time and smiled softly, lovingly. He smiled back, and jumped into the sky, back to his home in his apartment.

End Part 5