Disclaimer: I don't own anything but the plot. The rest is Jo's.

Warning: NC-17, R, X, M: whatever is the highest rating, this is it! I have warned you so don't say I didn't! Please don't report me!This is probably a little bit of a non-con, not rape and a tiny bit of minor in some countries, but not in mine (Harry is sixteen in this fic, btw).

'Real' Warning: TOYS, Non-con (a little), and a lot more warningsin the next chapter, 'cause this is just the prologue and I haven't really planned that much of the actual sex-scene.

A/N: This is just a little something that came to me after finding a Snarry site on the web and reading a bit too much of it. Have almost everything planned out so don't despair. And I know I'm evil for starting this when I haven't updated DM in... forever! And not posting those one-shots thatI so faithfully promised my Norwegian-beta (hope she doesn't hate me...). Truth is, I lost my inspiration... Yes, it is true, a Writer's Block. hears screams in background Anyhoo, now that the holidays is over with I hope I will finally be able to come back to my writings. I plan to finish this (just one chapter more, sort of a one-shot with a prologue, really) and then DM and then post the Norwegian one-shots once my beta (still can't believe I have a beta!) have had a look on them :) So, enjoy reading and please review!

Oh, and btw:

under the writing means 'Inner voice' and this one means Harry's thinking it (if that's at all possible :P)

Prologue: The package

A plain brown package. That was all Hedwig had delivered. There was no note. No explanation to what it was. Could be anything. Harry thought. Could be dangerous. Could be from Voldemort…

He opened it.

Inside there was a box. Nothing has hexed me yet... Perhaps I should still tell Dumbledore? Don't get paranoid! His inner voice warned him. That man doesn't control your life. He doesn't need to know everything. For god's sake you're sixteen years old; you can handle a simple package on your own. Harry opened the box. Inside it there was another package. This one was also brown, but had almost the same shape as a carrot…

All of his warning signals were running high-speed. Please, his inner voice said again. If killing you would be as simple as sending a discreetly packed package wouldn't Voldemort has done it before?Harry considered this before finally opening the last paper.

The thing was truly shaped as a carrot, but had something like a ball shape on the tip. It looked more like a… Harry blushed. Who, in their wildest world, would send me this? Is it some kind of a joke…?

He looked around the Gryffindor sixth year's dormitories. Luckily, everybody was out. Harry could almost imagine the laughs the other boys would have if somebody saw that he, the boy who lived, had gotten sent a… dildo?

No, it was smaller than a dildo. Not that he would know what a dildo looked like, or anything like that- Can it, boy-wonder. No need to defend yourself. Nobody but you and me here, right now.

Weird how my 'inner voice' sounds almost like… Snape. Harry shrugged and went back to inspecting the almost-dildo.

The Thing was almost completely silver with black and green lines running around it in pretty shapes. If anything could look pretty on a… whatever it was.

It was about nine centimetres and looked almost femininely skinny. Harry turned it upside down for a closer inspection. It was only then that he discovered the little string hanging out from the 'bottom' of the Thing.

The little string was also silver and looked like a wire. It hung down from the Thing and disappeared in the chaos of brown papers. Brushing away the paper Harry found a… Oh god, it's a remote control! Who would send me a dildo with a remote control? Who's muggle enough to know about this sort of things and still use owl post? Hermione? The thought made him snort out loud. Hermione; sending him a sex toy? No, it couldn't be… could it?

No! His thoughts almost screamed the answer.

He mentally shrugged the thought away and went back to his inspecting.

The remote control had four buttons; 'Start', 'Low', 'Medium' and 'Hard'. Harry pressed 'Start'.

The moment he pressed it the Thing started vibrating! He dropped it at once.

It landed on the bed and rolled around, twitching.

Harry just stared at it, a feeling close to shock spinning around hid body.

Somebody had sent Harry Potter a vibrating sex toy.

Please review and tell me how I'm doing!